#i scratch yours






marvel is disney’s forever cash cow! it appeals to children, teens, and sweaty adults! it’s all quite loud and colorful, with the same safe formula every time, but with different directors and tweaks to make it whatever the fuck memorable each time. plus the reliance on violence to push the plot will give them those dank US military checks until explosions go extinct. truly we live in horrific times but i don’t really care 

thank u all for letting me know the military quit cutting checks for the MCU after Avengers because they got offended bc the fictional magic men are an alternative to the american military. i’m sorry i was misinformed but more importantly that’s really, really, really, really, really fucking funny

Just to clarify - the Pentagon pulled out of the Avengers (and thus the MCU) because it wasn’t clear whether SHIELD was a branch of the US government, and, if so, where it fell in relation to the military in terms of hierarchy. (Source)

So, it wasn’t just “magic men are unrealistic”, it was “magic men are unrealistic and we don’t know if we outrank them.”

So you’re telling me there’s no concrete financial reason why Falcon and the Winter Solider had to occasionally pause the action to deep throat American military imperialism???? They did that shit for free?????

No, they got money from the Pentagon.

It was only specifically the movie The Avengers that the brass decided to pull support from because they couldn’t figure out the relationship of the military to the (fictional) S.H.I.E.L.D. They have worked with many Marvel productions since then. (And by “worked with” I mean “provided technical support in exchange for prominent mention.)
