#if he feels safer that’s good






hold on a fucking second

wasn’t the god apple that philza made tommy burn given to him by ranboo, His Friend Who Just Died? 

is. did philza really just make tommy more vulnerable while his abuser (who wants to kill and torture him) is out of jail to prove a point about valuing people, by destroying a gift a friend gave him days ago

The r in rapple stands for RIP

not only is it a meaningful gift it’s also just like… incredibly useful. it’s one of the rarest items on that server - more totems of undying exist than god apples and he just burned one like it was nothing. c!tommy’s actively in danger and c!phil is burning the things that are going to keep him safe.

one of tommy’s first reactions was something along the lines of he could’ve used that.

an enchanted golden apple (something that if you watch ranboo’s streams to find them, took a LOT OF TIME to find. took him a combined hours, several thousands of blocks looking and tons of chests looking)

something that, in a pvp battle, or a fight against, someone…. i dont know maybe hunting him down? could literally be the difference between life or death. the difference between being able to run away. difference between just that second more that gives him time to run or fight back. 

but no!! it’s just a thing :) you can replace those!
says the man who has like 10…. also a handful of totems…and his friend has like 7….and some more totems…..and extra sets of powerful armor and weapons….and access to potions…. definitely something to replace! says the man to the kid with nothing. not a pickaxe to his name, a handful of diamonds, and hand me down armor. 
