#i remember the light but damn i didnt know



can we talk about these ed/stede scenes? i’m dying to talk about these scenes

i haven’t seen (or i missed) people discuss some of these, but i dont have time to write an extensive meta or make a separate gifset to point out each so here’s a short list of scenes that are currently making me deeply insane

1) ed literally falling asleep next to stede (and leaning towards him) even though he’s known him for a single day. the most fearsome pirate on the high seas trusting so quickly and easily that stede, despite his kind nature, isn’t going to use the opportunity to just kill him bc he’sblackbeard. he said i’m gonna take a nap right here on this stranger’s soft shoulder while he handles sharp cutlery and my gun and knife that i gave him while i remain entirely unarmed and unguarded. true love right there

(i’m also 80% sure this was just taika falling asleep on set as usual)


2) during the kraken scene there’s a lighthouse in the distance and the light spins as it should until it lands on ed and his father and then stopsand illuminates them like a giant spotlight. i can’t even begin to interpret that my brain will snap in half. it’s stede literally shining a light into edward’s dark past 

(crying and reciting flint’s ‘in the darkness, there be dragons’ quote)


3) ed, terrified, flinching when stede bangs on the door and it being immediately paralleled by young ed flinching when his father smashes a plate against the wall. im pretty sure this was pointed out somewhere already but this glass tastes delicious so i’m bringing it up again. 

im gently caressing his head, this bad boy can’t fit any more trauma. we are at full capacity


4) this face ed makes right before he has to kill stede :)


5) and lastly did you notice stede’s thumb is pressing firmly on ed’s while they hold hands because i didn’t until recently and i’d like to expand on that but all i can come up with is boiling tea kettle noise


okay that’s it, feel free to discuss or add more
