#id appreciate it


I saw this ridiculous post and I figured you might be interested 


I am very interested! Not in the least because this very blog was apparently credited for some of the images (which I in turn got from Trekcore.com, so I’m not exactly the right person to credit, but they didn’t ask me where I’d gotten them from!).

I’m really quite baffled as to the purpose of this article? ‘Bizarre facts’ - what does that mean exactly? What stance are the authors taking on the topic, are they saying basing an entire character around her cleavage was sexist or ridiculous? I honestly don’t think they have any stance at all, other than sharing these ‘tidbits’ of information. They neither celebrate nor condemn the decisions made by the producers, thus I don’t really understand the purpose at all.

Then again, they did include over a dozen pictures of Troi, including no less than nine in a row, so perhaps I’m overthinking things here and it’s simply a ‘yay boobs!’ “article” - in which case I’m rather offended that they even credited me for the images, because that is the exact opposite of what this blog is for.

Any thoughts?

How the Types react to rules!

ESTJ: Rules exist for a reason, therefore I will learn and enforce them.

ISTJ: I know the rules and the reasons for the existence of rules, and I will follow them.

ENTJ: I make the rules and no one will disobey them. But if you ask me to follow you, think again.

INTJ: I live by my rules. If you have a problem with that, go ahead. What are you going to do about it?

ENFJ: I will do what is right, and if that means breaking a rule to do it…watch this! *Climbs the Lincoln Memorial to save a stranded cat*

INFJ: I will follow the rules, until someone is in danger because of those rules. Then I’ll burn the place down.

ESFJ: The rules have been created by people of power. If they are in power they can be trusted. Therefore, the rules can be trusted.

ISFJ: If the rules say for me to do something that will hurt someone else Icannot do it. But if the rules do not cause that, I will follow the rules.

ESTP: Rules? Pfft.

ISTP: Yeah, okay… *backflips off roof and sprints off into the night*

ENTP: Rules? Rules are, by definition, a restriction. A threat to human’s free will. However, some rules are necessary, thanks to idiots. Therefore I only follow the rules I deem worthy- my own. 

INTP: Rules are engineered for two reasons. One, to keep stupid people from hurting themselves or others. Two, to control the people. Because of this fact I follow my rules. And if that means downloading an album off YouTube… too bad! Good luck catching me. ;)

ENFP: I don’t know the rules, but I know what I like. I will follow what I know and if that means breaking a rule… oops! :P

INFP: I will do what is right.No matter what your rules say.

ESFP: Rules are fine unless they get in my way. Don’t mess up my fun.

ISFP: I will judge the situation and act accordingly. 

Tumblr Survey

So, I am a very inquisitive and curious person, so I have made a survey regarding this blog.

So if you would please take a few minutes to fill this out I would appreciate it very much! Its not super long, and does not take too much effort. <3 (it is also anonymous)

*The questions are catered towards my followers and/or readers, so if you don’t know anything about my blog or have not read anything, there is no need to take it :)


**I tried to turn off reblogs for this survey, but then I couldn’t reblog it myself. So, just a note, you don’t need to reblog this. This is just for the followers of this blog, not a general tumblr user survey.

ASMR | Helping Nevada Count Ballots (Counting, Soft Spoken, Paper Sounds)

So…  I may have started an ASMR channel? And yes, my first video is an out-of-date meme - feel free to make fun of me. Or check it out? Maybe? 
