#i mean fuck





i miss rogues in da2. like in dai if youre an archer and someone gets too close youre pathetically side stepping away as they obliterate you but in da2 you get too close to sebastian and he just whips out a knife and starts slashing he didnt give a fuck

da2 mages being able to use their staves as blunt force weapons in melee combat was also *chef kiss* delicious

like yes Merrill!! body that Coterie thug with your big wooden stick!! mana? i don’t know her. i don’t needher. prepare to get concussion, bitch

DA2 had the best and most fun combat of the series don’t @ me

With the glorious wtfuckery of being able to just tack an 8’+ staff to your back not withstanding (EVERY GAME), the huge fuck you of attack tactics changing from ranged to fuck-you-that’s-my-personal-space-GTFO is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. It’s also, hello, logical.

Mage: Damn. Out of mana. I’m toast. Fuck.

Me: But…big stick. O_o Swing big stick.

Mage: What? What stick? Who has a stick and why would I swing it?

Me: *cries*

I can forgive freshly-out Warden Mage because the Circle sure as fuck wouldn’t teach that. But you also can’t tell me their adopted family wouldn’t teach them. You cannot tell me Dalish mages would just sit there. You can’t tell me any Warden mage would just sit there. Wardens are likely to run out of mana on the regular and if you want to survive, you better learn to conserve where you can and augment with physical for damned sure. Magic is a tool, but it can’t be there only tool in your arsenal or you’re fucked when it runs out.

Not to mention, the martial techniques Anders, Merrill, and mage Hawke use? The strength and dexterity to do that nearly non-stop during battle? And add to that that most of their staves are bladed at one end (short pike, blade staff) or at least a heavy-duty something-or-other that would undoubtedly make a solid thunking noise (or squooshy) and leave pretty indents. I sure as hell would not want to be on the receiving end of those swings.

Battlemages FUCKING RULE.

And as a rogue and assassin at heart, if you think my rogues don’t carry half a dozen ways to kill you if you get too close, you’ll maybe have time to regret that thought before you bleed out.

Yep. DA2 did that right.

rereading kaiji part 1……. the human derby is fucking brutal
