#ikemen oc



Introducing a new IkeSen OC!

Name: Haru

Height: 1.74 m

Age: 23 y/o

No idea why I came up with creating a son of Hiroyoshi, but I ended up liking the design

  • He knows how to cook and cleaning relaxes him … or at least when it lasts for five minutes
  • His pet is a little mouse he found on one of the ships, which he named Kai (in total he has had three pets, but he firmly believes that when Kai died, he reincarnated into Kai II and so on)
  • At first glance he seems to be quite reserved, but he is someone quite chill and who loves to make people around him laugh
  • His way of showing affection is by giving small gifts or favors
  • Although he smiles most of the time, when he is alone in his room, he lets his guard down and lets out a few tears
  • See Motonari as a kind of big brother
  • Doesn’t like cats
  • Thanks to MC he learned about Hideyoshi and is now his fan
  • Has gay panics with Masamune lol
  • Stargazing is one of his favorite hobbies
  • Please give him a hug
  • Pls interact with him, he needs friends

Oh my woooord, he is such a cutieeeee!!! ’omg, sir I’m your fan!’ what a polite little nugget. And then him being congratulated by Motonari!

Sounds like he didn’t adopt Motonari’s way of speaking and hasn’t been initiated into the scheming side of all thing, or inherited it from his sly father!

I wanna pinch his cheeks. So cute!

Will history have its eyes on you?

So… two days ago I started a sketch and I liked how it turned out. This would be a representation of one of Kenji’s fears: not leaving his mark on the world by not being “special”

The people in the pictures are Kenshin (his father), Kibou (his older brother) and Sara (his mother and my MC)

And a mini dialogue between the brothers bc why not

Kibou: You know? Yesterday when we were coming back from the battle with father, I saw some very beautiful mountains. I thought you might like to see them. Maybe you could do a painting

Kenji: If you tell me where it is, I might consider it

Kibou: Actually…I was thinking that we could go together! You know, like a brothers trip!

Kenji: What a great idea!

Kibou: Really?

Kenji: No

If anyone wants to know more about them, I’m open to questions!

Day 6: Cove


Day 6: Nursing an abandoned baby chick duck back to health - @atelier-maroron’s Spring Bouquet Content Creation Challenge

Fandom: IkeRev

Characters: Edgar & Ellie Bright, Echo Steele

Type: Fluff

WC: 1534

Tagging:@thewitchofbooks,@queen-dahlia,@sarahann-1984,@rhodolitesroseforclavis,@ikesimp100,@mojamika,@psychoangelinmydreams,@devildomwritersposts,@aquagirl1978​,  @kissmetwicekissmedeadly,@canaria-blackwell,@citizensofcradle, @curious-skybunny, @littlewitty@tele86 - If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.

Just Close your eyes, The sun is going down

You’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now-

The sorrowful voice is cut off by a knock, Her voice once again silent, Echo rises from her chair and opens the door to see Ellie standing with her hands behind her back. Echo smiles warmly just as Ajax senses the girl’s presence and flies from his bed. Echo just manages to stop the pup from leaping up to knock Ellie over. Holding Ajax by the collar she signals to him to sit. The pup reluctantly sits, trying to get to Ellie and Ellie laughs.

“Ajax “ She hugs the little puppy as soon as Echo nods and Echo releases him watching as the two tumble to the floor together. Her eyes soften, the dark memories are chased away by the rays of sunshine. Ellie finally stands up and hugs Echo, as if she could tell what the woman was thinking.

“Can we go for a walk to the river? Ed said he was really busy today and can’t take me” Ellie asks, her jade eyes pleading to the woman. Echo melts a little, hugging Ellie tighter she nods.

Of Course we can, but first let me brush your hair. Echo asks and Ellie nods, skipping to the vanity and Echo manages a small smile while the girl’s back is turned.

“Yay, can you braid it like you did last time?” Ellie asks, and Echo nods in the mirror. Gently brushing her hair, Echo continues humming the song. Ellie listens, petting Ajax until her hair is all braided.

“Done” A voice rough from nonuse Ellie beams into the mirror when she hears Echo speak.

“Its so beautiful thank you!” She smiles and hugs Echo tight, Echo sighs. Her throat hurts just from the simple word, the years of being mute having taken a toll on her vocal chords. The two leave the twins room, and head for the river, Ajax in tow. Silently thanking the universe that Echo is with her, Ellie talks and dances beside the older woman. Echo just listens, squeezing Ellie’s hand and just breathes in the fresh air.

Spring was in full bloom and all the flowers assault Echo’s senses, her hand squeezing occasionally to Ellie trying to process the overwhelming sensations. Once they got to the river, Echo pulls out some treats as Ellie lets out a duck call, giggling when the three ducks come out of the brush. Echo reaches her hand out to them, her mind remembering when Edgar brought her out to ease her nightmares. The ducks settle between the two girls, Ellie snuggles up next to echo and Echo just pets the ducks. Echo starts humming again, shutting her eyes, her body was on alert, but she felt relaxed as the sun shines on her face. She feels Ellie stir, a hum falling from the girl’s lips. Echo tracks her as she starts to move a little down the embankment, her muscles tensing in case she needs to grab Ellie and Run. Ajax leaves her side as well, and Echo opens her eyes briefly when she hears laughter and splashing. Ellie is sitting on a boulder , Ajax playing in the river below her. Echo stands up and moves closer to them, the ducks wandering off on their own. Echo looks over at a flower she doesn’t recognize and starts to pick it, wanting to bring back leaves to Kyle and Hazel to study. Noticing the way the sun is moving in the sky, Echo decides they should go back to base soon, turning to the girl just as Ellie’s voice makes her blood run cold.

“Echo!” Ellie’s cry has all the adrenaline rushing to Echo’s heart. Her body is tense, but when she looks over, Echo sees Ellie leaning over something and Ajax shifting and whining. Staying alert, Echo silently approaches them, her body coiled up to fight.

“Ellie” Her voice has an edge to it, Ellie looks up and reaches her arms out.

“Echo we have to help it” Echo breathes a sigh of relief when she sees a duckling in Ellie’s hand. Gently taking the duckling from her, Echo kneels on a log to assess it. Ellie’s eyes tear up and Echo notices the duckling is waterlogged and malnourished. Taking off her cloak, Echo wraps the duckling up in it to keep it warm.

“We should bring it to Ed, Ed will know what to do” Ellie tries to suggest and Echo shakes her head.

Your brother is busy today, Remember? Ellie looks down disappointed.

“But he would never let an abandoned duck go, we need to help it.” Ellie has tears in her eyes and Echo sighs. Echo stands up and the two girls return to HQ, Ajax slinking at their heels and Echo keeping her shoulders hunched so no one sees her scars. She always has her cloak on, to protect people from seeing her, but today she is exposed. Ellie brings Echo right to Edgar’s door, knocking on it.

“Come in” The muffled voice calls out to them and Echo swallows softly, trying to lock away her feelings.

“Edgar we need your help” Ellie announces as we walk in and Edgar looks up from his paperwork. His uniform jacker is off, and he is just in his yellow button up, leaving Echo slightly flustered. She stands just inside the door holding the duckling.

“What is it?” Edgar asks, Eyeing the woman in his door with a slight smirk. She approaches him and shows him the duck silently.

“We found this baby at the river, it got stuck and is hurt” Ellie appeals to her brother and Edgar frowns. He cups Echo’s hands in his own, feeling a hum in his mind.

What do you think? He asks Echo and she looks down at it.

It definitely needs help, we could help it. Echo answers quickly, her thumbs trail along the wings of the duck. A smile finds its way onto Edgar’s face. Heading for the bathroom he returns with towels and a little bowl of water.

“Let’s dry it off and get some water.” Edgar advises and the two of them start drying off the duckling, little chirps coming from it. Once it was warmer and dry, Ellie and Edgar make a little bed for it in a box. Echo feeds it a little bit of duck feed that Edgar pulled out. The duckling soon fell asleep in Echo’s hand, her brain blanking at what to do as she holds the baby. Edgar comes to the sofa and sees her, his arms going to her back.

Are you okay? He asks telepathically and after a minute Echo responds, her face still blanked out.

It is so little, so trusting. Her voice holds emotions neither can place a finger on and Edgar rests his arms around her, feeling her muscles tense under his touch.

“The bed is ready for it” He murmurs and Echo shakes her head, pulling it closer to her chest.

I am not ready to let her go yet. Echo sheepishly murmurs, and Edgar smiles.

Then stay here for a little while and hold it, it likes your warmth. Ellie needs to go rest, she is getting a fever. Edgar offers, both casting a glance over their shoulder.

No doubt with all the excitement. Echo agrees, looking worriedly over at Ellie who is sitting on Edgars bed, shutting her eyes.

“Ellie, we should go see Kyle and Hazel” Edgar turns his attention to his sister and Echo listens as he uses candy to bribe the girl into going back to the infirmary. Echo gently holds the duckling even more, letting it tug on her sleeve for more warmth. Echo starts singing again, lost in her thoughts she doesn’t hear the door open or Edgar come in. it isn’t until he is walking over to her that she recognizes his presence and stops singing.

“Edgar” She speaks his name and he tilts his head at her, it rare his name falls from her lips.

“Thank you” Her voice is hypnotic to him, he wants to instantly hear her talk more, but he just smiles. Helping her settle the duckling into its nest, Edgar watches her carefully. The last Rays of Sun are setting when Echo finally settles the duckling back into its nest.

“Ellie said she picked out a name for the duckling” Edgar comments and Echo tilts her head.

“Cove” Edge watches and Echo smiles, he can tell she is repeating it to herself as she puts the sleeping duck.

It’s very fitting, I love Cove. Echo brushes her hand next to Edgar’s, allowing him to communicate with her. She turns and heads for the door.

“Good night Echo” Edgar murmurs and before he can stop himself. “ Hey Echo?” She stops, but doesn’t turn around. “ I am so happy I got to hear your voice.” There is a note of sincerity in the Jack’s voice, and before she can turn her head, he notices the blush that sets on her face. A soft Good night falls from her lips as she leaves the Jack.

“Well Cove, looks like it’s just me and you” Edgar pets the Ducks head as he goes back to his work.
