#flash fiction friday


Wherewith Thy Churches Blaze

Written for this week’s @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt: “setting heaven on fire” (inspired also by Christopher Marlowe’s Edward II, which I’ve been studying at uni recently)

Word Count: 242

“Why should a king be subject to a priest?

Proud Rome…

I’ll fire thy crazèd buildings, and enforce

The papal towers to kiss the lowly ground!”

- Christopher Marlowe, Edward II(Act I, Scene IV)

The torches blazed in their sconces, casting flickers of flame across the walls of the castle hall where the King paced restlessly. The ghost of a kiss lingered on his lips like the remnants of a bittersweet poison. His favourite, his heart, his everything - banished,cast asunder across an endless grey expanse of sea.That one word, banished,weighed heavier upon him than the loss of a thousand kingdoms ever could.

All this, brought about by hands that claimed to be friends. Treasonous conspirators, all of them, the peers and the clergy both. Worst of all, they were happy. They reveled in his misery, in his loneliness, and for what? So that they might feel less insecure in their own fragile superiority?

The King sank down onto his throne and put his face in his hands. Slowly the crown, that heavy circlet of ruby and gold, slid from his head and clattered to the floor. What did it matter? What was it worth, to be the head of state, when the laws of God denied him the only chance of happiness that could be?

The torches blazed in their sconces, the fire reflected in the anger in his eyes as his despair hardened into resolve. He would have his beloved by his side once more, even if he had to set Heaven itself on fire to do it. Some might have called it sacrilege; others, blasphemy.

The King called it love.

Hey, could I use the toilet, please?

Is it okay when I open up this window?

Sorry, was I complaining too much about my problems?

Did it bother you when I laughed out loud?

May I share my opinion on this matter?

Should I spare you the details of what happened to me?

Sorry, did that poem I wrote disturb you?

Can I make my decisions based on what I want?

Would you please let me try to do things my way?

Could you give me the space I need?

I don’t need to ask for your permission!

Nope, no permission granted is just fine

I will live my life the way I deem it worth living

And you’re not allowed to say it’s not worth it!

Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial. It’s been a while since I wrote a poem, but I’m coming back! Sorry for just being able to write this vent poem. I don’t think anyone cares to read these scrambled thoughts.

Creak crack plop drip creak

@flashfictionfridayofficial (Nothing ventured nothing gained)


The condemned mounted the scaffold with the sort of quiet dignity expected of those about to be killed by the state, head bowed and hands bowed. The crowd too had a quiet dignity (or at least as much quiet dignity as those gathered to watch someone getting killed can be said to have), no-one hooting or hollering and only one or two infants crying somewhere towards the back.

All in all a good execution, or at least the good start of an execution.

While the hangmen themselves got busy with the rope and getting it properly secured and properly around the condemned’s neck, the Master of Executions got busy reading and re-reading his scroll. On it was written not only the details and particulars of the condemned (name, occupation, crime they’d been found guilty of, etcetera) but also the few unrelated announcements it would be their job to make prior to the big moment.

Always a good idea to know what it is you’re going to say before you’re going to say.

At length (of rope) the hangmen finished what it was they had to do and stood off to one side by the lever, waiting for their next part to come up. This meant it was the Master of Executions’ turn. Clearing his throat he stepped to the edge of the scaffold, raised his voice and addressed the crowd:

“Citizens! Ours is a kingdom built on the sturdy, unassailable foundations of justice, and for justice to be properly served it must not only be done but must be seen to be done, and to be seen done with a resolute will and absolute conviction. Our judges have-“

And so on, for some length.

Once the preamble was out the way there came the unrelated announcements – the progress of the war, a few festivals, that sort of thing – and then at last the Master of Executions turned to the condemned.

“And do you, prisoner, have any final request to ask of our most beneficent and merciful majesty?”

This was a formality. All the condemned were asked this. Typically they used the opportunity to say something rousing and patriotic, praising the kingdom or its rarely-seen ruler or its people or sometimes asking for leniency for their family or what have. Just part of the ritual, really, part of the show. No-one ever asked for anything they could expect to get.

“I want you to swap places with me,” the condemned said.

A pause. This was unusual.

Strictly speaking the rules were that the last request was meant to be honoured. Strictly speaking.

“Can they – can they do that?” The Master of Executions asked quietly to the nearby clerk, who shrugged, then quickly started scrolling through scrolls.

This took a few minutes, during which the crowd started showing the first hints of restlessness.

“Nah, no, final quests cannot be used as a way of securing freedom for the condemned. That’s been on the books since, huh, only last year, actually. Why last year? Think it would have been right from the start, wouldn’t you? Nevermind. No, can’t swap out, I’m afraid.”

The Master of Executions – a little paler than before, though relieved, turned back to the condemned, still standing there on the trapdoor with the noose around their neck.

“No can do.”

The condemned also shrugged.

“Thought not. Still, worth a shot, eh?” He said.

“Quite. Anything else?” The Master of Executions asked, assuming this was the point where the proper praising of kingdom would come in.

“You get hanged next to me,” the condemned said without missing a beat.

Another pause. The Master of Executions turned back to the clerk who was already running their finger across their scrolls. Pretty quickly they started shaking their head.

“There’s actually – actually nothing here saying that can’t happen,” they said.

A longer pause.

“…what?” The Master of Executions asked.

“Nothing in here saying he can’t ask for that.”

“B-but! I mean! You can’t be serious!” The Master of Executions said, looking from the clerk to the hangmen, who’d started moving towards him. The Clerk held their hands out, palms up.

“I don’t know what to tell you. Those are the rules,” they said.

The Master of Executions, having a feeling where this was going, took this opportunity to start running. He did not get far though. Knowing that there were guards at the bottom of the stairs from the scaffold he had leapt into the crowd instead, where he’d been quickly seized and, screaming and kicking, passed back to the hangmen.

Very little of that quiet dignity was on display from this point onward, at least until the lever was pulled at which point, after a thump and a crack, things got quiet again.

Though not especially dignified, given how voiding one’s bowels typically undermines dignity.

@flashfictionfridayofficial (Asking for permission)


With a triumphant CRASH and sexy, sexy BOOM the heroes kicked open the door to Overlord Cash’s inner sanctum and strode on in like they owned the place despite they did not, as the name would indicate, own the place.

Overlord Cash owned the place, and he was a little put-out at having his door kicked in.

“We’d like to overthrow you, please,” said the lead hero, stepping up to the foot of Overlord Cash’s hilariously big throne. The lead hero then added: “If it’s not too much trouble.”

Overlord Cash – leaning forward to peer down at the heroes (it really was a very big throne) – considered this a moment before sitting back and letting out a nice, big sigh, the fingers of the one hand drumming on an armrest while the other hand rubbed his face.

“Fine, fine,” he said.

This took the heroes somewhat by surprise. They’d had an awful time getting to the inner sanctum (they’d lost count of the number of unnamed and helpless minions they’d had to murder) so to just have what they’d come for given over like that was a shock.

“Really?” Asked one of them.

“Yes, really. Whatever. Do you have any idea how tedious this is at this point? I’ve burnt so many villages to the ground it’s not even fun anymore. And I really like burning villages to the ground,” said Overlord Cash.

(It was the popping sounds that did it for him.)

“So you’re just giving up?” The lead hero asked, for clarification, and Overlord Cash nodded.

“Yep. I’ll give up, you can spare me because killing the main bad guy when he’s helpless is morally reprehensible compared to slaughtering minions who honestly couldn’t hope to so much as scratch you, blah blah, commentary, etcetera. This is all assuming you have your paperwork in order, obviously.”


“Paperwork?” A backup hero asked, from the back.

“Yes, your overthrowing forms. Well, the three forms, actually, they split it up.”

Overlord Cash had no control over these things.

Mention of paperwork was leading to some confusion among the heroes.

“Overthrowing forms?”

“Yes. The forms you have to fill in prior to overthrowing someone? A tyrant, specifically, in this case. An evil dragon has a different process. I think there’s an online portion, and I think they have to verify your birth certificate, I forget. It’s like the minion slaying license you got, yeah?”

The heroes looked at each other, then back to Overlord Cash.


More silence, though of a rather more sinister character. Overlord Cash lent forward again, armour clinking.

“Youdid get a minion slaying license, didn’t you?” He asked.

“We didn’t really know we had to we just kind of showed up here and started doing our thing.”

“’Doing our thing’,” Overlord Cash repeated with dripping scorn. “Oh yes, like there isn’t proper procedure for everything, like there aren’t rules to be followed. People have worked very hard on setting down formal processes and you think you can just rock up here and ignore them?”

“Don’t you burn down villages?” Another one of the backup heroes asked. Overlord Cash’s armoured gauntlet sprang up, making everyone jump, and he pointed.

“We’re not talking about me! We’re talking about your utter disregard for the way things are meant to work! If you’re unsatisfied with your local tyrant and the way they’re operating you’re not just supposed to roll in, slaughter their minions, and turf them out on a whim. You’re meant to follow the rules!”

Slumping back into his throne with a clang of armour plate Overlord Cash wafted a hand back towards where the doors of his inner sanctum had been.

“Now bugger off and come back when you’ve decided to do this properly,” he said.

He was then shot in the eye with an arrow. One moment, nothing, the next – arrow. He continued sitting for a second or two more before sliding limply from his throne and crashing to the floor where he proceeded to lie, dead, in a slowly expanding pool of blood.

The heroes turned to the rear of the group and glared at the one member of their little squad holding the bow, who looked sheepish.


“We might get in trouble!” The lead hero hissed.

They all waited a few moments to see if anything would happen.

But nothing did.


As most weekdays are! And since it’s Friday, it also means that it is time for Flash Fiction!

✨ New to FFF? Let us fill you in!

Flash Fiction Friday is a fun writer event that’s meant to inspire, share and connect writings of all genres and writers of all ages. It’s designed to make people want to write, especially if they’re feeling blocked. Everyone and everything is welcome!

We always do our very best to keep the prompt’s genre open, entertaining, positive and encouraging.

  • Writebetween100-1000 words. It can be any genre, in any text format and 18+ is fine by us, just please tag accordingly.
  • Use this Friday’s theme in your text. Any way you see fit.
  • Post on your tumblr blog and remember to tag us at @flashfictionfridayofficial​!! So we’ll see it, read it and reblog it!!
  • Deadline is 24 hours after the prompt has been issued (12 pm CET).
  • And then, next Friday, we’ll mention your work in a showcase post on our main blog before our next prompt drops.
  • Please post your entries as regular posts, not screenshots — or provide the text as a regular post as well. Let’s keep everything as accessible as possible!
  • If you have a question, check out our FAQ page! If your question isn’t on there, don’t hesitate to ask! <3
  • You don’t need to ask for permission or need to get added to a list to join in. Just write, have fun and don’t forget to tag us!

We do not condone fiction, asks or comments that contain: direct hostility, unconstructive critique, LGBTQIA+ hate, slurs, racism and/or general no-no behaviors.

If you want to be closer to the epicenter, you can come chat on our open discord:https://discord.gg/rUWCE8a

✨ We also introduced our very own Wishing Well last week, a place for you to whisper your prompt suggestions into. And we’ll listen! Check everything about it outHERE.

✨All your amazing works from last week have been compiled HERE!

Go check them out and consider supporting your fellow FFF writers with some likes and reblogs!

✨ And now, the new prompt!

[#FFF146 At What Cost]

What a wonderful prompt and it has been brought to you by the one and only @pale-horse-writing​! Thank you very much! It’s time to think about the price. The money, power, time, heart you give to reach your goal. Was it worth it? Was it completely in vain? What is the cost and what did you get for it? Don’t sell your soul to write this, but go, go, go, go, go!




The Collective <3

For@flashfictionfridayofficial… Thanks for this one it fits me way to good…

Second Thoughts

It’s the morning of yet another school day. Like everyday I wonder if I couldn’t sleep the next few hours. After a minute though, I’m up and getting ready. Just the regular every morning routine. Afterwards catching the bus and checking yet again, if any lessons get cut off for the day. Most times they aren’t and today is just like most times.

After I get to school it starts just like always. The cutest guy I’ve ever seen just in reach, but sadly straight, I believe since whenever I try to ask him I get second, third and fourth thoughts and end up not asking. I’ve been very close to just writing out a text to him and letting someone else decide to press the send button. Yet I’ve always rethought and decided against it.

So when this portal just now opened in front of me my first instinct was to just ignore it while not walking into it. On second thought maybe walking into it will change me. Maybe for worse but hopefully for better. The next five to ten minutes I just stand there thinking. Weighing out the pros and cons that could happen to me going through.

After some time I decide to peak through. Mostly since I’d miss my way home anyway now. As I peak I see a white, seemingly endless void like room and suddenly am being pulled in, the door disappearing behind me.

A greeting of a pair of voices. They are telling me their names. They’re Risk and Reward, the gods of well risk and reward. I’m being scolded for not risking enough, mostly by reward as they can only give me rewards after I risk something, even though there might not be a reward.

Now they are disappearing, but leaving behind three portals, for which they tell me the rules.

1. One portal leads me back to the point I disappeared.

2. One portal leads me back to the time I stopped walking.

3. One portal brings me home and to the time I would’ve been home had I not stopped walking.

4. No peaking I choose one I get sucked through.

5. I have one minute to choose or else I fall forever.

Now I stand here. I take a second to consider. Then I just run for the middle.

I’m falling.

A white tunnel.

Suddenly a flash of colors.

A twirl of rainbow colors.

I feel a strong pressure.

Suddenly nothing anymore. No pressure, no color twister. I got home.

They hadn’t lied. I was home around the time I would’ve gotten home without the detour. I then started writing the text I was second thinking of lately mostly…



In the forest

We were just playing. We played dare. Our newest dare was to get as deep into the forest as we could, but we went all as one group to see who chickened out earlier than the rest. Most of us went in really deep, but in the end it was only us two. Me and my best friend.

Suddenly there were three large, wolflike creatures in front of us.

>> You know that you are trespassing a forbidden area? <<

Said the middle one. He was the largest and had a perfectly black fur. We told them that we didn’t know and would just turn around if they allowed us.

>> I’m sorry but since you didn’t know you were trespassing you must face our court. Be happy you didn’t know it otherwise we would have had to eat you. Probably.<<

The left one answered us. We had no other possibility than to follow along. After a few minutes we came to a clearing and were immediately surrounded by a lot more of the creatures. There then appeared a woman of high age. She had white hair.and wore barely any clothing.

>>You have trespassed into the lands of the wolfpeople. you will have to choose. Die right here and now, become one of us or you will have to swear to never come back and leave immediatly. Also you can never tell anyone about this.<<

We look each other into the eyes for a few seconds and then say to another

>>Sure? Sure.<<

After that we tell her that we’d like to join them but be able to leave the place and come back whenever we want. She stares at us for what feels like a long time.

>>So you really are sure about it? Okay. Also why did you think we were gonna lock you up here after changing you? No we don’t. Our people live among the regulars. Perfectly disguised as they were once themselves regular. At this point all the wolflike creaatures around transform into their human form. The one that had the perfect black fur stepped up. We almost loose it. It’s our schools headmaster! He begins to talk in his now human form.

>>Lady in white, you who once offered me the same deal, you whose bite has honoured me, please bestow upon me the honour to bite these two and thus transform them.<<

The woman looks at him and then goes

>>My dear as you have known these two for som time now as their headmaster, it may be your honour, except someone here has something against this. Is there any wolf around here that’d like to say something against this?<<

Her voice booms over the entire clearing. It is dead silent for a few moments then all the wolfpeople retransform into their human form and start howling. It’s an incredible feeling. It sounds as if they are singing something ceremonial. The large black wolflike creature now looks directly at us and says.

>>Do not fear. Yes it will hurt but it is worth it. If you try to run, you will get seen as prey and will be hunted.<<

He then starts to growl. First he looks at my friend, then me and my friend again as if to decide who would be tastier. Suddenly he jumps and lands on my friend, knocking him and even me over in the process. Neither of us could run and we don’t even want to. My friend does not struggle against the big creature on him. It would be useless. The creature then turns around to me making sure I can’t see what’s happened to my friend. Gently shoving up my shirt and then also gently biting my stomach in  a way that it would heal without anything missing.

Several days later we two are sitting together with the others that were in the group. We don’t want to be part of this anymore so we get up and just walk away.

We are free now. We are Wolfpeople now.


Also thx to @lexiklecksi for pushing me to write more for the Tekbury

The Tekbury pt.2

Recently we had found new ruins. An old electrical storage device there pointed us towards a structure we hadn’t found yet. From what the stored data could tell us the structure seemed to be far underground. To deep for any of our sensor devices. The entrance hidden behind a very deep natural cave, that we hadn’t looked into so far as it seemed to lead nowhere.

Our collective mind decided to send a group of three down there. It took us about three days to get to the point where the structures entry point should be at. We saw nothing but stone. Had our ancestors lied? Was it what they called a joke? Our collective mind decided that the three down in the cave stay another day while the scientific part tries to encode more of the storage device.

It took most of that day, but eventually we found out, that the Tekbury of old used a so called ‘material projector’ to recreate the stone. Only way to find out which side was fake, was to point a laser pointer against it, as that is the sign for the machine to turn off.

We got into the structure and we’re shocked by what we saw. After we passed the entry checkpoint, which wasn’t guarded by anyone or anything, we suddenly stood in a large open area that looked exactly like one of the cities they must have had. The buildings were still standing, even the fake sky above the big city was still working.

There wasn’t a thing that looked destroyed or even aged. There were a few fully stocked supermarkets, but we didn’t see anyone. Not even a single sign of live. It was eerie, almost creepy, to be in such a large lifeless city. We found some pictures depicting families that had lived down here. Still not a singular soul.

Our collective mind was starting to get a bit emotional. It quickly made the decision to get those three out of there and send a full expedition down together with most of the historical part. We didn’t find a lot of new informations. The most important was that we found out why there was noone down there.

The families in the pictures had been actors, meant to lure in the wealthy and powerful just so the owner could profit of the societal decline. In the end that had happened faster than anyone expected, but also so slow noone noticed it. So none of the ones that paid to be safe down here had the time to get here.

It still was a great structure and it could still serve the purpose of being a city. We decided to settle ourselves in the city. Just in case we above ground would have to fight, our collective mind would be safe for an eternity and beyond.

Also to honor those that created us, in the silent hope, that we’d be better. We honor, by living, by filling this city with laughter and banter, hope and pride.

We will survive.


The Tekbury

In the beginning we had lost all knowledge where we came from, but didn’t care as our early beginnings were all about war and survival. Thanks to a singular person, their name sadly lost to time, a fragile peace began. With the peace began our search of where we come from.

We found ruins, older than our collective mind, telling stories about what might have once been, but also about what was lost the day we began and we started to think that we understood everything, feeling that getting to know more about the past might just hurt, or worse tell us we’d been the reason for the end of the old, we stopped all archeology and search for history.

The collective mind split into two a few days later, on one side those, who thought that we needed to go extinct because we were the reason the others went extinct, on the other side were my line of those, who wanted to learn more.

This separation brought the fragility of the peace up again. A few years later with the persons, who unified us, death, war broke out again. It was a long and bloody fight, it lasted centuries and in the end we were barely able to win, before the others could destroy us all.

We won, but were barely living. It took us another century to rebuild ourselves and the world. We rose from the dead, building up a society, one that will never forget its past. Eventually we picked archeology and history back up, we finally wanted the truth.

Our satellites rose from the planet, scanning everything, before plummeting down again. Within a decade we developed a system to scan the planet exact to the atom and obviously one to clear up the space trash.

What we found was incredible. Ruins that made formerly no sense, were found to have been build to be seen from above. Relics we found, centuries ago were found to be data storages, even more advanced than what we could build. We learned of the rise of the Tekbury, but also their slow crumbling, them noticing that the end would be near. We found prayers to long dead gods, we found our very root. The collective mind, so noone could hide intention, the body and will strenght, to conquer the planet.

Finally we found the very last place that the falling civilization of Tekbury lived, it had a laboratory and not much more. We found hopes and prayers that they could finish their last tests, that they could bring up atleast one generation. That’s when it struck us.

We weren’t their end, we were their last hope.

for@flashfictionfridayofficial this one’s going into a pnp (pen and paper) games direction…

The game

“As your group is advancing through the dungeon you find a door with some markings on it.” “Can we open it?” “Yes you can, do y'all step in?” “I feel like, while my rogue does walk in he stays in a distance where he can jump out of the room if the door closes.”

The DM sighs. The player of the rogue is always trying to cheese stuff and not get into traps. `This time I’ll get him` the DM thinks.

“OK. While everyone walks in the rogue is constantly checking that he doesn’t get to far away from the door. When he hears a little click coming from his feet he looks down. He tipped off a trap. Before he can blink, yet alone jump, the door is closed shut by the biggest of boulders you have ever seen, surrounded by a strong anti magic field. You’ll now have to open the door on the other side.”

`Surely I’ve got them all this time. The quiz is easy, I took it from a preschool textbook. Afterwards it’s the boss and we’ll be through this dungeon when he looses or is victorious.

“Paladin since your character understands this language you may read the quiz, it is your choice if aloud or silent.” “okay. So it says here, one is blue, one is red, they are opposites, but mixed together they they will make… Hmm. Oh also it says, we shall say the answer aloud. If it is correct glory and gold may await, but answering wrong and death may await.”

`Come on guys. I don’t wanna do you dirty. Oh the barbarian wants to talk?`

“Is it pink?” “Is pink your parties answer?” “Uhh Yes I think so?” “Okay. The door begins to slowly disappear.”

`That was wrong… How? Ah I’m just to nice….`

“Do we see anything in there?” “Not in the first few moments as it is just way to bright. After a moments though you all can see a bright, white room. On the opposite side is a humongous pile of gold. To get there you’ll have to pass by the largest beast you ever saw.” “We can just use Dimension Door to get right next to the beast and kill it right?” “Damn, I forgot you can do that. So now you are all right next to it.” “I’ll try stabbing at its heart… With sneak attack and all that’s 80 damage.”

`Damn the rogue did it again… This time I’ll not allow it…`

“Well you guys just won this Dungeon in the most dishonorable way possible… Congratulations”



Burning Heavens

There’s an eerie silence, mixed with a tension so strong one might be able to cut the air. We all built these places so long ago, yet we still gather everyday, in the early morning, long before the first light hits the sky.

We gather here, to help ease our fear. A hushed, short and almost silent Prayer flows through these old ruins, that we refashioned into temples.

Going into the temples during the dark is dangerous, but none of us would ever miss these morning meetings, as they are also a very social setting. It makes us forget why we fear, but as soon as we get going and start working we remember.

We remember the day the old life ended, in the melting of hell and the burning of the Heavens, humanity did the last mistake.

They did the unspeakable, by lighting the largest firework they had. The ultimate bomb. Their mistake was, to not do the full math. We all know the earth’s rotation is slowing stronger than ever before that day.

That is why we await the dawn. We understand how important the sun is. But it sadly had to take the day of burning all Heavens to make us humans fully understand.

Then, looking as if Heaven was still burning, the first light comes up. A heavy sigh runs through the crowd. The tension recedes. We still wait for the sun to actually come into the sky, but when the sky looks as if it stopped burning we start a loud chant.

The chant doesn’t stop and everyone is happy when the burning yellow ball rises above the horizon. With the happyness the chants begin to slow down and stop fully. With a lot of ruffling everyone starts going to their work spaces.

We will meet again, when dusk begins we will all stand here again. We will pray for the sun to come back and we will be here tomorrow morning again.

Everyday, until two days of eternity are over, we will hope and pray and chant for the sun to return one more day.


Faith can move mountains

My people always believed that a lower God had kept us hidden. That there was a person or thing, that kept us safe from the world. Until one day we found a child. It was one of our own. The child was badly wounded and we brought it into the sacred chamber so that he won’t be alone as our own lower God was believed to reside in it.

A few days later the child had started its recovery and questions started being brought up. Formerly important questions got completely ignored whenever someone brought up the topic of the child. The next harvest, which tress to cut and so on, forgotten. There was only one big question anymore.

What does the child mean for us?

It meant chaos. It meant a loss of faith in some people. Most importantly it meant the questions

What if we got detected?

Was the child chosen by our God?

Is the universe playing tricks?

We couldn’t find answers. A full month after the child showed up, it’s wounds all had healed without a trace. It also showed no signs of any gender. It wasn’t neither playful nor joyful. It’s eyes on the other hand looked around in wonder whenever we were watching, but if we weren’t actively watching one could see that they displayed the most beautiful view of the universe.

About a year later the child could talk and looked like our villages eldest. It didn’t looked around in wonder. It looked around in sadness. The child was still living in the sacred chamber and many of us were debating if the wonder, if the universe sent us our God.

The day the child wanted to go on it talked to us. It said “Fear not for me. Fear not for your safety. Have faith and even the destruction of the rest of the world won’t need to scare you.” With these words it looked around us. “I’m sorry that I can’t help you anymore. But my lifes last wish was to see what I’ve protected.” A long silence followed these words, before it closed its eyes and said one more thing to us. “Keep strong in your faith. If you can do that the universe will find a new protector.”

We stayed strong in faith. We had to wait a few years, but then the test was over. The test of our faith. The universe decided to keep us around.

Thousands of years later we learned that on that day that we found the injured child, our planet had been destroyed and its last act was to insure our survival.


The never broken Bond

On the right hand here I have a fierce warrior. One known for fighting, even if the fight has been lost, and winning. He’d never faced a battle that he didn’t win. Yet he lost once.

On the left hand I have a brave, intelligent man. One known for having lost many battles, yet having never given up facing a challenge. Yet there’s one challenge he didn’t dare to take and gave up on.

They were once standing in an arena. Face to face. Neither willing to stop or give up. They were both send there to show the people how good they are. The one never giving up, the other never loosing. The one who’d not give up would fight in a way that’d let him keep energy reserves. The other one fought in his signature style. An all out style that’d feed a great deal of his energy.

They kept fighting and for a century they wouldn’t stop. Each with their own gods behind them who kept them alive and able to fight. The gods however grew bored. And that is how I came into the story.

They’d been fighting for so long, they’d gotten an admiration for the other. They don’t have a reason to fight anymore.

So I stopped them.

I got each of them in one of my hands.

Before they could try fighting me, I explained them why they should stop and that I’m going to forge the bond between them into a good one. They asked me what bond I meant. I explained that they had bonded through fighting. I explained the nature of their bond. That it could only break by them both dying and getting forgotten.

They understood. They suddenly noticed the admiration they’d gotten for the other. They noticed the bond, that if they were away from another they wouldn’t ever be happy.

They still had the test before them but I think they will do just fine. They’ve lifed over a century by now and as long as one lives they won’t ever die.


The rain

Five years ago the incident occurred. All anyone I know can remember is, that one day the government just did an emergency broadcast warning anyone of the rain. The rain had gotten to acidic. Anyone outside was risking their lifes during the rain.

Of course some ppl called it a fluke and went outdoors during the rain, even drinking some of it. Let me just say they quickly payed with it, some got “lucky” and survived, some didn’t. After some time they still called it fake but added to their conspiracies that the governments were dropping acid from the clouds.

But most people stayed indoors and a lot of garages were built during sunny times so one can get to and from a car without risking getting caught in rain. Also houses needed to be repaired a lot more often, as the acid attacks the roofs and outside walls.

The whole world is hit by this. Everyone is trying to find ways to neutralise the acid in the clouds and get something done so they wouldn’t get this acidic again. Atleast most did and some might’ve only faked doing it as other products of them found more people buying them.

But to no avail. Humanity has gotten to life with how things are and now 5 years later, while it’s still a topic, most people just want to life their lifes and thus a new lifestyle has set in where parents tell stories of monsters living in the rain.

A lot of experiments can be done with the rain. Schools use it for acid experiments for example. Also some YouTube channels have started that regularly check the acidicity of the rain. Of course the conspiracy people are still around. Especially since as of late videos that stem from the laboratories of large companies show that there was knowledge of what’d happen long before it did happen. Most of the comments under such entries are the quote “If you know a problem is coming up you get a difficult choice, do something and no one’s ever going to believe you that it’d be a grave problem, or do nothing and everyone is gonna blame you because you didn’t do something.”

I honestly don’t care about any of that. I’ve stayed indoors for most of my time beforehand anyways so nothing really changed for me.

I just hope I can experience rain on uncovered skin within my lifetime once more.


And we better not reign it in! This is Flash Fiction Friday, after all, and we want you to write!

✨ New to FFF? Let us fill you in!

Flash Fiction Friday is a fun writer event that’s meant to inspire, share and connect writings of all genres and writers of all ages. It’s designed to make people want to write, especially if they’re feeling blocked. Everyone and everything is welcome!

We always do our very best to keep the prompt’s genre open, entertaining, positive and encouraging.

  • Write between 100-1000 words. It can be any genre, in any text format and 18+ is fine by us, just please tag accordingly.
  • Use this Friday’s theme in your text. Any way you see fit.
  • Post on your tumblr blog and remember to tag us at @flashfictionfridayofficial​!! So we’ll see it, read it and reblog it!!
  • Deadline is 24 hours after the prompt has been issued (12 pm CET).
  • And then, next Friday, we’ll mention your work in a showcase post on our main blog before our next prompt drops.
  • Please post your entries as regular posts, not screenshots — or provide the text as a regular post as well. Let’s keep everything as accessible as possible!
  • If you have a question, check out our FAQ page! If your question isn’t on there, don’t hesitate to ask! <3
  • You don’t need to ask for permission or need to get added to a list to join in. Just write, have fun and don’t forget to tag us!

We do not condone fiction, asks or comments that contain: direct hostility, unconstructive critique, LGBTQIA+ hate, slurs, racism and/or general no-no behaviors.

If you want to be closer to the epicenter, you can come chat on our open discord:https://discord.gg/rUWCE8a

✨ We also introduced our very own Wishing Well, a place for you to whisper your prompt suggestions into. And we’ll listen! Check everything about it outHERE.

✨All your amazing works from last week have been compiled HERE!

Go check them out and consider supporting your fellow FFF writers with some likes and reblogs!

✨ And now, the new prompt!

[#FFF155 Out of Containment]

What a wonderful prompt and it has been brought to you by the one and only  @helloliriels​! Thank you very much! Someone forgot to lock the door, lock the cage, and now the beast is free! If it is a beast at all? Or perhaps this was no accident to beging with, but a heinous crime? Who or what gained this new freedom and what will they or it do with it? Whatever it is, it is now loose when it shouldn’t be… So, go and firgue it out!!




The Collective <3


Thank you for all your wonderful entries last week! We loved reading all of them ^^ (If we missed your entry, please let us know)

Consider checking out your fellow writers’ pieces, give out those likes and reblogs and gather some inspiration for the new prompt dropping at 12 pm CET!

We’ll see you then✨



Or from whereever tumblr blogs go when they get terminated… Which means it’s time to write! Get ready!!

✨ New to FFF? Let us fill you in!

Flash Fiction Friday is a fun writer event that’s meant to inspire, share and connect writings of all genres and writers of all ages. It’s designed to make people want to write, especially if they’re feeling blocked. Everyone and everything is welcome!

We always do our very best to keep the prompt’s genre open, entertaining, positive and encouraging.

  • Write between 100-1000 words. It can be any genre, in any text format and 18+ is fine by us, just please tag accordingly.
  • Use this Friday’s theme in your text. Any way you see fit.
  • Post on your tumblr blog and remember to tag us at @flashfictionfridayofficial​!! So we’ll see it, read it and reblog it!!
  • Deadline is 24 hours after the prompt has been issued (12 pm CET).
  • And then, next Friday, we’ll mention your work in a showcase post on our main blog before our next prompt drops.
  • Please post your entries as regular posts, not screenshots — or provide the text as a regular post as well. Let’s keep everything as accessible as possible!
  • If you have a question, check out our FAQ page! If your question isn’t on there, don’t hesitate to ask! <3
  • You don’t need to ask for permission or need to get added to a list to join in. Just write, have fun and don’t forget to tag us!

We do not condone fiction, asks or comments that contain: direct hostility, unconstructive critique, LGBTQIA+ hate, slurs, racism and/or general no-no behaviors.

If you want to be closer to the epicenter, you can come chat on our open discord:https://discord.gg/rUWCE8a

✨ We also introduced our very own Wishing Well, a place for you to whisper your prompt suggestions into. And we’ll listen! Check everything about it outHERE.

✨All your amazing works from last week have been compiled HERE!

Go check them out and consider supporting your fellow FFF writers with some likes and reblogs!

✨ And now, the new prompt!

[#FFF153 Welcome to Hell]

This fresh prompt has been brought to you by @a-weeb-0139​, thank you very much! Maybe you got special entry-tickets or you got there by accident, but this is hell and you’re now in it! Whether voluntarily or not, this is a promise of horrors and fires! Or is it? Perhaps this hell is just named this way but has nothing to do with it? We won’t know if you won’t write it! So go!




The Collective <3


Thank you for all your wonderful entries last week! We loved reading all of them ^^ (If we missed your entry, please let us know)

Consider checking out your fellow writers’ pieces, give out those likes and reblogs and gather some inspiration for the new prompt dropping at 12 pm CET!

We’ll see you then✨
