#if i got any of these wrong please tell me


How the Types react to rules!

ESTJ: Rules exist for a reason, therefore I will learn and enforce them.

ISTJ: I know the rules and the reasons for the existence of rules, and I will follow them.

ENTJ: I make the rules and no one will disobey them. But if you ask me to follow you, think again.

INTJ: I live by my rules. If you have a problem with that, go ahead. What are you going to do about it?

ENFJ: I will do what is right, and if that means breaking a rule to do it…watch this! *Climbs the Lincoln Memorial to save a stranded cat*

INFJ: I will follow the rules, until someone is in danger because of those rules. Then I’ll burn the place down.

ESFJ: The rules have been created by people of power. If they are in power they can be trusted. Therefore, the rules can be trusted.

ISFJ: If the rules say for me to do something that will hurt someone else Icannot do it. But if the rules do not cause that, I will follow the rules.

ESTP: Rules? Pfft.

ISTP: Yeah, okay… *backflips off roof and sprints off into the night*

ENTP: Rules? Rules are, by definition, a restriction. A threat to human’s free will. However, some rules are necessary, thanks to idiots. Therefore I only follow the rules I deem worthy- my own. 

INTP: Rules are engineered for two reasons. One, to keep stupid people from hurting themselves or others. Two, to control the people. Because of this fact I follow my rules. And if that means downloading an album off YouTube… too bad! Good luck catching me. ;)

ENFP: I don’t know the rules, but I know what I like. I will follow what I know and if that means breaking a rule… oops! :P

INFP: I will do what is right.No matter what your rules say.

ESFP: Rules are fine unless they get in my way. Don’t mess up my fun.

ISFP: I will judge the situation and act accordingly. 
