#if i can dream


there must be liiiiiiice, burnning brighter, somewhere. got to be biiiirds, flying HIGHER, in a skyyyy, more blue. if i can drea,m, of a better land, hwhere all my BROTHERS WALK HAND IN HAND, tell me why (why ) OH WHY (why) OH WHYYY can’t my dream come truuuuuuue? oh, whyyyy? there must be peace, and understanding, sometime. strong winds of promise, that will blow away, the doubt, and fear. if i can dream, of a warmer sun, whrere hopes keeeps shingin on EVERYONE, TELL ME why, (why) OH WHY (why) OH WHYYYYY WON’T THAT SUN, APPEARRRRRRRRR? WE’RE LOSTI N ACLIDJU, WITH TOOOO MUCH RAIIIIIIIIN. WE’RE TRAPPED IN A WORLD, THAT’S TROUBLE WITH PAIIIIIIIIIN. BUT AS LONG AS A MAN, HAAS, THE STREEEENGTH TO DREAM, HE CAN DREDEEEEEEEEM HISSS SOULLLLL, AS LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE. (he can droaoaooaaahhhhhh) edeep in my eheart, there’s a trelbmlin’, questiomn )((ohhhhh ohhh) still i ma sure, that the SNWER’S, ANSWER’S gonna come, somehow (uahuhuhhu)o utT THERE IN THE ADARRK (out therei nthr dark) THER'ES AB ECKONIGN CANDLE (AIOHOAHUUH) WHILE I CAN THINKM WHILEI IC NCNA TALK ,WHILE I S CNS STAND, WHILE I ACAN TALK, WHILE I CAN DREAAAAAAAAAAAM, OH PLEASE LET ME DREAAAAAAAAAM, COME TRUUUE, HOAOHAHAOHHOAHHHH. RIGGHHHHHHHHT NOWWWWWWWWWWW. (IF I CAN DRRAM) ELEOTI IT OCME HTORUGH NOW ( IFI CAM NDOR_) IOAHH YEHA (COME TRUUUUUUUUE, RIIGIHT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW)
