#i might pin this idk it seems fun so i made my own


[ one word writing prompts ]

mostly to help me get out of a rut/keep my writing brain going! feel free to send me a word/number anytime, and i’ll get to it when i can! feel free to send multiple words too, or include things like fandoms/pairings/etc!

1 argue
2 aspiring
3 bear
4 beneficial
5 bland
6 cellar
7 cheap
8 crabby
9 crazy
10 crime
11 daily
12 fine
13 gear
14 greasy
15 gun
16 jittery
17 learn
18 lonely
19 mighty
20 payment
21 phone
22 pot
23 prone
24 rabbit
25 request
26 sing
27 stir
28 stop
29 stranger
30 wind
