#identity positivity



Ace lesbians are absolutely amazing! I hope any acespec lesbians out there are having a great week


i hope all bi girls are having a beautiful day and if ur a bi girl who’s not having a good day i am sending u my love u deserve all the good days in the world 


Black lesbians are important. Femme lesbians are important. Butch lesbians are important. Ace lesbians are important. Aro lesbians are important. Religious lesbians are important. Asian lesbians are important. Neuroatypical lesbians are important. Lesbians who have high sex drives are important. Muslim lesbians are important. Disabled lesbians are important. Latinas lesbians are important. Bi/multiracial lesbians are important. Sex repulsed lesbians are important. Pagan lesbians are important. Mentally ill lesbians are important. Trans lesbians are important. Non binary lesbians are important. Fat lesbians are important. Jewish lesbians are important. Native lesbians are important. Young lesbians are important. Old lesbians are important. Lesbians who face multiple oppressions are important.


to the straight trans man reading this: you are not toxic for being a man. your attraction to women is not somehow predatory by virtue of you being a man. your masculinity is wonderful and should be celebrated. your worth is not diminished by transitioning. you aren’t “better off” or “more pure” if you stayed closeted as a cis lesbian - your gender and who you love is incredible and makes you, you! your voice in the trans community matters and deserves to be heard.


I love weirdo queers I love queers with neopronouns queers with no pronouns queers with no labels queers with 100 labels queers with “contradicting” labels and queers who are brave enough to be themselves when the world and even other queers hate them for being themselves. I love queer people.


I hope all trans girls know that they’re beautiful


You decide if your relationship is defined as romantic, platonic or something that falls outside that binary or undefined.

You decide if your actions are romantic, platonic, something that falls outside or undefined.

What makes these things what they are is your intent and how you perceive them for yourself and your partner(s).
