#i wont stop

Selena Gomez for La’MarietteSelena Gomez for La’MarietteSelena Gomez for La’Mariette

Selena Gomez for La’Mariette

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Disney: we’re not homophobic. We had to take Love Victor off the platform because it had teen drinking.

Love Victor’s teen drinking:

Dean gets out of the car on the bridge because Cas is standing in the middle.

Cas: “Hello Dean.”

Dean, smiling, like the world’s weight has finally lifted off his shoulders: “Been waiting long?”

Cas: “I waited a thousand years for you, Dean. This was nothing.”

Dean walks forward, he’s just a foot away from Cas now.

Dean: “Cas, I–I was so scared.”

Cas: “Death is scary.”

Dean: “Not of dying. Of losing you. Cas, I need to tell–”

Cas: “It’s okay, Dean. You don’t have to say it. I know.”

Dean: “No, Cas, you don’t know. You can’t know because I never said it, hell, I never even prayed it.” (he comes closer, grabs one of Cas’s hands) “You died and I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t imagine a world without you. We defeated God and I didn’t even care. Nothing mattered. Dying didn’t even matter. Because I finally realized that all I wanted, all I needed, was you.”
