



Now that Bulgaria has begun accepting refugees from Ukraine, here are some links worth sharing:

Official Bulgarian Government Portal With Information Concerning Evacuation

Anton Kisse (member of Ukrainian Parliament) has shared a list of phone numbers for Ukrainian citizens who seek refuge in Bulgaria:

For Bulgarians who want to help with donations and resources, here is a list of locations where you can do so, plus contacts:

Please reblog and add more info if you can!

Update: As of Feb 27 the Bulgarian Red Cross has an active campaign in support of Ukrainian refugees, details for which can be found here.

#ukraine    #nonsims    #non sims    




If you are looking for an emergency exit from Ukraine, Poland will open EIGHT safety points on the border with Ukraine (you will get warm food, medical help and from there you will be guided to safety) in two of our voivodeships: lubelskie and podkarpackie. It is confirmed by the Polish Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Paweł Szefernaker.




I’ve marked those voivodeships on the map!

Please share because it can save lives!!!!!!


A link for Ukrainians currently seeking asylum in Poland. We stand with you ❤️







Kharkiv right now. Peaceful Ukrainian city.

Explotions all around Ukraine. Even in my small town in Central Ukraine.

I don’t know how many of us will survive this.

Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is under fire of our “dearest friends and brothers” russians.

You know, those russians who don’t want the war, but doing fucking nothing to protest against it. Doing nothing to stop it.

Это же не против домика для уточки протестовать, да? Х*хлов не настолько жалко, как себя. Всё, что вы пишете об этой войне - это то, как вы её не хотите и это всё политики. В танках едут не политики. Я понимаю, что вы в заложниках у диктатора. Я понимаю, что вам страшно выступать против его “политики”. Но вас никто не тянет за язык. Вы правда думаете, что матери, которая потеряла сына, или женщине, которая похоронила отца своих детей или даже своего маленького ребенка (как сегодня от российского обстрела в місті Чугуїв) стало легче от того, что вы такие все хорошие и либеральные не поддерживаете эту войну? Ноль эмпатии. Думаете только о себе, о своём имидже. О том, как вы выглядите в глазах общества. Как вас “несправедливо” осуждают.

Когда школьник из вашего Нового Уренгоя сказал про нацистов “они не хотели войны” - вы все его осудили. А сейчас говорите то же самое про себя. Есть такая вещь как преступное бездействие.

Откройте глаза. Украинцы умирают от российских снарядов. Просто за то, что мы украинцы. Хватит писать о том как вы не поддерживаете это, имейте хоть каплю стыда. Вы должны на коленях стоять перед народом України.

Я змушена була звернутися до вас російською, бо українську ви не розумієте, хоча як це, адже ж ми один народ…

For anyone heading to Polish border, here’s important info about entering our country: https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina—ua

#nonsims    #ukraine    #non sims    #saviorhide    #saviourhide    #savior hide    



Jesus fucking christ this shit gets old, Trump supporters are fucking idiots

#stop trump    #vladimir putin    #russia    #ukraine    


Zelenskyy also accused Russia of committing genocide in Ukraine, calling it “the elimination of the whole nation.”

This American is thoroughly sick of reading about what Putin will and will not accept. I would much rather hear about Zelenskyy. Putin be damned.

#ukraine    #russia    


KAL in The Economist

#russia    #ukraine    #political cartoon    

“Zelensky surrounds himself with a small assembly of journalists, lawyers, performers and self-help professionals, his war-time ‘pop-up government’, as Sergii Leshchenko, a former journalist, now a member of the presidential staff, labels it. […] It all comes across as a bit chaotic, and perhaps it is. And yet everyone seems to know what to do. They are getting on with the job, despite the constant threat of a bomb falling on them. They are doing their work without waiting for his sign-off. They are the power here. Zelensky, for his part, believes one man cannot and should not control everything. As the country looks for every way to defeat Russia on the battleground, that understanding – a belief in the power of individual people choosing to stand together as one – may turn out to be Ukraine’s saving grace.”

—Oliver Carrol for The Economist


I am a kind, responsible, intelligent, honest, pretty, well-educated person. I am very energetic, so, it helps me to keep fit and slender. I am a merry and happy person. I think that my main character traits are that I always get a hold of myself and am ready-witted in any situation. Maybe that is why I am a very brave and sociable woman!)

Looking for… I would like my man be a real man, that can treat a woman like a lady. I would like him to be a kind, clever, real gentleman, nice to speak to, understanding and wise, with a sense of humor and easy going.

Age: 21
Sex: f
Height: 67 in
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Green
Nationality: Ukrainian
City: Nikolaev
Country: Ukraine
Education: Secondary
Occupation: Merchandising
Religion: Christian
Smoking: No
Drinking: Socially

In my spare time I like to read books, relax. I have been weaving of beads, it is very interesting. Also walk in the fresh air, sports, friends.

Looking For
Age: 25 to 45

#evgenia maksimenko    #ukraine    #dating    

Today has been a terrible day in the World history.

I woke up to hear the news about the Russian invasion in Ukraine. But people in Ukraine wole up to the sound of explosions and sirens.

The situation has been bad for a long a while, but it really shocked me to watch the violent military actions that Putin has commanded.

The Ukrainian President Zalenskyy quotes: “Russia treacherously attacked our state in the morning, as Nazi Germany did in #2WW years. As of today, our countries are on different sides of world history. Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself & won’t give up its freedom no matter what Moscow thinks.

—And this is so important, to keep fighting for freedom! —

I consider freedom and independence as a human right, unfortunately we take it for granted when we have it - but there are people out there fighting just to keep their own independent state.

And.. there are people right at this moment, who are escaping from military attacks, missils and armed solidiers.

We need to support these civilians, whose home and country are being bombed and ruined. Kids, elders, families who can’t be safe in their own home.

This is the Ukraine National Embled and the Ukraine Flag in different editions.

These are the first 2 items I made exclusive, because I want to donate the money I get from it to the Ukraine people, who at the moment are refugees, forced to seek safety beyond borders. Every single penny will be donated and I will put in one dollar myself for each donation.

If you just want to support Ukraine, and show that you care about the Ukraine People, please just share this post so as many as possible will be aware of the horrible situation.

All my thoughts are with the Ukraine, I support you, I stand with you


Donate and download here

Thank you so much for your caring and attention ❤️

This post is made for sharing #WeStandWithUkraine


Fucking traitor.

Another portrait for the Ukraine fundraiser for the wonderful Eli!They brought to my attention the o

Another portrait for the Ukraine fundraiser for the wonderful Eli!

They brought to my attention the organization Outright Action International

I’ve attached a link below for y’all to check it out for yourselves!


Post link
#ukraine    #help ukraine    #portrait    #illustration    

First of the portraits for raising funds for Ukraine for the lovely Marlene who has adorable bunnies!

Thank you for your donation Marlene!

#help ukraine    #ukraine    #illustration    #portrait    
Hi there everybody, I’m going to be trading drawings for donations to help fundraise money for Ukrai

Hi there everybody, I’m going to be trading drawings for donations to help fundraise money for Ukraine relief.

Like I mention above no money is to be sent to me but directly to a charity/organization with a screenshot of the confirmation. 

Here are some links to various organizations!





If you have any other organizations that you know of please let me know and I’ll update the list!

Post link
#ukraine    #help ukraine    #portraits    
You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you never be better than Ukrainian Shepard&hell

You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you never be better than Ukrainian Shepard…

P.S. I’m alive!

Post link

Слава Україні!

My dear kittens and puppies, it might be my last post. But I do hope it’s not and I’ll come back to all of you. The situation right now is difficult. There’s no way now for me or my family to leave the country. My brother Victor was working in UK when the war started, we have no opportunity for now to meet or help each other. Bridges are ruined, Russia is firing by civil evacuating cars, trains, hospitals, houses, people. Yes. Everything’s burning. But we won’t give up! In my city already formed defense among militaries and civils. I’m staying with them. I never wanted war. I never wanted to kill Russians or anybody, I never wanted to make anyone suffer. But I will defense my home.

Thank to all of you! For your support, care, prays, thoughts about us. We had good time here in our safe Sims place. It was the best time. And let’s pray to meet up again.


Россияне! Если вы ещё фоловите мой блог, моя убедительная просьба - НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ Путину, НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ своему СМИ. Они вам лгут! Когда вы боролись за weddingsforeussia вы просили западных симмеров верить вам, тем людям, которые живут в России и лучше знают законы своей страны. Я прошу вас о том же, верьте нам, украинцам. Тем людям, которые прямо сейчас под обстрелом российских оккупантов. Именно так, оккупантов! Нет и никогда не было в Украине никаких фашистов против русского населения! Верьте мне! Я здесь родился и вырос, я - украинец. Я постоянно общался с русскими симмерами, я поддерживал их когда ЕА собиралась не выпускать на территории РФ последний набор. Я никогда не имел ненависти против какой-либо нации, расы, веры И я не один. Я отражаю настроение всей страны. Я повторяю, все, что вы видели, слышали или знали о “фашистах в Украине” это жирный и наглый фейк! Все, что вы видите по своим СМИ про войну России против Украины - ложь! Я не желаю Северной Кореи для России и я надеюсь у вас, русских, будет достаточно смелости и силы победить тоталитаризм!


Українці,@its-adrienpastel, якщо ти живий (Боже, я дуже сподіваюся що ти живий!) це наша земля. Я розумію, ніхто з нас не був готовий до збройного конфлікту. Я ніколи в житті не бачив та не тримав реальної зброї. Але такі часи, ми маємо допомоги тим супер-людям що зараз стримують натиск ворога. Ми не можемо бігти, тож нам залишається лише одне - битися та допомогати бійцям! Чим можна. Якщо дуже страшно - то не заважати нашим захисникам працювати, чекати та молитися у бомбосховищах, домівках. Я залишаюсь у Кривому Розі. Якщо почнуться відкриті бої я зроблю все можливе аби Україна вистояла. Боже, нехай вона вистоїть! Бо іншої нема.

З любов'ю до вас всіх, кошенятки та цуцики,

Ваш полтергейст,


 Ukraine’s military: Russia has lost 18,600 soldiers as of April 6.‘I can’t keep up’: Russia is lo

Ukraine’s military: Russia has lost 18,600 soldiers as of April 6.

‘I can’t keep up’: Russia is losing so much military equipment in Ukraine that weapons monitors are overwhelmed,  The Independent

Post link
Russian mothers are going to put the hurt on Putin “As a courtesy to the mothers of those sold

Russian mothers are going to put the hurt on Putin

“As a courtesy to the mothers of those soldiers, we are disseminating this information over social media to at least let families know that they they’ve lost their sons and to then enable them to come to collect their bodies,” Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s vice prime minister

Post link
Passing along Ohla’s message for Putin   BBC Reporter Lewis Goodall: “Are you here with your family?

Passing along Ohla’s message for Putin  

BBC Reporter Lewis Goodall: “Are you here with your family?”

Ohla: “No. it’s only me. I left my family in Ukraine because they were like, ‘at least we have to save someone’.”

Goodall: “How old are you?”

Ohla: "I’m 19″

Goodall: “You must be so worried about them”

Ohla: “Yes, it’s actually tragic. I couldn’t sleep for 3 days… I was in constant panic because my friends from Kyiv are protecting Kyiv right now in the volunteer army.

Goodall:What do you think of Vladimir Putin, when you think of think?“

Ohla:"If I see him right now, I will kill him with my own hands. Because this person killed a lot of my friends, my family, my fellow citizens.”

#IStandWithUkraine  ✊ #RussiansGoHome

#EndTheWar #PutinsWar #WarCrimes#CrimesAgainstHumanity  

Watch@lewis_goodall’s complete segment.

Post link

The map offers an educated guess as to the probable Russian strategy in the ground war. A multi pronged drive toward Kyiv and the western border aiming for the wholesale destruction of Ukraine as a state. With 130,000 soldiers. Too few for the task, too large an obstacle to bite. Russian air power will probably aim for civilian terror as this is what it’s good at. It hasn’t fought an air war with an equal force since WW2 so who knows what happens here? Odds are good the Russians shellack Ukraine and then the greatest nemesis of Russian tanks is their own Air Force like in recent US campaigns.

130,000 troops is too few to occupy Ukraine and even a few urban battles will turn this into Grozny on a grander scale.

#ukraine    #ukraine war    




Hi Sunflowerkru!It’s tuesday again and… Here I am ;-) !

Here is a surreal picture from last weekend: my cherry tree in bloom under big snowflakes. You can hear my husband playing three notes on his guitar in the background too <3.

I hope everyone is well and my thoughts go straight to those who kindly picked up the torch last week @ninappon,@roguetwelve when I wasn’t in the best of spirits. And your messages made me feel so good, girls. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !! You were absolutely right. The world can be a scary place sometimes, but we should always look ahead and think of the positives. As long as there is life there is hope.

So I won’t talk about Covid. (My husband is better.)
I won’t talk about climate change. (My cherry tree is fine.)
I won’t talk about the presidential elections in France. (let’s think about something else.)
And although I won’t talk about  war in Ukraine, I am thinking very hard about all those who are suffering and need help. Let us continue to support all those who need to be supported.

Sending much love to : @pendragaryen,@natassakar,@geekyogicheese,@immortalpramheda,@kizo2703,@lee-em-dee,@carrieeve,@ninappon@igotbellarkeforthat,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@kateemcintyre,@moreflowersthanweeds,@foolishnymeria,@otp-armada,@isweartobreathe,@the-suns-also-rise,@roguetwelve,@heartbellamy,@bellamyblake,@jeanie205,@broashwhat,@imaginetonprincecharmant, and a very special thought to @julibernardo

Happy BFSN Sunflowerkru!

I have been limiting my social media recently, so it’s been a while since I participated. Thank you to everyone who continued to tag me despite my absence. Special thanks to @togetherkru for keeping BFSN going week after week.

My friend has some new baby goats at her farm that I got to cuddle with last week. This is Hermione and she has two brothers who are, of course, named Harry and Ron. I hope seeing her will brighten someone’s day!

Sending so much love to you all! ❤

No pressure tags: @infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@geekyogicheese@ninappon@roguetwelve@carrieeve@pendragaryen@immortalpramheda@spacebell@moreflowersthanweeds and anyone else I forgot, it’s been a while since I’ve tagged people

Hi Sunflower Kru ,

If you’ve ever wondered what happens on stage after the curtain drops, my photo is pretty much your answer haha. We made it through the week of shows without a massive Covid outbreak! And now we have a couple of weeks to recover (and re-set… the guy on my back in the photo broke his foot mid show the next day ) before we start travelling. Time to take these fundraising efforts and our show of Ukrainian pride across Canada!

The outpouring of support that we received at these shows was so so heartwarming. There have been so many tears over the last few days - both in the audience and on stage. Our hearts are absolutely with the people of Ukraine, shown by the absolute roar each time the Ukrainian flag was brought on stage, giving us the boost we needed to get through the encore at the end of a very hard 2 hour show.

And another fun bonus photo to hopefully make you smile… Here’s what Charlie thought of me being gone all week. He stole my shoe pretty much the second I got home from the post show reception on Friday. 

Thank you so much for the tags @togetherkru​ and @igotbellarkeforthat​!

Stef -  it’s bitterly cold and snowing here too, although that’s normal here for this time of year. And it’s supposed to warm up by the weekend. But I have total confidence that your cherry tree will persevere!

Kim - I’m pretty sure that goat just melted my heart. And the names are incredible

Tagging/ sending love to @ninappon@carrieeve@natassakar@bellamyblake@pendragaryen@bookwormforalways@writetheniteaway@heartbellamy@moreflowersthanweeds

LAURIE your messages are always so heartwarming ! Thank you again for your kindness ! Charlie surely missed you !

#ukraine    #positivity    #roguetwelve    