#i queue you all



team ‘head empty, no thoughts’


people are literally inventing love everyday


being an adult and buying your own shit is so weird i don’t understand why anything is priced the way it is. why did my tattoo cost 8 toothpastes? why does a pair of socks cost a sandwich but a fancy dinner costs a whole jacket? why is book the same cost as 2 bag frozen vegetables? nothing makes sense i just wanna steal.


I did some long and hard thinking about why Percy and Grog actually have a lot in common when they seem nothing alike, and I think I’ve cracked the code, which can best be explained through this diagram:







guide 4 teens

  • tell the cops nothing
  • tell the paramedics everything
  • ur eyebrows are fine


I have the most urgent request.

ladyknighttime:filibusterfrog: filibusterfrog:filibusterfrog:some arthurian boys *voice crack* dadladyknighttime:filibusterfrog: filibusterfrog:filibusterfrog:some arthurian boys *voice crack* dadladyknighttime:filibusterfrog: filibusterfrog:filibusterfrog:some arthurian boys *voice crack* dadladyknighttime:filibusterfrog: filibusterfrog:filibusterfrog:some arthurian boys *voice crack* dadladyknighttime:filibusterfrog: filibusterfrog:filibusterfrog:some arthurian boys *voice crack* dadladyknighttime:filibusterfrog: filibusterfrog:filibusterfrog:some arthurian boys *voice crack* dad





some arthurian boys

*voice crack* dad stop sinning youre embarrassing me in front of god


Post link


A man in Inner Mongolia, China, comparing the sizes of goats at different ages.

English added by me :)


Concept art of Scanlan Shorthalt by Phil Bourassa for The Legend of Vox Machina

PercyVex’ahliaVax’ildanKeylethGrogScanlanPikeThe BriarwoodsCassandra


How can tumblr be only 15 when I’ve been here for 80 years



the more i try to explain gender to cis people the more i understand plato’s allegory of a cave

plato: the shadows are like a surface level understanding and coming out of the cave and seeing the actual objects is what being a philosopher is like

me: this is stupid and pretentious

cis person: girl is when pink and flower and boy is when blue and guns

me: oh no theyre still in the cave










I didn’t know bucket toothpaste was only a thing here!

WAIT! How do people in other countries put toothpaste on their toothbrushes??? You d-don’t use your toothpaste spoon????

You keep your toothpaste in condiment tubes???

This whole thread is making me so sad

For the americans out there, 1kg is about 2lbs. Rewriting this bost gives:

“To answer a lot of people’s question: this package is [4lbs] there’s also, [10lbs] and [20lbs] ones (which used to be sold in most stores, but you can find them only in specialized ones nowadays). There are some tiny ones, like 1lb! Those are the ones you buy to carry when you travel.”

Croatians apparently take a pound of toothpast with them when they travel.

I now live in fear of the Croatians.

Lol whaaat


utilising the gift of imagination to hallucinate moments of tenderness between fictional people

blondebrainpower:LaVar Burton, pilot episode of Reading Rainbow, 1983


LaVar Burton, pilot episode of Reading Rainbow, 1983

Post link





Find this shit in the blackbriar meadery


I love him I love him I LOVE HIM

graveyarddirt:Edward Okuń - Noc (winieta okładkowa dla Magazynu Chimera) (litografia barwna na papi


Edward Okuń - Noc (winieta okładkowa dla Magazynu Chimera) (litografia barwna na papierze, 11,5 x 15 cm), 1903. /

Post link


Oh, and now that y’all know I’m here you should know that I read ALL the fanfic. All of it.

“The one who has dared Name me again. Please.” Got me fucked up all weekend


Daisy girl




Can anyone tell me if the Unabomber was problematic

The fact that pre-Unabomber Kaczynski was a once-in-a-generation mathematical genius means that citing his research can be a tadawkward unless you just roll with it, which resulted in the greatest footnote ever written.


Tis the energy they gave all throughout the show


There’s a particular attitude I often see on the internet that goes something like “If you aren’t part of a particular marginalized group, then you could never understand their experience, so don’t pretend to relate.” And while obviously you’re never going to relate to every aspect of that identity unless you are also of that identity, I feel like this attitude really diminishes opportunities for finding kinship and bonding in similar experiences even if those experiences aren’t exactly the same and/or are the result of different identities.

For example, I’m white and neurodivergent, and I was talking to a Black neurotypical friend about masking, and how I feel like I have to change the entire way I present myself in order to not be considered weird in public. She responded with “Oh, some of that sounds kind of like code-switching— how I have to switch away from using AAVE in white-dominated settings in order to be accepted.” And then we bonded over how frustrating and ridiculous it is that AAVE and stimming are both considered unacceptable in “professional” settings.

Another time, a straight Jewish friend was telling me about a book she had just finished reading, which was written by a Jewish author and had a Jewish main character. She was saying that it was really nice to read a book written by a Jewish author, because even when gentile authors do their research and write a pretty accurate Jewish character, they never quite feel Jewish— you can always tell the author was a gentile. And I said “Oh that sounds kind of like when I read queer characters written by straight authors— you can always tell the author was straight even if they do their research and get things fairly right. So even though I’m happy when any book features queer characters, it’s really especially nice to read queer characters written by queer authors.” And we bonded over this similar experience, and we were both excited that the other understood even if we were coming to this experience from different angles, and then we swapped book recommendations. This conversation is also a great example of when that internet attitude DOES apply— when someone outside of a particular group is trying to understand that group’s entire experience well enough to accurately write the world as seen through their eyes. They’re never quite going to get it right, and that’s ok! It just means it’s important to also have Own Voices authors writing those types of stories also.

Sometimes it seems like people who have been in internet circles exhibiting this attitude for too long are afraid to ever try to relate to the experiences of anyone in any groups other than their own for fear of causing offense, which is honestly pretty counterproductive. Understanding each other and bonding across groups should be the goal! Relating to each other is not a bad thing!


Putting on her fussy underthings


you want me to believe in canon? the thing that killed all my comfort characters?



¿Los gatos flotan?

I don’t know why it never occurred to me cats can float. I knew they could swim.


I do like the trope of people who are in love but oblivious or in denial so they think they’re just friends but also. The idea that sometimes you can stay in an area between those two. Or separate. The idea that you can have a relationship that’s not really either or is both?? Or one that blurs the lines in general?? Is!! Good. Like I think that’s Queerplatonic and Alterous relationships if you want to put a name to it. But yeah I think they’re good and I should write/ship characters that way more often



I wanted to look up what kind of dogs the vikings had in order to make a historically accurate shitpost meme, but while googling “viking dog”, figuring I’d find pictures of some kind of big cool war dogs or dogs used for hunting moose and bear, but instead I found this

the noble vallhund

herder of cows and biter of ankles

This is literally a viking corgi.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi developed starting roughly 1,000 years ago from a mix of the 3,000yo breed that was the historical Cardigan Welsh Corgi (first brought to Wales with Celtic groups emigrating from continental Europe), and Spitz type dogs that were brought in with the Viking raids 1,000 years ago.

Corgis are a mix of Viking and Celt, and that’s neat. The vallhund is literally very close family to at least the Pembroke corgi.

There are a number of Scandinavian dog breeds that might be also associated with Vikings, most of which are spitzen. The Norrbottenspetz, Karelian Bear Dog, Finnish Lapphund, Icelandic Shepherd, Finnish Spitz, etc.

Special additional shout out for the Norwegian Lundehund, which was developed to hunt puffins. (Lunde means puffin). They look like a generic medium dog at first.

Except they have secret weapons just for clambering over rocks to get puffins. They have six fully-formed and muscled toes per foot, as well as extreme range of motion in their joints.

And there’s your lesson in weird Viking dogs.
