#i mean they arent like cake cakes






sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

so I googled the thing in the last tweet there & I wished I hadn’t so now all of you get to see: smorgastarta

what the fuck is wrong with y’all

apparently swedes don’t want to share food bc they’re embarrassed by it

#that looks like a much larger even more fucked up version of seludka podshuba or however the fuck you spell it 

excuse me herring under a fur coat (seledka pod shuboy) is an excellent and tasty dish. i mean i hate it because the herring might randomly contain bones and im always on guard but thats the problem with me vs the concept of fish the TASTE is GOOD
