#id love to hear others opinions


Favorite TMA episodes by Entity

The Buried: MAG152 A Gravedigger’s Envy

All this man wants to do is lie down in the earth, and I support that.

The Vast: MAG 51 High Pressure

I just really love The Vast, and this episode perfectly captured a lot of what I love about it.

The Corruption: MAG 45 Blood Bag

Mosquitos are literally the worst, and this episode validated my hatred. Plus, this is the only episode to truly gross the hell out of me.

The Desolation: MAG 67 Burning Desire

Agnes Montague is an absolute gem who just wanted love, and I support her wholeheartedly.

The Eye: MAG 142 Scrutiny

Seeing that Jon actually used his powers in a completely negative way hit me really hard when I first listened to it. Like, I genuinely didn’t know who to feel.

The Dark: MAG 9 A Father’s Love

This is the episode that made me fall in love with this podcast. It was the first one that I felt completely immersed in, like I was right there with Julia.

The Lonely: MAG 57 Personal Space

This episode triggers some deep primal fear within me every time I listen to it, and most of the time I can’t even get all the way through it. And I love it.

The End: MAG 11 Dreamer

Oliver Banks really said “you’re gonna die, and there’s nothing you can do about it. have a nice day.” Plus, super cool imagery!

The Spiral: MAG 85 Upon the Stair

I have never been happier to live in a one story house in my life.

The Stranger: MAG 24 Strange Music

The sound design in this episode, whilst minimal, was perfect. Also, Sasha’s first appearance was in a stranger episode

The Hunt: MAG 112 Thrill of the Chase

This episode doesn’t get enough love. It’s so freaking funny to me. The nonchalantness of it all is so perfect.

The Flesh: MAG 18 The Man Upstairs

This episode took me completely off guard and left me with so many questions. Where did the meat pile go, AND WHY DID IT OPEN ITS EYES

The Slaughter: MAG 163 In The Trenches

I wasn’t going to include episodes from s5, but this statement just captured the essence of war so well that I had to.

The Web: MAG 81 A Guest for Mr. Spider

The idea of a Leitner specifically aimed at children freaks me out so much, and the fact that it was a Web one, the fear of manipulation and control, made it hit so much harder.
