#idk how to tag this as


My dudes, a PSA

I’m extremely pissed and shaken rn, and I’ll try to keep this as calm as possible

Please, please for the love of God, when making friends online, try and be cautious

I am not here to put a damper on your tumbling, but stay careful, not everyone is a predator, I agree, but there will be a person or the other who is a teensy bit selfish and manipulative.

All I’m saying is, you don’t owe people time, you don’t owe people space, and you don’t owe people information. Learn to say no

People from discord know what this is about, and I do not encourage any discussion on what happened.

Thank you for taking time to read this, stay safe

Discount Megurine Luka out

I got tagged by dearest @lozeyart , thank you!

Fav movie(s): I have so many but mainly The Prince of Egypt, Iron Man, Interview with the Vampire, How to Train your Dragon 2 and Resident Evil Vendetta

Fav Book(s): I don’t read a lot anymore but uhmm, let’s see: The Vampire Chronicles (up to Blood and Gold), Sherlock Holmes, The Chronicles of Narnia and idk if it counts but the Eyeshield 21 manga bc I LOVE IT

Fav TV Show(s): The Musketeers, Gundam 00, FMA Brotherhood, the original Gundam series, I mostly just watch like contest reality shows such as Nailed it! and stuff lmao

Fav Band(s): MUCC, BACK-ON, Man with a Mission, Jealkb and L'arc en Ciel

Fav Album(s): MUCC’s Houyoku, Jealkb’s Roses, BACK-ON’s Reload, Johnny Partridge’s Dames, Dudes +Cowboys (which I’ve been listening to A LOT lately I can’t leave it out), and every other MUCC album under the sun.

And that’s it!! Tagging @noxpostingand@devizakura if you haven’t been tagged and want to do the thing ✨
