#i love you rose



“Masamune seemed to hate cherry blossoms”

I was thinking on my walk to the train today about Trifecta going to see the cherry blossoms and how Takafumi never went (unless somehow he went for work) and he starts to say that to Zen but, knowing how jealous his bf is, he stops himself. Zen gets annoyed but doesn’t press. (Which is probably a lot more bearable than a jelly Kiri.)

I find that very relatable somehow.

Takafumi had no clue why Takano hated cherry blossoms. Takano never told him and yet somehow that’s stopped him from going all these years. Maybe because Takano is his only friend and viewing cherry blossoms is something you do with others.

And yet here he is with Kirishima and there’s a realization (at least for me but also I think for Takafumi) that Masamune’s issue isn’t his problem. He’s had closure from Takano and there’s no reason why he can’t enjoy an outing with Kirishima watching cherry blossoms.

And maybe because the cherry blossom viewing is the beginning of spring there’s a feeling of newness and starting over. If we didn’t know Yokozawa was completely over Takano we do now.
