#i should do more what ifs



So a while ago, I reblogged a post from @lnc2 about an idea I had for an Animaestro rewrite to make it Ladrien, and I mentioned that I have several little scene/episode rewrites to make things Ladrien, so I thought I’d share a few more of them with all of you.

Glaciator: When Adrien doesn’t show up, Marinette decides to transform into Ladybug and go see if Chat still wants to hang out (or maybe she just wants to clear her head), but Chat has already gone back home, and Adrien is moping out in the garden by his mom’s statue. Their convo is especially angsty because they’re both fighting back the urge to be like “It’s you! You’re the one I’m in love with!” Then they both are concerned because the other one loves someone else.

Gorizilla (beginning): So, Marinette when she realizes she’s late meeting her friends decides to transform into Ladybug, and Adrien bumps into her which then turns into Ladybug running around town with him until they eventually end up at the movies together (still in disguise because now they’re both celebrities in need of hiding).

The Collector: Instead of waiting around for Chat to answer, she just goes straight to the Agreste mansion and bursts in on Adrien in his room like your dad is Hawkmoth, I gotta get you to safety, and he’s just like um? What? But she’s already picking him up, and he’s just like UM? WHAT??

I’ve already rewritten Party Crasher, but I still think about it a lot.

Reflekdoll: Lady Noire swoops in to save Adrien from being hit before Tikki finds him, and he is just like uhhhh, excuse me? Hello? Plagg?
