#i see that death has struck again in my writing pleasant d


Blood on my Name

My goal, a simple endeavor

Yet one not many would partake.

Peace across my hate-torn world

To fix it before more it can break.

Daughter dearest, son of mine,

They shall rule when I cannot.

They will take this path so fine,

And they shall continue the master plot.

And yet, he protests it with his claim

That I’m the monster they should fight.

Who cares if I have blood on my name?

I know my goal is the one that’s right.

Twice forsaken, once forgotten,

Once a killer, thrice a fool.

I shall not remain downtrodden,

For now I am the one who will rule.

Oh Gods above, hear my plea,

Let the world be fixed tonight.

For when the sun shines black, you see,

It will be the end of my fight.

Forsaken again, but it matters not.

The ending will always be the same.

Peace will come when their free will rots.

And I’ll succeed, even with blood on my name.

They shout and scream and struggle and cry,

But they don’t see the truth hidden.

To all of time, they had been blind,

And now the course of life shall be rewritten.

With no free will, peace can reign.

With no free will, we’re all the same.

With no free will, there’s no more pain.

They don’t have to know of the blood on my name.

As long as they see me as in the right,

And the past shall remain concealed.

I control the new world tonight…


“But we who fight you shall not yield.”

