#if game


yo, so i’ve been dumping all what i have so far to @lost-kiwi-dev (thank you for enabling me for the past few months lmao), and i’ve came up with more! gonna write this down later, assuming i won’t forget.

instead of 12 characters like the maniac i am, i cut the lineup down to 5. i’m still keeping the esper concept. here are the 5 characters:

  • the runaway (m/f/nb): they’re the strongest esper out of the 5. however, they’re not used to their powers due to discovering them recently — a late bloomer. for this reason, the runaway is tricked by the big bad to join their ranks, thinking that they can learn how to control their powers. in reality, the big bad wants to unleash their full potential to destroy the whole world. inspired by okkotsu yuta from jjk.[timid, unconfident, friendly]
  • the outcast (m):once revered as the best detective in the city, he’s reduced to the laughing stock of justice by screwing up an important case. he’s able to stay through shady means by an influential friend, resulting in continuous insults from his co-workers. he’s willing to redeem himself by taking up a case that concerns the big bad — behind his captain’s back. inspired by katou haru from fugou keiji and lauren sinclair from purple hyacinth. [passionate, composed, quick-tempered]
  • the convict (m/f/nb): they’re considered to be the most dangerous outlaw ever to date because of their powers. once a member of the big bad, they realized that the city they envisioned of wasn’t it and tried to leave. the big bad senses their wavering faith and betrays them by turning them in to the police. seen as a valuable asset to a secret investigation, the outcast and nova (main character) are tasked to break them out of jail, though reluctantly. they act as the mentor and older sibling figure to the runaway as they were both victims of the big bad agenda. inspired by kieran white from purple hyacinth. [charming, flirtatious, playful]
  • the tycoon (nb): they’re the most influential figures in the business world. what people don’t know that they deployed their bodyguards all over the city to obtain intel that can be used for suspicious means — in other words, money. behind the scenes, they’re helping the former star detective with his investigation of the big bad. initially dealing with the matter themselves, they anonymously bribed the captain to keep the detective upon hearing that he’s looking into the same thing. inspired by kambe daisuke from fugou keiji. [unfazed, crafty, smug]
  • the healer (f): prone to sickness during her childhood, she dreamed of being someone who can heal people. now working as a doctor in the hospital owned by the tycoon, she’s recruited by them and the outcast to investigate the motives of the big bad upon seeing a rapid growth of patients. she’s determined to save them from whatever the big bad has inflicted on them, but at the cost of her life. inspired by ieiri shoko from jjk. [serious, straightfoward, laid-back]

OKAY SO… as a psych major who likes writing creatively on the side, the psychology of characterization is so intriguing to me. for instance, why do so many people like “villains” as opposed to “heroes”, and maybe vice versa? what’s something about “villains” that appeal to the audience? with that, i aspire to create complex characters for my if, nova.

speaking of heroes vs. villains, that’s the main trope of my if. to be more precise, it’s “hero” vs. “villain”, or it could be anti-hero vs. anti-villain, which brings me to this rough idea:

  • a battle against (adoptive/sworn/along those lines) siblings who are morally gray but on opposite sides of the spectrum (if that makes sense lol) and mc who’s named nova who kinda acts like a side character winds up in it lol.

it’s heavily inspired by this quote: “a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you.” the concept of espers will still be kept. there will be angst opportunities, but you didn’t hear that from me oop—



New codex graphics in the upcoming update…

…going live on Monday,March 28th

Yume Nikki: Step Into a Dream: A Yume Nikki Fanzine is now available for free download!There are 37 Yume Nikki: Step Into a Dream: A Yume Nikki Fanzine is now available for free download!There are 37 Yume Nikki: Step Into a Dream: A Yume Nikki Fanzine is now available for free download!There are 37

Yume Nikki: Step Into a Dream: A Yume Nikki Fanzine is now available for free download!

There are 37 unique illustrations in this, covering 17 different games, including Yume Nikki and Yume Nikki: Dream Diary.

Please follow the artists to see their full pieces and support them by reblogging, retweeting, and favoriting their art!

@PotentialFA on Twitter, @worldretour,@chiedemoniac,@corgiinsailorfuku, @cirartes on Twitter, @plaguesurvivor,@dazzelmethat,@dreamerkitty,@michivoss,@pantsu-ripper, @tyllietoodlesdoodles on Instagram, @annalrk,@99socean, @pyaldespunk, @lemontea228 on deviantART, @damask-dreams, @ychzi_art on Instagram, @mic-art, @cryptworlds on Twitter, @tetrabrikdepapel,@nonfood,@positivelaser,@jpegurl,@leviawock,@fscare,@usaben,@caracolsiniestro,@thiefofblood,@ghoooooooooooooooost, @m-256art on deviantART, @null-xolotl, @meaka, @visceratea, @tubofcoolwhip on Twitter, @iolith,@mewtowo

Everyone did an amazing job and we’re so happy to share the final product with everyone! Artists may post their full pieces starting today!

Post link



“Be wary of the Harbinger, for they bring either hope or doom.”

After your fall, you awaken in a strange place. Buildings made of metal and steel, the iron and silver weapons used to strike you down have changed their form, and the magic that once flourished throughout the realm is no more than just a flicker.

There is something else that is peculiar with your awakening. You are neither dead or alive. And the person who sits before you, covered in blood, is a child — rather, a child is putting it lightly, what sits before you is a Homunculus; a vessel who has your heart.

Just what has happened during the past years of your death? What will you do, Harbinger? Will you bring hope to this new age you’ve awakened to or will you bring it all down and build anew?

  • Customize your character. Range from customizing your gender, pronouns, appearance, personality, skills, and more.
  • Influence the ‘Child’ with your decisions! Your choices and actions influence their outlook on life. The child is a blank canvas as every choice you make will impact the way they themselves should act. Will you teach them to be merciless or merciful? Will you teach them to love or hate? Will you keep them at an arm’s distance, or end up keeping them close?
  • Connections are important, whether they be good or bad. Find allies to aid you on your journey as well as make enemies who are both new and familiar. And, perhaps… You might find something ‘more’ with the people you meet along your way.
  • Will you go on the path of revenge, to search for the one who is the cause of all of this and bring order to this new world? Or will you enter the path of redemption, casting aside the hatred festering within you from before and try to live a peaceful life? Or, will you continue your search for your end?
  • Will history only repeat itself once more?


There are a few things that might trigger some individuals — death, violence, gore, child abuse, discrimination, and perhaps some non-explicit sexual content. Please don’t hesitate to tell me if there are other things that should be added to the warnings.


Demo/Character Info/Forum/


Seguir leyendo

This is so good!!
