#i luv this man


Whatsup gang

I’m… still in hell xD but I drew something!!! eyyy

Zephyr by @uhhbananafrappeand@mercy-monster


“Michel Ney was walking in the very end behind everyone. He symbolically wanted to cross the river [Niemen] as a last soldier of Grande Armée on it’s retreat. When he crossed the river, he turned, raised his arm with a pistol defiantly and shot his last bullet to Russia.


There entered a man in a coat of cinnamon color, with long beard, red fierce eyes. “You don’t recognize me?” he asked. “No, who are you?”, “Marshal Ney.” “And where is the rearguard?” “I am the rearguard! No-one is behind me.”

- from Memoirs of Mathieu Dumas
