#i may sound silly but im dead serious



things I saw driving cross country

  • a white sign with JESUS printed on it in blue letters, but nothing on the back (Arizona)
  • white building with aggressive red neon lighting but nothing on the sign (new mexico)
  • abandoned gas pumps (new mexico)
  • mysterious, overwhelming death stench (new mexico)
  • the largest cross in the western hemisphere (texas)
  • four white signs: “FREEDOM” “CHRIST” “SET US” “FREE” (oklahoma)
  • decomposing cat skeleton at a gas station, of which @deep-disparity harvested the jaws, 2 teeth, and some vertebrae (oklahoma)
  • a well-lit billboard with the 10 Commandments, no context (oklahoma)
  • a billboard with an evolution diagram (monkey to man silhouettes) crossed out next to a picture of earth with “in the beginning, GOD CREATED” on it (tennessee)
  • random aquarium that looked like it was in the middle of the woods but realistically probably isn’t (tennessee)
  • large cross built from scaffolding with a color changing light pointed on it for illumination that happened to be an ominous red as we approached and stayed an ominous red until like .2 seconds before we were completely past it (virginia)
  • HUGE banner for the Arizona Diamondbacks … in Tennessee
  • a frame for a billboard with no boards, leaning way the fuck over and partially out of the ground (arkansas)
  • a billboard with the side panels gone so it was just a middle panel and the only readable word was DIE (texas)
  • r o a d k i l l (everywhere)
  • yellow port-a-potty miles away from all civilization stationed in the middle of the desert (arizona)
  • red banner proclaiming REPUBLICAN PARTY in a shopping plaza with no context (arizona)