#its true and you should say it




Y'all up here acting like Snape spent his entire life in Danger because of his spywork? No. He joined the Death Eaters willingly after Hogwarts and only worked as a Spy for about 9 months (probably shorter) during the 1st war and then 3 years during the 2nd war. He had a nice, comfortable life inbetween under Dumbledore’s protection at Hogwarts. He was the only one to blame for any discomfort and unhappiness he experienced in those almost 14 years of safety. He was bitter and decided take it out on the rest of the world.

You know who did brave a horrible life full of loneliness, poverty, negligence and cruelty at the hands of those who wrongly feared and marginalized him? Remus Lupin. Who by the way also worked as a Spy for Dumbledore by living among werewolves (including the man who bit him) who supported Voldemort. Note, he LIVED among these werewolves. Always in danger of being torn apart and murdered on the spot, whereas most of Snape’s spylife involved him sulking around Hogwarts tormenting kids… Safe. And Remus lost EVERYTHING…but he smiled. Always smiled. Always put others first and never took anything for granted. It took tremendous amounts of bravery for Remus to just go about everyday life.

But no Snape’s the bravest of them all. I’m not bitter.


Men have no idea how good gentleness looks on them.


i am tired of the fandom thinking fenris is awkward in romance. you think mr. “i couldn’t be more of a scorpio if you paid me, you’re a handsome man hawke” fenris isn’t smooth? fight me








something that will never not be funny to me in dn was the faces Light would make when no one was looking. like if anyone caught him once, the jig was up

Mf really stood there in front of everyone like this

If only someone stayed back and overheard him twerking on L’s grave screaming “tHaT’s RiGhT, i WiN!!!”

Motherfucker would have been put down much quicker

People really act like the Deathnote corrupted him. This crazy bastard was screaming he was a god in episode 2.

He saw a slippery slope and decided to grab a sled

In the first episode he was whining abt how the world was diseased and poisoned and needed to be “fixed” by someone.

He’s the anime version of Walter White, he didn’t just grab a sled, he crashed a race car down that slope the second it came into view.

Death Note wasn’t a story about power corrupting mortals, it was a story about an absolute lunatic chimpanzee of a man who got that button you can press to kill someone for a million dollars and never get caught, and decided, even though he never got the money and someone very definitely did die, to just mash that thing at terminal velocity like he was playing a Mario Party minigame for keeps.



tabitha is so funny because at first glance she just seems like a sweet girl trying to make her grandfather proud by upholding the family legacy but then you spend five minutes with her and she’s poisoning the devil and drinking milkshakes out of the holy grail and hiding syrup-fermented mothman skeletons in the storeroom of her diner. I think I might be in love with her.



stories about time travel are about two things. number one is inevitable tragedy. number two is seeing that inevitable tragedy and saying oh god I will make this right please even if I can’t fix it I will try to make this right. also I lied they’re about three things and third is obviously love




In a scale from Taron Egerton looking at Hugh Jackman

to Ezra Miller being touched by Colling Farrell

how good are you to hide your obviously gay desires?

Taron’s “are you my daddy?” look is, honestly, a whole ass motherfucking MOOD

His whole aura whispers “For you, I will learn what ‘bussy’ means.”



Being the uncle of spiderman is the equivalent of an anime mom wearing a side braid


Everyone else: -Getting their asses kicked-



“Anti harassment campaigns follow a consistent pattern where genuine concerns about real-world injustice are misinterpreted and applied to fictional properties in an attempt to create a 1:1 comparison and exert power over another (often marginalized) group. They start by leveraging performative accusations around real world issues such as sexism, racism, homophobia, sexual assault, and gendered violence against fictional characters deemed by the group to be representative of these problems. The guilt-by-association of these characters is then applied to the people who like these characters, and a general warning is issued: “stop supporting them, or else.”

When this accusation is ignored, it is then weaponized into bullying campaigns that aim to belittle and discredit women through dangerously shallow and irrational pearl clutching. The motivations and levels of participation in these harassment campaigns vary, but they tend to move from one large fandom to the next, focusing on whatever pop culture character will award them the most clout.”

A beautifully written article shown to me by my one true love @guidebetelgeuse. Please reblog. This needs to be seen.



























*goes to bed listening to the ramones*
*wakes up wearing a leather jacket*

*goes to bed listening to Led Zeppelin*
*wakes up with the sexiest hair ever*

*goes to the bed listening to Red hot chili peppers*
*wakes up wearing only a sock*

*Goes to bed listening to Megadeth*

*Wakes up dead*

*goes to bed listening to Queen*

*wakes up wearing a silvery glittery unitard*

*goes to bed listening to Pink Floyd*

*wakes up woke*

*goes to bed listening to The Beatles*

*wakes up with a bowl cut*

*goes to bed listening to Metallica*

*sleeps with one eye open*

*goes to bed listening to Green Day*

*wakes up in October 1st*

*goes to bed listening to The Rolling Stones*
*wakes up strung out in an hourly motel*

*goes to sleep listening to The Doors*

*Wakes up in leather pants*

*goes to sleep listening to David Bowie*

*wakes up next to Mick Jagger*

*goes to bed listening to The Who*

*wakes up because you’re getting kicked out of the hotel room you trashed*

*goes to sleep listening to oasis*

*wakes up with a drug addiction*

*goes to sleep listening to The Smiths*

*wakes up crying covered in shrubbery*

*goes to sleep listening to AC/DC*

*wakes up in a school uniform*

*goes to sleep listening to Muse*

*wakes up with the inability to pronounce the letter “R”*

*goes to sleep listening to Depeche Mode*

*wakes up in a construction zone wearing leather bondage gear*

*goes to sleep listening to The Clash*

*wakes up with 86 messages on tumblr from that Joe Strummer fan*


*goes to sleep listening to Big Audio Dynamite*

*wakes up in an absurd outfit for an incomprehensibly bad photoshoot*

*goes to sleep listening to Sex Pistols*

*wakes up pissed at everything*

*goes to sleep listening to vocaloid*

*wakes up with green twintails*

*goes to sleep listening to the twin peaks soundtrack*

*Wakes up wrapped in plastic next to Laura Palmer*

*Goes to sleep listening to the The Prodigy*

*Wakes up having a crazy hairstyle like Keith’s*

*goes to sleep listening to The Rolling Stones*

*wakes up next to David Bowie*

*goes to sleep listening to Dead Boys*

*wakes up horny*


in only five minutes, ben solo showed more sass, bravery, charisma and the stubbornness of his father than any of the one dimensional good lads that the writers tried so hard to pass as the ‘new han solo’


Every RGU duel song: What is existence? [list of pre-socratic philosophies] [list of geological eras] Evolution = Revolution [list of animals I think are neat] Time is an egg


god Måneskin really is just saying FUCK purity culture FUCK respectability politics we are dirty, naked, queer, feral, bloody, as fucking sexual as we want to be and TOO FUCKING BAD IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT



I love how this website is so surly and disinterested in the neo-internet content experience that every feature imported from twitter/insta/whatever is met with an indignant fury like the French being told they cant smoke on a bus and setting the town hall on fire in protest

The only content I want to see is content I opted into and the only order I want to see it in is chronological.


There’s not a soul on earth as fuckable as Severus Snape send tweet


I did some long and hard thinking about why Percy and Grog actually have a lot in common when they seem nothing alike, and I think I’ve cracked the code, which can best be explained through this diagram:
