#i love this creator spotlight series



Creator Spotlight #3

This month, we are celebrating…


About the Author:

@fanmoose12 is truly a gem to the levihan community. Do I need to say more? I actually joined Tumblr because of her. I was kinda new to the levihan fandom and I remember stumbling on her fics. They were so good that I even requested a few ideas and omg she delivered!

Any Personal Experience?

Fanmoose helped me when I started writing fics. I remember being so scared to dm her, but she was so sweet and encouraging. I have even talked to her outside of Tumblr and she is literally the best. Watching her and Ren (her spouse) interact is so cute and hilarious. Overall, she is a fun person to be around.

Fic Recommendations:

We Play Pretend (Teen and Up):

Fake. Dating. It is so good! The Ackerman family, the banter, fluff, ANGST! Basically, Levi’s family is trying to set him up, but he decided hire Hange to fake date him after finding an ad on Craigslist. I highly recommend this one!

Catch Me if You Can (Teen and Up):

Okay so I remember reading it when it first came out, but then I stopped because I was caught up and life happened. I honestly liked the concept of it. So Hange is trying to catch and arrest the Ackermans but then she meets Levi. She does not know that he is an Ackerman but I think Levi knew who she was. I need to catch up on it but it is a good read!

Once Upon a Time(Gen):

Okay so this one was actually requested by me a loooong time ago. I am a sucker for Disney au’s and this one is a Cinderella one. Fun fact, Fanmoose also did a Beauty and the Beast one and it was so good! Anyways, the whole story is cheesy and cute. The ending is the best part!
