#i tried

pronunciation | ‘kI-ros (KYE-ross, English); kEr-'os (keer-OSS, Greek)Greek | καιρόςnote | Kai

pronunciation | ‘kI-ros (KYE-ross, English); kEr-'os (keer-OSS, Greek)
Greek | καιρός
note | Kairos is both a rhetorical term for “the opportune moment” (as above) and the word for “weather”.

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Hit the dab. Hit the Yeet.

Beat my meat. Go to sleep.


i tried

it took a long time but I did it! I’m sorta proud of myself

Timmy would be gay if dragons had gender they are super cute and happy

ty@nooboos​ & @mysteriousdane​ for tagging me or sth idk lel 

  1. “Autumn” or “Fall?
  2. Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking?
  3. Halloween or Thanksgiving? uh neither, I don’t celebrate thanksgiving and I hate halloween lol
  4. Cashmere or Flannel?
  5. Cool and Crisp or Warm and Foggy?
  6. Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace?
  7. Scarves or Berets?neither
  8. Cinnamon or Nutmeg?
  9. Reading a Book or Watching a Movie?
  10. Halloweentown or Nightmare Before Christmas?
  11. Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?
  12. Wool Socks or Slippers?
  13. Trick or Treat?still dislike halloween rip
  14. Marshmallows or Whipped Cream?
  15. Jack or Sally?could never watch through the entire movie so idk
  16. Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark?
  17. Plaid or Neutrals?
  18. Coffee or Tea?
  19. Studyblr or Halloween Blog?
  20. Red or Gold?
  21. Blankets or Pillows?
  22. Cabins or Cottages?
  23. Scary or Spoopy?
  24. Sweaters or Boots?
  25. Caramel Apples or Candy Apples? I don’t like either rip
  26. Hay Rides or Leaf Peeking? I have no idea what this is referencing to so uhh

sugar, spice, and everything nice

[do not repost]

I dressed up as Prof Membrane but the hair was too hard to make and I only took one photo

Some people thought I was Yzma

you have been married for a couple of years. (future time / not present time)


Sangbae would be so happy. He would smile ear to ear hearing he was going to be a father. He would hug you close, but not too tight because he’d be afraid to hurt your unborn child. He would kiss you, probably all over your face, your nose, cheek and lips. His smile wouldn’t drop for a very long time.


Daewon would be such a cutie. He would jump up and down ecstatic immediately after hearing the news. He would then notice you standing with a smile and pull you into a hug. He would kiss your forehead and repeat the words “I’m going to be a daddy”. You would be able to feel his big smile as he rests his head on yours.

Lee Geon/Kyungtak:

Geon would be adorable. His eyes would widen right away. Noticing your growing smile he would drop to his knees in front of you, lifting your shirt just above your belly button. He would begin humming a soft sweet melody before telling your baby “I’m your daddy little one, I’m excited to meet you”.


Jota would be similar to Geon, he would hold a wide eyed expression for a while before asking you “Really?”. When you nod. He would pull you into a hug and thank you for being you. His hand would gently rest on your tummy while the other rubs your back in your hug.

Heo Jun:

I feel like Heo Jun would be the kind of person who would need to sit down. He would smile a huge smile when he hears to news. He would constantly repeat the words “I’m a father” under his breath. You would run your fingers through his hair. He would turn to you kissing you and say “and you’re a mother”.


Much like Heojun, I feel like you’d have to sit Juhyun down before telling him the news. Once you tell him, he would immediately smile. He would drop from his seat beside you to his knees in front of you. He would look up at you before lifting your shirt up just a little. He would kiss your belly below its button. “I love you” is all he could say to you and your baby.


Jaeho would be the typical husband with news like this. (it’s a good thing). He would exclaim “REALLY?” As happily as he could. He would bring you into a hug, picking you and a spinning. When he sets you down the mood would completely change as he looks down at your belly. Tears of joy would come to his eyes and he’d say “I’m going to be a dad”. You would nod and he’d repeat “I’M GOING TO BE A DAD!”.

Rap Monster/Namjoon:

I feel like Namjoon would be awestruck. He wouldn’t know how to react if you planted a kiss to his lips. While you both are out for coffee or tea, you would hand him his mug, leaning down kissing his plump lips sweetly. He would go to question your actions, but not. Namjoon would try to act as calm as possible even though inside he’s flipping over the fact you just shared your first kiss. With one look from you, he would take initiative, leaning over the small circular table to kiss you once again, softly and sweetly. He would find a new love, your kisses would be one of his favourite things from this point on.


Jin… Jin is such a sweet guy. The two of you would be cooking, more like him cooking and you helping him with prep work. You had been dating for a few weeks so you knew it would be time. While handing him a bowl of ingredients your hands would touch. You can read his face knowing he’s thinking what you are. With Jin, neither of you would necessarily kiss one another first, it would be a mutual decision to share that first kiss. You would reach up, standing briskly on your tiptoes, making the first initial move. Your lips would meet. Surprisingly your kiss would be longer than expected. After a moment, he would pull away with a closed mouth smile. He would kiss your nose or forehead sweetly before fully taking the bowl from you. He would be happy with your kiss, and be looking forward to the next, which I’m sure would come soon.


Oh Yoongi… You would have to be first with this boy. He would never be able to find the right time to kiss you, although finding it yourself would be quite hard as well. After a long day of thinking, you would give and tell yourself to just go for it. While the two of you are laying down on the couch, the television playing softly in the background of your casual conversation, you would roll to face him. He would smile or even chuckle at you for no reason. (He does this a lot, he always smiles when he sees you). You would take advantage of his closed mouth smile, to place your lips over his. His eyes would remain open for a few moments before he adjusts himself into your kiss. His cheeks would flush to a light rosy pink. When you pull away, you would giggle at his pink cheeks. He would peck you quickly before telling you he loves you.


Hoseok would be nothing but smilely when you kiss him. You would kiss him at just the right moment, whether you be talking, drinking tea, or even getting ready for bed, the right opportunity would come. You would quickly find a way to turn him to you and plant a solid kiss to his lips. He would grab your shoulders when you pull away. His cheeks a soft pink glow, as are yours. “Can we try that again?” He would ask. Not waiting for you to reply he would press his lips back to yours. Playfully he would kiss you time and time again. Making you laugh. He would be smiling ear to ear, knowing you’re comfortable to kiss him, something he’s wanted to do from the time he met you.


Jimin would definitely be a blushing ball of fluff. While the two of you are curled up on the couch, cuddled together watching a movie you both love. You would look at him and he’d look at you. His eyes would widen when he sees you moving in towards his lips, but once your lips press to his he would completely fall into the kiss. His cheeks would probably become the colour of a tomato, but he wouldn’t care. He would love kissing you, more than likely he wouldn’t want you to pull away. He’d be thankful you kissed him first, because he wouldn’t have taken the opportunity for probably another few dates no matter how much he would want to.


You would be lucky if you were first to kiss him. Taehyung seems like the kind of guy to definitely kiss you first. So, if you were to kiss him first he would be slightly taken back. You would have to do it in an almost awkward time, a time where he wouldn’t see it coming. Like, if you two were chatting during your first date as a couple, you would take the smallest moment of silence to lean in and peck his lips. When you pull away from the little kiss he would blink and seem nearly in shock. Before you could think he would pull you in again, another kiss. He would make sure this kiss lasts longer than the last.


Lets face it, as much as we don’t want to think it, Kookie would be totally flustered. When he is standing at your door after walking you home from what was an amazing first date, he would want to kiss you, but he more than likely can’t build up the nerve to make a move. Quickly you’d lean in planting a sweet peck to his lips. His cheeks would flush immediately. He would jumble his words as he tried to bid you goodbye, this would cause you to laugh. Jungkook would sweetly place another peck to your lips a maybe one to your nose before properly bidding goodbye. All in all, Jungkook would be super shy and meek about it, he would be happy and smile to know you share similar feelings for him as he does for you.

You’ve been married for a year or two and your ‘mommy timer’ was starting to go off.
// including; how you would have to tell them //


I feel like if you were to tell him, you would have to direct. You would have to find a good day, a day where he wakes up in a particular good mood. You would surprise him with a perfectly made cup of coffee, one for you and another for him. While you both were sitting on the couch and casual television show playing in the background while you talk back and forth. Your conversation would go silent, the perfect opportunity to tell him your thoughts on children. “Seungyoon” you would start. He would look up at you from his sip of coffee, a questioning look pasted over his face. When you break the news of your desire for a child he would be nearly jaw dropped. He would sit in silence, possibly causing you to back track your words and question if it was too soon. When he finally build the nerve to respond he would be nothing but ecstatic. He would smile ear to ear and leave you relieved. He would kiss you and tell you he loves you before taking another sip of his coffee.


Jinwoo is such a sweetie so you would have to be subtle or you might scare him a little O.o. He would come home after rehearsal in a good mood. You would be cooking a small meal for the two of you. While you both are eating at the dining room table, you would casually slip into the conversation hints about your desire for children. Eventually he would catch on to the little mentions of kids in your conversation. Before you can tell him he would ask you. “Are you thinking about having children?”. You would be quite shocked he caught up to you that fast. When you tell him yes he would smile bigger than ever. He would stand up and lean across the table to kiss you. He would be nothing but happy to hear you want to start a family.


Seunghoon is super outgoing. You would need to do something special for him. When he comes home from rehearsal, you’d grab his hand when he walks in the door and begin dancing in circles with him. You both would laugh, continuing to spin round and round, step by step. In the middle of your laughter you would slip up and tell him “babe, I think I want kids”. Your awkward statement would take him back a bit, and your dancing would slow and he would repeat what you just said over and over in his head. “Babe?” You would prompt him and stop twirling. He would stand, you both in silence. “YOU DO!?” he would say excitedly. You would nod, still wondering if you said it too soon. He would pick you up in his arms and spin you around. “I want to be a daddy” he would tell you, making you smile knowing he is in agreeance to you wanting children.


You would need to pick a time where you are alone, relaxed, and completely immersed in one another. Bedtime would be best for Mino. When you both are laying in bed, head rested softly on your pillows. Your would roll over to face him, running your hand over his cheek/jawline. He would smile a closed mouth smiles. His sleepy eyes blink heavily at you. You would begin by saying his name. He would look at you in a way that tells you he wants to hear your voice more. When you tell him you would like kids in near future, he would jump awake. Leaning himself up on his elbow to look down at you who still lay head rested on the pillow. He would go on an excited rant about how happy he is. After a good 10 - 20 minutes of him freaking out, he would quiet himself and turn to you a smirk over his lips. “When do we start?” He’d ask you, referring to trying for babies, still with that smirk over his face. His playfulness would get you laughing. He would kiss you, and laugh with you.


Much like Jinwoo you would have to be subtle with Taehyun. You would have to wait for a moment where he’s relaxed and not doing something. You both would be curled up on the couch, cuddling watching a movie you’ve seen multiple times before. You would clear your throat and prepare for what you are about to tell him. He would turn to you, a questioning gaze over his face. “What is it? What’s on your mind?” He would ask you . You would sigh and turn to him as well. He would furrow his eyebrows in and up, looking puzzled at you. You would forget your plans to be subtle and come straight out with it. You would tell him you would like to start your family soon. He would immediately smile, which would almost surprise you. He would pull you in close to him. You would feel his smile on your shoulder while you hug. He would be nothing but happy.

some clip warm-up doodles

some clip warm-up doodles

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