#idea dump


So hey dearest toon lovers I got a hot idea and if this gets at least maybe like 5 likes or 5 reblogs I may just make a full on arg/fan comic/ask blog

Basically it’s about this girl named Amelia trying to save her world from a bundle of chaotic toons, (This will include Oswald, The Animaniacs, Cuphead, Sam & Max, BATIM, FNATI, etc) And the relationship between toons and humans. It’s pretty meta I guess? I wanna make this at first pretty lighthearted and then have its pretty dark moments. This will obviously not be meant for little kids since I wanna get into some dark topics but other than that it’ll be a fun project and maybe even others ocs can join in on the fun either helping the humans save the world or create chaos as a toon.

Here’s some of my ocs and stuff! So if y’all are interested please just like and reblog, share the chaos.

List of Plot Bunnies I’m just never going to get to.

I figure i’ll dump theses here just in case I ever run out of writing projects and want to find one to pick up. And then in the meantime if anyone else wants to write one of these like… be my guest…

Sailor Moon

  • Dark!AU The Ginzuishou is Dead - Where the Black Moon succeeds in Season 2. Jupiter/Mars/Mercury/Tuxedo Mask die in the 30th century. Diamonde comes back in time and takes over the world, and marrying Usagi as his trophy queen.Venus and Pluto are free and on their own trying to resolve the dark timeline and save Usagi.Silver Crystalis (mysteriously) little more than a pretty rock - no use to the Black Moon overlords or to Usagi, who will have to find some way to help from the inside, without her powers, her friends, or her hope.


  • AU - Mark On Board: where Janeway’s fiance Mark is onboard when the ship winds up in the Delta Quadrant and we explore how this effects their relationship. (He lives with The Captain 24/7, and he himself struggles to find a meaningful purpose on the ship, and feels like he’s losing more of his Kath every day they’re out there). Meanwhile the more relationship drama they have, the more Janeway leans on Chakotay for support. Eventual JC. Mark may or may not leave the ship at 37s, but does totally one way or the other end up dating Amelia Earhart.
  • Multi-verse encounter: where Voyager meets a parallel universe version of itself where all of the crew who died in the original displacement wave are the ones who lived in the alternate universe maybe with some people from our OG crew also on the alternate one. (so we get like Acting Captain Cavit and his XO Lt. Stadi maybe, hmm) and see how this alternate ship fared. (And maybe steal Stadi to re-join our OG crew. Yas? Yesss)
  • Novels AU: started this as a one-shot alternate ending for Pocket Full of Lies. Let’s see a universe where Denzit Janeway doesn’t get stranded in some pocket universe, Mkay? Rejoins our crew. Figures out how to rebuild her life with some help from Bestie Tuvok and how not live in Admiral J’s shadow. Probably ends up with Commander O’Donnell cuz they just get each other’s trauma, yah feel me.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean style AU: Rebellious governors daughter Kathryn Janeway and Enemy of the Crown Captain Chakotay terrorizing the british navy and being sexy af while doing it.
  • Pathfinder plot idea Someone uses the Pathfinder transmission to hijack Seven. Could be someone who wants revenge from Wolf 359 or even a borg signal trying to return Seven to the collective. Hadn’t got too far with this yet.
  • AU - Seska lives: They do capture seska alive in Basics and her kid is Chakotay’s… Let’s see how tf that would go. She can’t stay in the brig for 70 years. Does she redeem herself? How’s Chak handle this? How’s Janeway handle this. (JC of course but like the angsty mutual pining hurt comforty kind, cuz these two are a mess).