#if you ever need a pick me up




The thing about the whole Charlie Watts punching Mick Jagger in the face thing gets better when you hear the full version where Charlie actually punched Mick so hard he almost toppled out of a window into an Amsterdam Canal and Charlie just watched. The only reason he didn’t fall to his demise was the quick work of Keith who pulled him back inside. Then, Charlie fucking Watts asks him why he didn’t let Mick fall and Keith replied that Mick was wearing his jacket and he didn’t want to lose it. 

very important additions to this story:

1) the fact that charlie dressed up in a suit to punch mick bc the fool called his room to tell him he was his drummer. he punched mick and said “you’re mysinger”

2) keith only saved him bc he was wearing his weddingjacket

Have I talked before about how much I fucking LOVE The Rolling Stones?



the fashion disaster that was pearl jam in 1993.


my inspiration.

but really can we analyze this photo

we have stone on the left looking 1st-grader chic like he’s here at the 93 MTV awards but he’s gotta run bc he’s got some pokemon cards to trade at the playground at 8 and then you have jeff who’s sporting a failed attempt at Fresh Prince of Bel Air fashion and then we have Mike who is looking like he needs a photo of him to be snapped by a disposable camera in a field of flowers and uploaded to a soft grunge blog with a self-promo caption like☯☠☢❤mary prays the rosary for my broken mind then you’ve got eddie who looks like he was plucked straight from one of the hangover movies and not even the first one which was the good one like I’m talking the second one at best but most likely the third one which was just a tragic clusterfuck and then we’ve got dave abbrusoulpatch all the way on the right whose style icon of the night was clearly caillou i mean please

disasterdeacy: borhap-babies: queeen-freddie: rogerinatrash:whoarethemodwolves: Brian May visited






Brian May visited a preschool today to teach the students about hedgehogs ❤️

This made me sob. This is so cute.

Imagine growing up and finding out you met Brian May in preschool during his hedgehog presentation.

the purest part is, these kids don’t even care that he’s Brian May…they just wanna learn about hedgehogs

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