




The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.

I just wanna point out that it actually started on reddit but it somehow spilled over to twitter.

but yeah this is wild

To give my thoughts on Swedengate, as a Canadian, it is absolutely unthinkable that I would have a friend over as a kid and my parents NOT have them eat dinner with us. Absolutely unthinkable.



The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.



Obsessed with this dude in the notes of the “don’t ask a swede if you can eat at their house” post who seems to be unaware that setheverman has been inactive for uh

Over 3 years

He starved to death at a friend’s house






sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

#my favorite part of this is all the poor swedes who are chiming in to say that this is definitely a rich white swede thing #and not a legit cultural difference (via @antifaspiderman​ )

Oh thank god of course it’s the rich people being weird

#‘oh so it’s a rich people thing’ she said while casually tossing aside a large rock (via @fancyholycrow​)






sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

#my favorite part of this is all the poor swedes who are chiming in to say that this is definitely a rich white swede thing #and not a legit cultural difference (via @antifaspiderman​ )

Oh thank god of course it’s the rich people being weird

#‘oh so it’s a rich people thing’ she said while casually tossing aside a large rock (via @fancyholycrow​)



The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.



“oh mein gott” destroyed germany, “woa mama mia cunt” destroyed italy, and “naur” destroyed australia. who is next?

“forcing your guest to sit alone while your family eats together downstairs” has destroyed sweden

Sweds not feeding their guests because they say they don’t have enough food vs my Spanish friend’s parents refusing to let me go home without allowing them to make me an omelette at least when I showed up unexpected for something and my Spanish Roma mom literally yeeting a big cheese sandwich from the balcony to my best friend and calling her dumb because I told my mom she was hungry but didn’t want to go up to our apartment and bother anyone.


There is no tooth fairy there is no easter bunny and there is no food for you at your swedish friend’s house

I mean, I’m Swedish and don’t get this. My kids friends eat dinner with us. As a kid, I myself had dinner at friends’ houses, unless my mom would forbid it because some moms served unhealthy food (according to her lol).

Must be a local area thing? Perhaps they do it only in Stockholm.


at least dracula feeds his guests. swedish dracula on the other hand,







Me, a swede, reading abt the whole swedish dinner problem: Wait wait wait. People in other countries expect food from their friends famillies??? when it wasn’t pre-planned??? aren’t they the rude people??? what???

Like i grew up learning to only eat at friends places if they *offer*. No asking for it, no assuming. It’s not them being ‘rude’ or anything it’s just common sense??? Like I’m so confused by this???

this reaction is so funny to me but also consistent with other swedes i see talking about swedengate.

here’s the thing: we only eat at a friend’s place if they offer as well. nobody asks or assumes. this next part, I’m telling from the perspective of a guy with a Colombian mom, but this is true for all Latin Americans as well as Italians and I assume many other cultures.

like i said, we only eat if it’s offered and we don’t ask to be fed by the host family.

the matriarch of the host family will not let you exist for five minutes in their house without offering food.

you come over to my mom’s house? she’s offering you food.

she’s probably in the process of randomly making food for no reason even though she wasn’t expecting guests and wants you to try some.

there’s no planning or expectations. you’re in her house and as god as her witness you will be full. and she’ll offer like 8 times.

“i have some lasagna in the fridge, i can heat it up for you?”

“no it’s ok”

“how about lentils and rice it only takes 45 minutes to make”

“no i’m fine thank you”

“not even some eggs, toast, and hot chocolate?”

and so on and so forth because if you’re saying no it’s only because she hasn’t found the right thing that you want to eat, not because you don’t want to eat that second.

this whole “we must pre-arrange the dinner or sit in the room” is just wild and the more y'all try to talk explain it the stranger it seems, ngl

I’m paste white and from the US deep south and our hospitality is exactly like that. I myself can’t let someone get in the front door without AT LEAST offering them a cold drink

If you sit still for long enough, I WILL cook for you. If there’s nothing in the fridge I’m still offering snacks. Give me a few decades and I’ll be the cookie making grandma saying your kids are too skinny.

Bf and I took a trip to see a friend we’d known only online for a few years, never met his family. We arrived at supper time, he showed us in, and we were cheerfully told by his absolutely LOVELY mom to grab ourselves plates, don’t mind the dog, and sit down to rest.

It’s just part of the culture.

It was the same when I traveled in Italy, and in New Zealand too.

Swedes are just weird lmao

Like, it’s not evil or anything, but I’ve never known ANYWHERE else to be like that and apparently neither has anyone else XD

im also paste white and from the NORTH and can confirm asking if they would like anything is like…. basic decency??? if theres dinner and a friend comes over im not gonna let them starve?? like if theres not enough food cooked or something you offer them something else that you have/take a smaller portion 


Food is how you make bonds with people. Even in parts of the country where there’s a long history of everyone being poor as shit, they managed to scrounge up plenty to offer visitors, even if it was just plenty of beans lmao

Midwest, and if someone stays longer than expected and into dinner time, you say “we’re going to eat soon, do you want some?”

If they say yes, you make another plate. If they don’t want dinner, it gives them an easy way to excuse themselves.

If it’s a kid, and the parent hasn’t gotten them yet, you ask if they know if there are plans for their dinner. If they do not know of any plans, you make them a plate. If they do know there are dinner plans (“we’re getting McDonald’s tonight” “mom’s making stew” “we’re going out with Aunt B”) you make them a snack.

A kid in my house is a kid under my care and guardianship, however temporarily. I won’t let them go hungry while they’re here.

Jewish and Midwestern: You offer the person food if they are in your house. It is rude not to do so. It is unbelievably rude to invite someone over and not feed them. If it’s a kid and you don’t know what their parents have planned, you ask the parents if the kid can stay for dinner. I cannot imagine having food and not offering it to a guest.

It is rude to come over to a person’s house uninvited and say “So, I’m having dinner with you.” You’re supposed to wait to be asked. However, if someone comes over uninvited and announces that they’re having dinner with you, you feed them, and then probably never invite them over again.

I just want to say that tomorrow, June 6th,is Swedens national day. So if you want to make memes about Swedes not giving guests food but incorporating it with special day, please do.


You go to a swede’s house to bang and you start going down on them and theyre like who told you you could eat here???


Has anyone on swedengate tag brought up the literal genocide of the indigenous Sami people… along with their imperialism in general like…

Also FYI I’m not saying “why is no one talking about this ” I’m saying now that Sweden is trending it’s a good time to bring up Swedens other more serious wrong doings so more people learn about them… which is what this post is saying… i literally picked this tweet bc it was in a nice list format



The entire population of Sweden getting collectively called out on twitter is funny as hell so far because every single tweet by a Swedish person is either like “first of all being racist is my cultural heritage…” or it’s “god, finally, I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years that my country is full of assholes”

Oh I guess this didn’t spill over enough to tumblr so this is what happened:

  • There was a twitter thread asking people about their weirdest encounters with someone else’s cultural practices.
  • Someone said that when they were just a child, they visited with a Swedish family who made them stay in another room while they ate meals and didn’t offer them any food or snacks.
  • This picked up lots of responses like “wait, what? That happened to me too but I just thought this one family were freaks???”
  • I don’t need to tell most people why most reactions to this were positively aghast that anyone anywhere expects guests to either bring their own food or just suffer.
  • The thread truly exploded only when some Swedes not only admitted to it but got defensive about it, calling it selfish and childish to expect food as a guest. Yes even from personal friends and yes even as children, because you should apparently actually be grateful enough that you’re even allowed in someone else’s home at all.
  • Other Swedish citizens chimed in to say they feel like they’re in the minority for having any concept of sharing or giving in general and that their other Swedish friends keep track of every cent they owe them for every little thing.
  • Immigrant and racial minority Swedes began to add that the whole “be grateful you’re even allowed here” attitude is how they’re treated everywhere they go just for existing.
  • From there, a whole lot of discussion, again mostly from people living there, about how Sweden has a cutesy, harmless image to most of the world only because its leadership and media work so hard to downplay its true prevalence of active white supremacy and hardcore nationalism.
  • “#swedengate” starts trending.
  • Sweden is being cancelled like it’s a celebrity and every Swede who gets upset about it just immediately demonstrates exactly what was being criticized in the first place:

Actually this part in itself is not funny at all. It’s just funny how many of them had to lock or delete their accounts like they genuinely thought these were normal things to say.


eat your dinner, son. there are children starving in sweden because they wanted to play at their friends house





I’ve been noticing some confusion in the notes regarding what culture this is, so here’s some more info!

The girl in the video is Sámi. The Sámi are an indigenous people from the region of Sápmi, which encompasses northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.

The traditional clothing of Sámi people look different depending on which area tradition they belong to. This girl is north Sámi and she’s wearing a Lyngen dress (ivgu gákti in the north Sámi language), which means her family/ancestors came from Lyngen, Norway. Lyngen’s proximity to the sea made fishing a common means of livelihood for the Sámi living there, which earned them the name “sea Sámi”.

The girl in the video mentions that Sámi people get harassed a lot on the 17th of May, which is the Constitutional Day / National Day of Norway.

It should be noted and known that Sweden still hasn’t signed the ILO convention on the rights of indigenous peoples, and that it’s just in recent years that there’s been some awareness raised about the historical and ongoing colonial relationship between Sweden and the Sámi people. https://fuf.se/en/magasin/europas-enda-erkanda-urfolk-bor-i-sverigre/

I’m sorry I’m posting this without a description but it’s imperative that I post this now, I will add a description in the future.

This has been in my drafts for months. This woman is upset and angered by the kind of harassment we here in the USA have been ignoring forever.

This video predates the whole swedengate reddit post issue and it is EXACTLY the type of racism that the Norse countries need to be taken to task for now that they’re in the spotlight.

Support Sami people, indigenous rights extend beyond the Americas.

#indigenous rights    #norway    #sweden    #swedengate    


Now we know why The Swede turned to piracy






sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

#my favorite part of this is all the poor swedes who are chiming in to say that this is definitely a rich white swede thing #and not a legit cultural difference (via @antifaspiderman​ )

Oh thank god of course it’s the rich people being weird

#‘oh so it’s a rich people thing’ she said while casually tossing aside a large rock (via @fancyholycrow​)


Has anyone on swedengate tag brought up the literal genocide of the indigenous Sami people… along with their imperialism in general like…

Also FYI I’m not saying “why is no one talking about this ” I’m saying now that Sweden is trending it’s a good time to bring up Swedens other more serious wrong doings so more people learn about them… which is what this post is saying… i literally picked this tweet bc it was in a nice list format
