#sekaiichi hatsukoi


Talking one day about onodera when they’re drunk

Takano:Don’t worry about it….

Yokozawa: Trust me, you’re way better than Onodera’s fiancée

Yokozawa:And you have this! (Pokes his chest)

Takano:My nipple??

Yokozawa:Your heart!!

A random day before Hatori and Chiaki started dating

Chiaki: I’m single and you’re single… you know what that means?

Yuu, blushing:What?

Chiaki: We ugly

Onodera and Yokozawa in the distance:TAKANO/MASAMUNE!

Random worker: What’s that?!

Hatori: That is the sound of two very angry people that are about to murder someone. May god have mercy on his soul.


Usami: That’s kinda erotic

Onodera: Why does everything seem to be erotic to you?

Usami, contemplating:Hmmm

Onodera: I kinda need a hug but I’d rather DIE than let anyone know I’m a human being that desperately craves intimacy

Takano: We have to meet the deadline… it’s either that or we quit our jobs and find another career path

Kisa: I think we’d make good prostitutes

Mino: We’d make amazing prostitutes

Kisa:Hey can we borrow 400$?

Onodera:Sure, but what for?

Mino: We’re helping Takano get out of an escape room

Onodera: What kind of escape room costs 400$?



Onodera: Leave him

Takano when he was a teenager:Ritsu I can get by on my own

Takano after Ritsu showed up 10 years later:Ritsu I swear if you don’t let me love you-

Hatori:There are no more snacks left in the office

Kisa, offended:I’m literally right here

Takano:How’d you know I was going to propose?

Ritsu:Yokozawa hasn’t been able to look at me without shaking his head in disappointment all month

Takano:If I say I love you, would you say it back?


Takano:Okay. I love you

Ritsu:It back


Yukina:Nice shirt, I have one just like that

Kisa:Oh that’s because it’s yours

Takano:Thanks for dinner

Ritsu:I thought you paid?


Ritsu:I guess we won’t be going back there

Onodera:Good morning cruel world

Takano:Don’t you mean goodbye cruel world?

Onodera:No, I meant good morning. This world may be cruel but I’m still kickin’

Onodera:What’s your favorite color?

Takano:Stop asking me stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature

Onodera:How many molecules of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?

Takano:My favorite color is green


Yokozawa, at his desk after being caught kissing Kirishima at work: I’m gonna kill myself.

Henmi: Come on, Yokozawa-san! Look on the bright side of it!



Yokozawa: Well? What’s the bright side of it?

Henmi: Oh. I didn’t think so far.

Shjr characters as things said at my work place this week part 3

Kisa:*lets out a breathy moan*

Onodera coming around the corner:*Stares at him*…

Kisa looks up with handful of chocolate halfway to his face:Uuuuhhh

Onodera:*proceeds to act like he didn’t hear anything*
