#i really cant stand haymitch





I want to know about the mysterious fourth District 12 victor that Katniss mentions in the first chapter. What was this person? Which year did they win? They’re dead, so I’m inclined to think they must have won very early on, maybe in the first few years of the Games. Did they die of old age? Or something more sinister? (Not necessarily from the Capitol, either–maybe they were overcome with PTSD and put an end to their life?) Did this person mentor Haymitch in his Games, or were they gone before even he came around?

I’d love to hear everyone’s theories on who this person was. I think most people forget there even was a fourth District 12 victor? I remember noticing that the movies left them out. Did you remember there were four victors for 12?

I’ve always thought the fourth victor must have been in the very early years, before the career districts had an opportunity to ramp up their training programs, when the playing field would have been a little more even.

Agree with @xerxia31

When they watch Haymitchs games we never hear about or see footage of a mentor. I don’t believe The Mysterious Fourth Victor was alive anymore at that point.

Oh oh oh! GUYS! What if The Mysterious Fourth Victor™, being Haymitch’s mentor, was killed along with Haymitch’s girl, mother and younger brother?? Either as further punishment for Haymitch’s actions in the arena or because The Mysterious Fourth Victor™ had encouraged/assisted Haymitch in those plans (in an attempt to kick-start a rebellion). A Quarter Quell with double the number of tributes and the 50th anniversary of the Games to boot; a lot of district citizens would have been very upset that year, so it would’ve been a great time to try to bust out a rebellion.

And what better way to punish that young victor than by making him mentor every single tribute from his hopeless district - all by himself - for the rest of his life (or until someone else from Twelve won the Games, half a lifetime later)? 
