#i miss the old ugly og games


I’m currently re-playing Borderlands 3 (for like the tenth time or so). 

I have the Handsome Collection and Borderlands 3 at home. So, naturally, I’ve started looking for the first OG one and I’ve started searching for Tales from the Borderlands so I would have all the games at home whenever I would like to play them (which is more than 4+ times during a single year.) 

I would start with the first one and work my way up. And I’ve found out that OG Borderlands (Game of the Year edition) for PS4 isn’t availible in my country and not even on the PS4 store? 

And TFTB was completely pulled out of the market, not even on PS4 store or Steam for that matter because it’s licence had expired… What the fuck, bro? 

Sure, the games aren’t the best ones, but the nostalgy value is HUGE with these badboys. The story of BL1 is non-existent, the resolution and FPS rating is terrifiying, but I would still love to replay it. Don’t take it as whining, BL2 is my favorite title of the whole series… But… You know, it’s kinda sad.
