#i still like it

La galette des rois !For an Haikyuu Zine organised by the one and only @andythelemon

La galette des rois !
For an Haikyuu Zine organised by the one and only @andythelemon

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onaperduamedee: In which History and art nerds are the worst people to time-travel with. But I thoug


In which History and art nerds are the worst people to time-travel with.

But I thought you loved going out with Sophie? You know your father and I don’t approve… But you’re a kind of a criminal yourself. Art thief? Pah… You can handle her, right? And besides, what’s the worst thing she can do with a time machine? Breaking in Nero’s Golden House? Stealing the Joconde from Leonardo da Vinci? Impersonating the Queen of Sheba?

Insisting on doing time appropriate hairdos? Every. Damn. Time, Mum. And no wigs or TARDIS’ “jiggery-pokery”. I can take her to nudist planets only so many times before she gets suspicious.


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It’s so weird seeing people going through their scene/emo phase. It’s been years since I was around it.

I love the hamster and her gay panic for Hyejin jdhdjs I will never get tired of saying it uwu A qui

I love the hamster and her gay panic for Hyejin jdhdjs I will never get tired of saying it uwu

A quick hwabyul I did while watching the fancams for the concert (I really like this drawing style tho, is just kinda easy and it’s stress free)

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