#you guys absolutely have no idea


OKAY SO… as a psych major who likes writing creatively on the side, the psychology of characterization is so intriguing to me. for instance, why do so many people like “villains” as opposed to “heroes”, and maybe vice versa? what’s something about “villains” that appeal to the audience? with that, i aspire to create complex characters for my if, nova.

speaking of heroes vs. villains, that’s the main trope of my if. to be more precise, it’s “hero” vs. “villain”, or it could be anti-hero vs. anti-villain, which brings me to this rough idea:

  • a battle against (adoptive/sworn/along those lines) siblings who are morally gray but on opposite sides of the spectrum (if that makes sense lol) and mc who’s named nova who kinda acts like a side character winds up in it lol.

it’s heavily inspired by this quote: “a hero would sacrifice you to save the world but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you.” the concept of espers will still be kept. there will be angst opportunities, but you didn’t hear that from me oop—
