#i stumbled upon it again and reread it



Afterthis post and all its truth continues to make me despair over how Lan XiChen really had no emotional support after Guanyin Temple, I need to talk about the sheer insensitivity Lan WangJi shows Lan XiChen when he even thinksthe story about Sisi might somehow help:

[Wei WuXian,] “Lan Zhan, did you know? The one named SiSi seemed to have been a friend of Jin GuangYao’s mother’s.”

Lan WangJi, “I did not.”

Wei WuXian didn’t know if he should laugh, “I was only making a comment, not that I was really asking you. I saw it back at the Guanyin Temple, in Empathy with the ghoul woman. She looked after Jin GuangYao and his mother quite well.”

With a moment of silence, Lan WangJi replied, “Thus, Jin GuangYao let the woman go.”

Wei WuXian, “It should be the case. I was afraid ZeWu-Jun would go soft on him again, so I didn’t say everything. Even now I still don’t we should tell him.”

Lan WangJi, “If he should ask in the future, I will let him know.”

Wei WuXian, “Might as well.”

[Ch. 111, Exiled Rebels Scanlations]

This is in part an ethical consideration because if Lan XiChen asks about Sisi then it is arguably within his right to know. Nonetheless, I can’t help finding Wangxian’s understanding of Sisi’s story as completely oblivious to Lan XiChen’s own plight, because Lan XiChen and Sisi both showed kindness toward Jin GuangYao and were both traumatically punished for it.

Even worse, Lan WangJi’s memory is really bad because Jin GuangYao didn’t let Sisi go. Just like Jin GuangYao wasn’t willing to let Lan XiChen go. Because that’s when Nie HuaiSang had to step in.

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