#i repeat fight me in the pit


none of the female Foxes went pro? fuck that, you know what, they all did. Dan worked her ass off to another captainship and now she forces the coach to consider as many female prospects as he does male. Allison purposefully got into a fight the game before a photoshoot and showed up to the studio with two black eyes and her arm in a sling because fuck them, they hired an athlete and that’s what they’re getting. Renee donates most of her money to various religious charities and a video of her facial shift from sweet ‘n’ happy to “you might want to reconsider what you said about my teammate” becomes a meme. At leastone of them makes US Court

They all become best friends with Thea and the four of them praise each other in interviews whenever the media tries to drum up drama between them, and go out for coffee dates where they roast their teammates and make fun of people trying to gal-pal away the newest pics of Renee and Allison kissing. fight me nora in the pit
