#show leverage

Played the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page tiPlayed the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page tiPlayed the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page tiPlayed the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page tiPlayed the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page tiPlayed the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page tiPlayed the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.[ID 1: a page ti

Played the SixFanarts challenge on twitter and that would make an interesting party.

[ID 1: a page titled “give me six characters to make fanart of!” with six cases: Alice Swallow, a woman in black and white with dinosaurs’ skeletons around her; Saru with blue screens; Edith Cushing, a woman holding a knife in a dark corridor; Sophie Devereaux, a woman in a hat before the sea; Harvey Birdman, a masked man with wings, flying; and Morgana, a woman wearing a crown of thorns surrounded by brambles. End ID.]

[ID 2: a black and white drawing of Alice Swallow from Bringing Up Baby, a dark-haired woman surrounded by dinosaurs’ skeletons. She is wearing a suit jacket and looking down at a stack of papers in her hand. Her other hand is absently touching a dinosaur’s skull. End ID.]

[ID 3: a drawing of Saru from the chest up against a background of blue screens. His hand is held up beside his face. Another screen casts a blue light across his chest. End ID.]

[ID 4: a drawing of Edith Cushing in a dark, crimson corridor. Bent over, she is holding a large knife before her, looking intensely around. She is wearing a white nightgown and her long hair cascades behind her. End ID.]

[ID 5: a drawing of Sophie Devereaux from the chest up in front of the sea, with a boat and coastline in the background. She is wearing a black low-cut dress and a large straw hat with long ribbons flowing in the wind. End ID.]

[ID 6: a drawing of Harvey Birdman in the sky, flying with the skyline upside down in his back. His wings are open behind him and he is smiling widely. A bird is glaring at him from the top, upside down. End ID.]

[ID 7: a drawing of Morgana Pendragon from Merlin against a background of brambles. She is wearing a dark green dress and cape. There is a crown of thorns on her head. End ID.]

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“Then, of course, we could have dinner on top of the building before the police come up.”

A domestic ot3 doodle from last Leverage Secret Santa that I forgot to post in the midst of everything.

[ID: drawing of Parker, Hardison and Eliot on a couch in a brightly lit room. Hardison is sitting in Eliot’s lap, nested against his shoulder, looking down with a soft expression. Parker is lying across his stomach, stretched out and talking with her head upside down. Eliot is looking at them with an unconvinced frown, holding his glasses. He wears a white shirt with a grey t-shirt. Hardison has a dark blue shirt on and Parker is dressed all in black, hair in a ponytail. In the background, photographs and a large map of the world can be seen. End ID]

onaperduamedee: In which History and art nerds are the worst people to time-travel with. But I thoug


In which History and art nerds are the worst people to time-travel with.

But I thought you loved going out with Sophie? You know your father and I don’t approve… But you’re a kind of a criminal yourself. Art thief? Pah… You can handle her, right? And besides, what’s the worst thing she can do with a time machine? Breaking in Nero’s Golden House? Stealing the Joconde from Leonardo da Vinci? Impersonating the Queen of Sheba?

Insisting on doing time appropriate hairdos? Every. Damn. Time, Mum. And no wigs or TARDIS’ “jiggery-pokery”. I can take her to nudist planets only so many times before she gets suspicious.


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