#i mean yikes


Elon musk owning Twitter is going to turn that site into even more of a hellhole than it already is

Old Custer

TITLE:Old Custer
ORIGIN:The Royal Tenenbaums (movie, 2001, directed by Wes Anderson)

Everyone knows that Custer died at Little Big Horn. What this book presupposes is… what if he didn’t?

I. Fiction — Westerns — Problematic romanticization of racist tropes
II. Fiction — Alternate histories — The Old West
III. Serious Literature — Genre fiction with pretensions — Impressive-sounding words

And here we’ve got our first repeat offender with another book from The Royal Tenenbaums! Told you there’d be more. I’m spacing them out, but Wes Anderson’s got a LOT of these. Anyway, much like Family of Geniuses, this image originally came from the Criterion Collection 2012 gallery of the books and magazines by and about the film’s characters, archived here.

And… boy, is this cover a LOT more racist even than it appears at the quick glance of it you get in the movie, which is already pretty freaking racist. I mean, I guess that’s part of the point about the type of person and writer Eli is, but STILL.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:
