#i stand corrected




progress report 2.0: Last time I took this (6 Aug), I scored 91/100. Not good! I’ll save my mistakes this time and work on those too.

Number of “Sexy soft ketchup”s/’t kofschip’s: way too many

So let’s see what I messed up:

Hij woont in de Zeestraat. (not op)
Zij wacht al een kwartier op de bus (not voor. I should’ve known this, this was corrected before >:( )
Heeft u vannacht goed geslapen. AAAAAAAA
Meneer van Rijn heeftnog nooit in een Rolls Royce gereden
Elly en Marie hebbentwee uur gewandeld
Zijn vriouwis naar Hoek van Holland gefietst. (Of course where I’m like HHMMMM I DONT KNOW FOR SURE, I think it’s ‘is’ but let’s go with ‘heeft’, it’s ‘is’)
Hij geeft zijn vrouw een bos bloemen. (collocations…! gotta learn ‘em all)
Klaar is Kees, betekent het is klaar.

To take away: I have to drill the perfect tense, collocations and particles.

I’ve spent the last 12 years boycoting BBC Merlindespite being very much into all things Arthurian - and by “boycoting” I mean: I had the most groundless, pettiest hatred for the show. Like guteral reaction dislike without ever having seen an episode. Despised it for it’s premise and, to be fair, parts of it’s fanbase. I am now proud to say that I have overcome this particular feud and have watched the first two episodes due to quarantine. And it was… fine? Like I don’t think it’s very good but I can see why people enjoyed it. It might even turn into a guilty pleasure if it gets better further along.

Why am I telling you all this? In parts to amuse you with my pettiness. But mostly because I genuinly spend the last 12 years not knowing that there was actual magic in the show and had to pause the pilot episode to scream into a pillow when I realised that most of the queer readings I hated on for so long actually had a point because the way they portray the surpression of magic users is a text book example for queer subtext. So I guess what I learned this quarantine season is to actually watch things before I call bullshit on them.


The last season of Better Call Saul was bad. Plain bad. Just filler.

El twist con howard!!
