#i wish putin would just die now



This is my city. I grew up watching Azovstal working non-stop - all these pipes coughing into the sky far away, on the other side of Mariupol. The Sea of Azov looked like steel, roaring beneath, glistering at the sun. God, I know the people who died there. I remember greeting them at my mother’s work, at the hospital. So young, so full of life - the best sons and daughters of Ukraine, its brave protectors.

The feeling… Is terrifying. For me it’s still 24th of February. For me I’m there. On the dying Azovstal, trembling, covered in blood, screaming to the whole world to hear and help, yet getting scarce respond. Why am I posting it here? Because I’m desperate. And the only thing I can do is spread the word. Remind Ukraine still fights. We are still trying to survive the genocidal war the so-called “brothers” waged on us. 

So please - don’t look away. At least - remember. Remember Azovstal and its heroes.  
