#i think youre right



no vegaspete this ep? no problem.

it might feel like we’re running outta time but. i want the bulk of vegaspete to come at me all at once and hit me like a tonne of bricks. i want it to be as intense as it can possibly be. as visceral and as raw as possible. let all the darker stuff in the second half of the season be a stark contrast to the first half. like you want it to stop but it won’t stop and now you’re drowning in it and now you just don’t want it to stop. like its one thing after the next after the next. punch after punch after punch.

and thing is. maybe that is the point of not showing vegaspete rn. of keeping them for later. for the purpose of that effect. to feel it from pete’s pov, that its just going from one layer of darkness to the next, deeper and deeper, and its just Not Stopping and its getting harder to even breathe or process all of this.

honestly i really dont mind it. bc i’d rather have the bulk of of them all at once to create that exact heightened effect on me, the audience, watching all of this.




now that i think about it, jonathan harker would’ve been a great character in frankenstein. he’s so completely oblivious to dracula’s red flag parade that he’d probably completely avert the creature’s murderous rampage by accidentally befriending him after spending a page and a half writing about some weirdly tall homeless guy with daddy issues he ran into

“I’ve met the most peculiar man today. He was far taller in height than I have ever witnessed before. His face gave off a general sense of ugliness, though I cant quite place why considering he seems to be quite handsome when not in animation. A multitude of scars seemed to cover his body, perhaps from a terrible accident and the subsistent surgeries. I’ve noticed that he always looks close to crying. When i asked his name, he replied, in length, that he had none. How queer! As he seemed fairly harmless, and rather in need, I invited him to accompany me on my passage to Count Dracula. He looked bewildered, but accepted. I know not whether he shall continue to accompany me when I return to Mina, but I’m quite certain she would never reject hospitality to so miserable a man!”

i love you
