#i need to catch tf up



A Prince of Dathomir - Chapter 80

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Contains/Warnings:Consupmtion of alcohol

Chapter Summary:The ARC and Commander Clones take measure of their Lieutenant-General

Notes : Hello, I am back. Sone of you may have noticed I had no comments here last week, that is because I have not been doing so well. I was in a very bad place and tbh I am not much better this week but I am still trying.

Anyway, I thought this was a very warm and heartfelt scene with the clones and of course… that bit at the end there. Who is visiting??

I am pretty frazzled still so I will sign off with my usual; please leave yout feedback in the comments, I seriously love it so much. It has really helped, especially on my rough days. With that, I will be back next week and we will have some fight scenes a-comin!
I hope you are all well and safe! <3

Amends - Part 2

“So… where did the name Siren come from?” Jax asked, most of them were sitting around the bunks and she was on a chair, her legs folded beneath her, and Cody had been kind enough to hand her a cushion to sit on. 

“Well… let’s see, in the simplest terms, I suppose, I sing,” 

“Sing? That’s it?” Wolffe asked with a frown. 

“In basic terms, more specifically I have a penchant for music, I can hear it everywhere, even all of you sound vastly different to me,” they didn’t seem to understand so she tried it another way. “You know the feelings different songs give you? How some are soft and sweet while others are intense and powerful?” Again they seemed vague. “Alright, well what songs do you sing? Marching songs or something?”

Keep reading
