#i need a ship tag









Hey tumblr! I don’t get much stuff done when I’m on my own, and I want to change that. Does someone want to team up and be productivity buddies? We could, idk, give reports and motivate each other and exchange strategies. Sound good?

(my skype name is the same as my tumblr just message me here or there :)

One year ago today, I saw this post on my dash and, being in need of a productivity buddy myself at the time, sent an ask.

We started checking in daily and talking about our progress and productivity strategies. Then we started talking about other things. Then the amount of time we spent doing this gradually increased to several hours every day. And, well, things kept going from there, and now we’re both in the first Relationship of our lives and in 40 days we’ll finally get to see each other in real life.

Happy first anniversary, Julian. I love you.

P.S. I still need a ship tag.

Two years ago, I just wanted some help with being productive; three weeks ago, I returned from another visit, already looking forward to the next one; and today, after two years of daily interaction only interrupted by lack of internet access, I still think writing that post was the best decision I made in 2015.

Rationalist tumblr is the best dating service, even for people who weren’t aware they had signed up for it.

Happy second anniversary, Taymon, I love you <3

The past year has been a bit harder than previous years, for both of us, I think. But I know I couldn’t have navigated it anywhere near as well without my partner supporting me every step of the way. And I’m hopeful that next year, we’ll be able to say that we overcame the difficulties.

Happy third anniversary, Julian. I love you.

Life is still difficult, but I continue to be very very glad we have each other. Let’s continue to improve our lives this year. Happy fourth anniversary, Taymon, I love you.

We’ve got five years, what a surprise.

I think the typical relationship doesn’t last this long. Especially if it’s the first one (for both parties in our case), and especially when almost all of it has been spent an ocean apart. Even though we’re pretty different people in a bunch of ways, we seem to be pretty good for each other.

I don’t know what the future holds. But at this point, I think we can count on staying together for a while to come. And I can’t wait to see what comes of it.

Happy fifth anniversary, Julian. I love you.

2020 sure was a year, huh. I think we both weren’t hit as hard as others, but I will be forever grumpy about international travel being too unsafe for visits. Well, fuck you, plague, we’re still here and we will get to see each other again.

I know this year would have been much harder without you. Thank you for being there. I’m looking forward to how we will master the next one. Happy sixth anniversary, Taymon, I love you.

They say seven’s a lucky number.

Honestly, this past year’s been pretty great, despite the plague. We finally got to spend together in person the longest time we’ve ever had! And we’ve had great positive developments in our lives, and in our relationship.

Happy seventh anniversary, Julian. I love you.
