#id read it








just watched spiderverse again so here’s another hot concept: now that the multiverse is all blendy, portals start popping up everywhere in new york. it’s usually only for a few seconds, just long enough for a Villain of the Week to fly through and a spiderperson to swing in and punch them back into their dimension, sometimes with an assist from their new spiderman. nyc quickly settles into its new normal and starts debating which spidey team up is the coolest. meanwhile officer jefferson davis is starting to get real annoyed with the homeless-looking guy who keeps wandering through portals to “check up on” spiderman

officer davis: sir you need to go back through that portal right now or you could get stuck here and also die

peter b parker, watching miles swing straight into a wall and try to brush it off like he did it on purpose: haha nice

officer davis, upon running into peter for the fifth time in two weeks: sir please, you can’t just keep walking into other dimensions, it’s incredibly dangerous, you have to-

peter “been there done that” parker, cupping his hands in front of his mouth: yeah yeah yeah just- hold on- hey! hey spiderman! do a backflip!

officer davis, for the thirtieth time: sir. sir please.

peter b parker, who has recently been informed that officer davis is miles’s dad so stop talking to him you weirdo-: i know, this is super dangerous blah blah blah, i’ll go in a sec. but hey listen lol, next time you see spiderman can you ask him if he’s been using baby powder under his suit? especially the crotcharea. he was looking stiff that last fight and i think he might be chaffing in the downstairs if you know what i mean-

spiderman, dropping from the sky to just fucking. toss hobo guy back through the portal: haha is this man bothering you officer

1. Of course Peter WOULD still be rocking homeless chic. “I am technically homeless here, Miles. Sure, since I come here on purpose now, I can bring a backpack. But it is still fairlyobvious that I am livingout of that backpack. Even if your money weren’t, yanno, purple–”

Miles: “It’s not–”

“–and more inflated than the pengő, I can barely afford one New York apartment. You know the most beautiful thing about webshooters, Miles? It’s that if I patented them, it would give away my secret identity. Sorry, did I say beautiful–”

2. At some point an actual credible threat is going to show up, and Jefferson is going to see the homeless-looking guy pick up a truck and throw it at whatever threatened Spider-Man.

#peter panics and says everyone from hs dimension can do that



Head canon - Sherlock intentionally does shit with the express purpose of getting John to curse creatively and at length because he thinks it’s absolutely hilarious.


heart eyes to you @dragonnan​






Every midwit literary fiction novel from the past 5 years has been called something like The Little Things We Do To Ourselves or Back Then I Didn’t Think So Clearly or I Have Been Trying To Venmo You.

My book title is “Shouldn’t have taken nyquil again last night”

Mine is “One Sec”

Lol omg

It’s a Huge Improvement
