#i mean- zhuzhis tackling wouldnt be much to binghe



There’s no real evidence in canon for this, but I love headcanoning Meng Mo as Luo Binghe’s paternal grandfather. Main potential evidence is that Luo Binghe and Meng Mo have similar dream powers, that Meng Mo took Luo Binghe under his wing in a relatively benign fashion, and that Meng Mo doesn’t have a body anymore which implies some shit went down at some point. 

I just like to imagine Tianlang-Jun finding out that the famous “Elder Dream Demon” is actually his even more famous “dead” father.

“GET OUT HERE, YOU DEADBEAT BASTARD,” Tianlang-Jun shouts into Binghe’s ear. “OH, WAIT! You can’t, can you?! You can’tget out here and meet your snake demon grandchild you were so fucking pissed off about! Meimei fucked you up good,huh?!”

“I don’t know that disappointing, ungrateful layabout,” Meng Mo says inside Luo Binghe’s head. “Who is he? What’s he talking about? He became a damn musician, what does he know about anything? Pretend you can’t hear him.”

Luo Binghe and Zhuzhi-Lang exchange looks of suffering and confusion. Binghe is seriously considering punching Tianlang-Jun in the face, accepting the fact that Zhuzhi will loyally tackle him if he does that. It’ll be worth it.
