#if you want specifications you only have to ask…


Going back home after a night out, dizzy, no worries or inhibitions in your system, to sunder into your boyfriend’s bed, kiss his cheek and find his cock as he stirs awake and you masturbate him, making him harder and harder until he wakes fully up, and deadpan looks at you in the eyes: “You had fun, at the gathering,” he states sleepily but enjoying the attention his shaft is getting from your hand. You smile at him, because you both know he’s right, but the only thing you can think about right know is how must it feel good to sit on his girthy cock and ride him until you’re a panting mess.

“Yes,” you answer hastily, as you take off your clothes. “But my favourite part is just about to start,” you conclude as your lips clash together and it’s a matter of moments that you find yourself being split into, and your boyfriend drilling into your hole as if that was his life call.
