#i must


why would i post things consistently when i can just dump a few at a time every couple months tbh



Ding dong (that’s not a knock) JSE Community!

Did you enjoy the theory stream me and @fear-is-nameless held? We did too! That’s why we’re planning (gasp) ANOTHER one!

What: Jacksepticeye Community Theory Stream #2!

Where:My Twitch channel! Give it a follow if you want– the stream will also probably get uploaded to my YouTube channel, too!

When: Tentatively planned for Sunday, June 12th! The exact time is yet to be determined, but it’ll likely be sometime in the afternoon again, if not a little earlier (work allowing).

If you missed the first one, come check it out! And if you wanna be on call with me and some other theorists for a specific ego, video, or era of videos, DM me and we’ll try to get something planned out! :)

^^ already excited for round 2!

Quirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconQuirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconQuirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconQuirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconQuirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconQuirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconQuirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then recon

Quirkless!Deku where he and Kacchan parted ways after going to different highschools, and then reconnected after he became a journalist that reports on all things hero related

He rushes into scenes without any thought to his safety, driven to chase a story where ever it goes. And Kacchan has to rescue him a lot when he inevitably ends up in harm’s way.

Kacchan is enamoured with him but is bad at flirting, always comes across as a jerk of course

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