#ikesen kenshin



Kenshin x MC
Gods AU

Written for:Song Event
Prompt:“Right On Time” by Brandi Carlile

Content Warnings: none*

* - no potentially triggering content was described in any greater detail. However, if any mention of (even fantasy) war upsets you, this is not a work for you.

Even gods can tire of fighting, streams of tears falling from the skies. Even gods can mourn – and even they can fear, regardless of their dominion or cause they bestowed with their divine attention. Wisdom, Justice, Earth or Clouds, it matters not, for even War fears when Peace is the beloved.

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bby, this is absolutely incredible

the atmospheric descriptions, the emotions so fluidly woven into each and every word

beyond enchanting

ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚


Premise: A glimpse into warlords’ thoughts as they watch MC doing something. Ordinary daily life. A moment of peace, perhaps. 


  • The further away he is, the more he craves to just see her and talk, to touch her hands. His line of work being rather brutal in that regard, he makes sure to always watch her carefully, as to engrave her image in his mind. He believes it helps him prevail through weeks of separation they endure at times. 
  • He especially loves her eyes, curious sparkles playing over her irises whenever a topic picks her interest. However, there’s also another thing he enjoys - observing feelings shift over her face, the mystery of them continuing to fascinate him despite having been revealed.
  • “To think there was a time I considered you a mere toy, Fireball… I was gravely mistaken. You’re far beyond anything I could have ever dreamt of.”


  • He generally doesn’t allow himself the luxury of observing her from up close. At times she may be even unaware of his presence, his shadow being banished by the light the moment she’d pass by it.
  • Usually, he steals glances at her while passing her in the corridor. However, sometimes he stays in a place for a moment longer, her silhouette flickering in the gardens or further down the hallway. It reminds him to cherish each moment she chooses to spend with him, each second being unique and precious, simply unrepeatable. 
  • “Flee, little mouse, flee. You have chosen so poorly… Yet I cannot seem to stop myself from accepting it with joy.”


  • His lover being a truly busy person, he adores watching her rest, tension slowly seeping out of her body as she sits in the shade provided by the old chestnut tree growing in the garden.
  • Whenever wind blows past her, lifting up strands of her hair, he finds himself wishing he could sit besides her and braid it - although then, he would be unable to see the stray rays of light flickering over her cheeks, the scene being equally treasured by him. He wishes she could enjoy summer this way every day of the year.
  • “If it means being able to live even a single day more with you, I’m never, never giving up on this life of mine.”


  • He loves watching her study, heaps of books and stashes of paper littering her desk, the brush in her hand gliding swiftly over the pages, her brows knitting together as she tries to focus.
  • He usually searches for stray little droplets of inks marking her skin, the spots appearing in various density over her arms and face alike. She’s always too preoccupied with her task to notice, barely making note of his presence as well - and he cannot stop the gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips, her determination warming up his heart.
  • “You’ve taught me so many things and yet you never cease to learn yourself. You’re truly admirable.”


  • He oftentimes find himself watching her as she plays in the garden with Wasabi, the doe having warmed up to his lover completely. At times he wonders whether his little friend hasn’t found a better companion than him.
  • His attention is usually drawn towards her arms, her hands extending treats towards the pet and smothering it with gentle and patient affection. He loves seeing her take care of others - and he is well aware that those shoulders helped to carry wounded soldiers and then, bore a much greater burden of seeing them pass away when all efforts inevitably  failed.
  • “You always seem to hold an open heart to the world, even despite being hurt by it numerous times…It seems I still have plenty left to learn from you.”


  • It appears gazing at her while she works on her project has become a sort of routine for him, the action occuring without him even realising. He oftentimes wishes he could admire both her work and her at the same time, his mind failing him at the task. Each time, he chooses her over the handiwork, her handiwork seeming nearly eternal in comparison to the passing seconds.
  • He focuses mostly on her face, taking note of every twitch of her brows and every minor change to her eyes. He also takes notice of her hands, the needle always almost grazing the pads of her fingers, deftly guided through layers of fabric. He admires her craft, well aware of the fact that she makes it look plenty more effortless than it actually is.
  • “Kitten… How can you always have such a determined look on your face? Could you be any more adorable?”


  • He loves seeing her fence, each training bringing more faith into him that in fact the fate would not repeat itself - until the anxiety disappeared completely. At times, he feels his hand twitch to try himself in a sparring against her.
  • He takes note of her stance, of all the openings in it, thinking up ways of possibly exploiting them… Yet he never ceases to be amazed with  how she always seems to catch onto his thoughts and grow stronger, dexterously avoiding the strikes of her sparring partners and returning the blows.
  • “I thought I had to protect you, that I had to cage you to keep you safe… Yet the moment I let you free, you soared so high I could not believe my own eyes. You dare me to believe in a better tomorrow.”


  • It wouldn’t be far from truth to say he always makes sure to see her, not allowing her to become part of the visual noise or a crowd. However, it wouldn’t be a lie either if one were to say that he still has glanced towards her plenty, at any time of the day and night.
  • Some nights, he just lets her tell him stories of the future - and even though he has visited the period, he can never grow tired of her voice. His head resting in her lap, he turns onto his back as to gaze at her. Through half-lidded eyes, he watches her lips move, tracing each word with his sight as to remember it better.
  • “If you were not an angel… Then how come you have saved me? Was this miracle not a sign of your mercy?”


  • There are plenty things he finds adorable in her, one of them being how eager she is to bicker with him. As such, he strives to never miss an opportunity for this match of sorts, the nickname he has granted her having grown pleasantly warm in the way he pronounces it.
  • He adores all sparks of mischief present in her form - her eyes catching onto a clue, how her lips curl up into a grin and how she clicks her tongue in anticipation of another remark; her hands resting over her hips, her head shaking from side to side in feigned disappointment or disbelief; and finally, how she opens her lips, just a second before she speaks again, causing him to fall for her all over again.
  • “If you’re a dummy, then I am your fool - since it can’t be smart of me to be in love so much. It just can’t.”


  • At first, he felt somewhat shy about stealing glances at her, each being padded with an unnerving thought of whether she wouldn’t consider it a strange thing to do… Or any stranger at least, as he presumed she may already think so of him.
  • As odd as it may be, he realised he loves watching her and learning of her perspective on things, her entire being constituting a sort of prism, a lens through which he could perceive the world anew. He loves her delight, her admiration, excitement, the joy of discovering, learning, gaining the understanding and connecting the facts - even if to him, some of her findings would be the most trivial of things.
  • “I did not understand for the longest time. I could not comprehend and my tests were futile… You broadened my perspective far beyond what I could have ever hoped to achieve on my own.”


  • He never hides his gazes. At times, he becomes rather flustered, her words bringing him out of his thoughts and causing him to realise the promise of future she engrained in his mind might have become a rather crucial part of his being.
  • Whenever they work together, he makes sure to stay focused, switching tasks being his moment of break - then, he allows himself a second to watch her, in whatever state she may be in, whatever emotion she may experience. He wants to remember all those precious moments: her standing on her tiptoes to reach the high cabinets, how she smiles happily whenever she smells something pleasant, the tiny wrinkles around her eyes…
  • “You saw through the demon’s mask I put on, even though even I forgot it was not truly my face.”

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*just general fanfiction, nothing in particular. This is written for crack purposes, not to critique anybody or address any greater issues. 


  • “What did I do to Hideyoshi…?!”
  • Refuses to accept the fact that he really talks like so.
  • Does not recall Kichou being his wife. He saw the fanart. He continues on to question it.


  • Snickers at every mention of shibari. Will absolutely tease MC about it.
  • Blushed upon seeing “Hideyoshi Toyotomi/Mitsuhide Akechi” tag. Hid it instantly. Will torment Hideyoshi with it.
  • Has great fun collecting information to tease the other warlords. Makes sure to console MC afterwards and to remind her he wants only her.


  • Died several times while reading it. // “Lord Nobunaga did what to me…?!”
  • Initially considered angst with Nobunaga to be death threats.
  • Enjoyed some family fics with himself, although he may not admit it.


  • Was not allowed to read explicit & mature works. Read them regardless. Might have even taken notes. May have some questions and concerns.
  • Does not understand why somebody would write about him.
  • Found out that he enjoys fluff a lot.


  • Outwardly: laughed it off. Inwardly: read through it all. Those eyebags didn’t come from nowhere. Curiosity killed the cat.
  • He is distraught to learn that we all do know about his alcohol tolerance and how he behaves once drunk.
  • Secretly enjoyed hurt/comfort the most. Will not let anybody know that. 


  • Is grumpy about it. Checks it out after being teased by both Masamune and Mitsuhide. 
  • Saw himself being a pair with Mitsunari. Stopped reading then.
  • Found reader inserts rather nice to read. Mostly interested in gen fics.


  • Angst lover. His second preference is hurt/comfort.
  • Does not comprehend why he’s called bunshin, husbun or bun-bun.
  • Started testing his bunny-bending powers and taking his role as the sole bunny bender seriously. 


  • Went on to moon gaze.
  • Tried to memorise as many pick-up lines as possible. Considered writing them down.
  • Became a fan of domestic fluff.


  • Sasuke forced him to read it.
  • Did not want to read it. Did not enjoy it. It felt weird.
  • Sasuke opened Shingen tag for him. Yuki ran.


  • He already knew of its existence and read every single possible fanficiton regarding the warlords.
  • Has his own Ao3 account.
  • Remembered to erase his history before Kenshin stumbled into it by accident.


  • Peacefully enjoys silence in his forest and refuses to let anybody near himself until the entire thing is over.
  • Was shown some fluffy fanart. It made him blush.
  • Will wave his staff at you if you expose him to Kennyo tag. He prefers blissful ignorance in that regard. 

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These are so on point Lorei it’s amazing

[IkeSen Scenario/Headcanon] Alignment Charts {Part 4}




I decided to use chibis I drew for alignment charts from now on!

I also decided to include my MC in these for fun!

Btw the reason why I included Kichou is because there was an extra space in the candy alignment chart.

Anyways, here’s a legend with the characters just in case you can’t tell who’s who:

I hope you like these! There are IkeVamp ones coming up too! ^^


Ikesen High School AU

(This is a joke. Dont take it seriously.)


Nobunaga would be that typical sexist rich asshole dude who calls women “females” You will be walking by and he’ll be like “AYO bitch go make me a sandwich”. He’s not a dumb jock though. He’s student body President and the administration loves him so nothing happens to him. He’s also on the debate team. He would absolutely dress like one of those daddy’s money frat boys. He, Mitsuhide, and Hideyoshi are the popular. Has a huge house so he hosts all the parties. (He will talk about it in front of you though and won’t invite you. Just ask Kennyo.). Doesn’t really trust Mitsuhide but stays friends with him because he’s entertaining and knows everything about everyone. The only other person who has their career planned out but it’s only because he can buy his way into a good school. Asks you out and gets mad when you say no. (Senior)

Hideyoshi reminds the teacher about homework 2 minutes before class is about to be dismissed. He is so whipped for nobunaga. He acts like the pick me girl who kisses up to the popular boys. He does Nobunaga’s schoolwork and he’s honored to be the scapegoat for nobunaga’s shit. He’s nobunaga’s dumb blonde sidekick. He will do whatever Nobunaga says but he’s very nice if you talk to him without Nobu and Mitsuhide around. Made out with Mitsuhide once when he was drunk. He doesn’t remember but Mitsu does. Used to get bullied in elementary school so now he’s just happy that he’s popular. (Junior)

Mitsuhide is the equivalent of Regina George. He judges you on your clothes and does that judgy up and down look and laughs and whispers to Nobunaga right in front of you. In class you had to get in groups for a project. After you tried to join Mitsuhide’s group and he looks at you and then looks at nobu and laughs and says “We already have a group”. He would then laugh at watching you walk around awkwardly trying to find a group. If you do somehow join Mitsuhide’s group they basically make you do all the work for them. Has amazing grades though and was pissed that he wasn’t Valedictorian. Secretly wants Nobunaga to get in trouble so he can take his spot as the most popular. Ends up having a huge falling out with Nobunaga at the end of the year when they’re about to graduate and Hideyoshi gets him suspended. (Junior)

Masamune is the chillest person there. He’s a skater and he’s super popular. People love him, he’s the nice popular guy. He’d give you a school tour. He would also offer you a ride home after school. He lets you sit with him at lunch since you’re new and have no friends and he’d introduce you to his friend group which is Ieyasu and Mitsunari. He brings food for everyone and shared with with the class. His grades are average but teachers love him. Masamune and ieyasu are those friends that constantly roast/bully each other but it’s cuz they’re so close. And masa gives ieyasu a ride home everyday cuz Ieyasu doesn’t have a car yet. But he hates the way masa drives like a maniac. He’s on the track team and has a school wide record for the fastest times. Always late to class but charms the teachers into not giving him a detention. Ditches class sometimes and Ieyasu scolds him when he finds out. (Junior)

Ieyasu is the mysterious guy that listens to music constantly, barely talks to people, and has amazing grades. He hates attention even though he is a part of one of the most popular friend groups. He hates everyone including himself, but will help you if you are in danger even if he doesn’t know you. He would scold you after tho. (Sasuke has a crush on him). He wants to go to Med school and is one of the few people who has their whole career planned out. Ends up getting a scholarship to an Ivy League and Masamune throws him a surprise party. (Unlike Nobunaga he actually worked for his scholarship.) Co-Valedictorian with Sasuke. (Junior)

Mitsunari partners up with you in class when everyone else already has a group and you’re awkwardly standing there hoping someone saves you after Mitsuhide humiliated you. He walks you to class and makes sure you know where you’re going. He also helps you with your homework. Used to get bullied by Ieyasu in elementary school but now they’re friends. (Ieyasu won’t admit it though). He tutors Masamume. He can get along with anyone and everyone absolutely loves him. Even Mitsuhide is nice to him. Got voted “Best Smile” in the yearbook. (Sophomore)

Shingen is the nice fuckboy that you catch feelings for only to have your heart broken. But he breaks your heart in the nicest way possible because he’s a good person. Women love him because he gets into debates about women rights, feminism etc… Shingen calls out Nobunaga for being sexist. In a group project Shingen would have a full group SO fast because he’s so popular but he would help you find a different group. Will fight Nobunaga’s group with no questions asked. Got voted Prom King, much to Nobunaga’s disappointment. Captain of the wrestling team. (Senior)

Kenshin is the “bully” that actually needs constant validation and support. He actually stands up for people who GET bullied. He talks big but he is so sweet once you get to know him. But don’t tell anyone that. He is super protective of his friends and will fight anyone, any day if they messed with his people. Somehow has amazing grades. He is also that guy in P.E. that cusses you out when you’re partnered up with him and can’t keep up. Has to take anger management therapy after he almost punched an administrator who tried to break up a fight. (Senior)

Sasuke is the guy that you get notes and homework answers from. He tells you about all the other guys when you first arrive at the school and tells you to stay away from “the plastics”. Has amazing grades and tutors people in his free time. President of the robotics club and Co-Valedictorian with Ieyasu. Always tries to partner up with Ieyasu on projects. Beat Mitsuhide in the Academic Decathlon his freshman year and everyone knows. He is on the Volleyball team. (He definitely has a crush on Ieyasu) (Junior)

Yukimuraroasts you every single day if you’re friends with him. He humbles you. And says your hair looks like a hedgehog. But he’ll fight anyone who is genuinely being rude to you. Sasuke has to hold him back. He has gotten suspended before with Kenshin for fighting Nobunaga. (Nothing happened to Nobunaga though). He’s on the soccer team and Shingen brings the whole Kasaguyama squad to every match to cheer him on. (Sophomore)

Yoshimoto is the prettiest one in the whole school. Everyone agrees he’s absolutely stunning. His clothes are always on point and he’s nice to everyone. President of the fashion club and captain of the dance team. Has amazing grades in arts related subjects but he’s average in math and science. (Sasuke tutors him). Is the type to ask the teacher if he can have extra people in his group if he sees that you can’t find one. Takes all his friends shopping and gives you the best presents. Compliments you every time he sees you and advocates for the school to provide everyone more time for self care. Graduated with honors and made cookies for his friends and everyone that tutored him at the end of the year. (Junior)

Motonari is the guy who sells drugs in the bathroom during passing period. You later find out he got expelled for setting the science building on fire when he snuck into the chemistry classroom in the middle of the night to cook up some crack. Mitsuhide is his best customer and he buys from Motonari behind Nobunaga’s back. Motonari also may or may not have stabbed someone with a pencil at some point, who knows. He’s always in detention for something and there are wild rumors about him that he never denies or confirms. (Senior)

Kennyo is the emo kid who’s been bullied by Nobunaga since middle school. He’s tried to go to the administrators multiple times with proof that should get Nobunaga suspended but it never happens. One time Nobunaga tripped him as he was walking and and he fell into a trash can. Mitsuhide took a video and it’s been circulating ever since. He ate lunch in the bathroom for a month after that. Shingen invites him over sometimes but he’s more of a loner and just wants to graduate and never see anyone again. (Senior)

Ranmaru used to be really good friends with Kennyo until he ditched him in high school for Nobunaga. He always hangs around Nobunaga’s group and they keep him around to do their errands but don’t really consider him part of the group. Worried that Mitsuhide will find out he used to be friends with Kennyo and expose him. Like Hideyoshi he just wants to be popular. He also gets along with mostly everyone. (Freshman)


The pure chaotic energy from this post is gold ✨ I especially loved reading Masamune’s, Kenshin’s, and Yoshimoto’s. I live for their wholesomeness



Did somebody order one bunny lord?

Contents:Various aspects of sexuality and suitor’s sexual preferences.


  • How are they after the moment? Do the fall asleep fast? Prefer to cuddle? Just roll onto their side and want to be left alone?

It is canonical that Kenshin has quite an abundance of stamina. As such, “after the moment” is usually dictated by whether his partner was satiated or not - and quite naturally, usually he is the one with more energy to move afterwards.

He doesn’t bask for long in their afterglow, instead usually taking it upon himself to help his partner clean up and prepare a place for them to sleep in. Only after that is accounted for, he returns to his lover and cuddles them tightly. Although… Although it may happen that he disappears for longer, coming back only to wrap his lover and carry them to the bath, in hopes of hot water relieving any sores.

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Kenshin acrylic chibi stand ~ larger than I expected!I got the Kenshin chibi stand on the right for

Kenshin acrylic chibi stand ~ larger than I expected!

I got the Kenshin chibi stand on the right for a friend - a very unusual find! I put in the chibi stand on the left as a size comparison…  I guess it’s a good thing he’s sitting down LOL

~ Imp


Post link

Prompt:In a world where emotions can be sold in a bottle you find yourself especially busy during a certain month of love. 

When the second month came around a particular collection of bottles turned to be popular; love.

Some wanted it pinkish, meaning they just wanted the experience of a racing heart and the excitement at the thought of meeting the one. Couples wanted red; hoping to induce passion and lust, or to rekindle an attraction that may have faded away just before the big day itself. For those more shy white was a popular option, if only to encourage themselves to come clean.

You had it all anyway. Bottled love, but also other emotions. Plenty, but with February love was important, and love was what you sold.

Very rarely did you buy love in February. The occasional heartbroken soul, or the ones suffering from an unrequited or a forbidden longing. They sometimes entered your shop to distill the emotion out of their hearts, hoping that you could take away their pain and maybe sell it to another who needed it more than they did.

Those vials were bitter and cold to the touch. Impossible to sell in February itself, but you would buy them anyway, if only to console those who sought you out.

When Kenshin stepped into your shop, face grim and expression conflicted you had nearly fallen from your seat. February was the month of love, after all, which you knew was far from Kenhin’s own interest.

“I want to sell,” he says and you gulp, feeling a twang in your heart as you wonder what emotion he has come to sell, hoping that it isn’t what was most commonly sold.

He doesn’t specify it either, nor does he answer your questions as he sits himself down, tracing through the steps of the procedure he had heard you describe before.

The colour that fills the bottle is a flaming red. Passionate and beating. It wasn’t anger, you could tell, nor was it wrath. It was love, but you had no idea for whom this love was meant that moved so violently within the vial, as if too large to be contained.

“It is volatile,” you comment, and Kenshin refuses to answer, his expression unchanged and just as conflicted as you stare at the content swirling in the bottle, unable to make sense out of it.

Would it be too impudent to ask? You lick your lips, hoping to gain the courage to question who the recipient was before Kenshin grabs the vial and leaves the shop, not a word more exchanged before he turns and gives you a short goodbye.

He has always been a man of drastic measures and sudden decisions, you think later, still pondering over the amount of love contained within the vial and how much more was left within the man.

In total Kenshin fills fourteen bottles of reds that nearly burst the container in which they’re caught. Red and beating, nearly burning through the glass as if screaming to get out. You tried bigger flasks, but it doesn’t matter.

There are fourteen bottles sitting in Kenshin’s room, reminding him of an emotion he was trying to control.

You supposed that an intervention was needed, for a common misconception was that bottling emotions meant ridding yourself of them. Whatever Kenshin was trying, it wasn’t helping.

Thus you hand him a bottle of truth; creamy white with a hint of pink. For it isn’t courage he needs, but acceptance of truth.

“Mine,” you explain to him, recognising that face of apprehension. For one thing was true, the bottled emotion unpurified could lead to an unpleasant invasion into the privacy of the other. Kenshin trusts you, you know, just as you trust him with your truth.

In honesty, it also serves as a confession of sorts. A confession from you to him who has watched him try to sap out his love.

“Please do not. Please continue to love me.”

The words aren’t said, but they’re shared and as the white truth is revealed to Kenshin his mismatched eyes dilate as he looks at you, frozen and unmoving for a moment before his hand grasps for your wrist, his body moving over the table itself to avoid dragging you.

When rough lips found yours you instantly recognised where the intense red had come from, the receiver of all its contents clear.

came across a post… along,longwhile ago about a god of death type reader and got super interested, since of all the cyikemen games, ikesen is the one most surrounded by death on a larger scale (cause, war and stuff), so i wrote this at… 2020? almost one year before, at 21th of july. i had more of it written, but i really didn’t like it cause it felt too “quirky wattpad reader” and plus me just copying from the original prlogue without adding anything, so… yeah. enjoy!

(also, very important that anyone who wants to do whatever with this idea, feel free, no need to ask me)

You didn’t like your existence

To call it “your life” would be simply wrong; you don’t breathe, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep. All you are is a walking, talking existence that has a job to do until you fade away. You didn’t even like your job.

To lead a soul from their death to the Land of the Dead was a grim job. You learnt their regrets, their anger, their sadness, all which you knew was personal. But you had to be there. You had to ensure that their soul is at peace, so when the time comes to cross to the afterlife, they don’t get reincarnated as a ghost, stuck forever with their past emotions.

Shinigami, was your kinds’ name. God of Death.

You were a part of the blanket term ‘yokai’, or as some would call in other names such as ‘ayakashi’. Those who fall under the category were spirits, demons, animal-like creatures, or, similar to you, gods. For as long as you’ve known, supernatural creatures didn’t mesh with humans well most of the time.

Fear of unknown from both parties led to anger, rashness, and cut communication and involvement altogether for perhaps half your life.

You’ve existed for long; you stopped remembering the exact number after 1.000 years. All you did now was remember the year you came to the world, and do the math. But that doesn’t matter much, does it? The only thing you concerned yourself with is when you’ll fade away.

However, for your own sake, you do take a break. Such a job is heavy for the heart, and a walk doesn’t help as much, but it’s a nice thing nonetheless.

Kyoto. You were just done leading a soul that got caught in a traffic accident. You never traveled outside of the country, but would it really matter if you did? You still appreciated everything as it were; there has to be some light in a life to look forward to.

This particular city was rich in human history, you knew that. Maybe it’d be a fun thing to do, even if you didn’t have much an interest in it.

“All your famous warlord knowledge, packed in a mag! Come get one now!” A boy’s shouts filled the nearby streets, attracting attention from the occasional passerby’s. Including you. A Quick Guide To Your Warlords, the magazine read on the cover. Sounds interesting, and you were bored, so you took one and stuffed it in your pocket.

With a blank mind, you were brought forth to a temple by your wandering legs. Honno-ji. A small, quiet, quaint place. The setting sky burned up above as the small cries of the crickets sounded all around.

You’ve heard some stories of the small memorial in front of you. One of the unifiers of Japan died here—betrayed, as you remembered. But you can’t draw an exact name.

While drowning in your thoughts, the approaching presence coming to you was acknowledged but not paid mind to further. Until you shift your eyes to the side as said figure was in your peripheral vision—a man dressed in a lab coat. The two of you said no words, only continuing to gaze at the stone in front of you.

You only started to react when the sky above you turned darker and darker—not by the setting sun, but by the awfully black and almost purple clouds gathering up above you. That’s unusual, you’ve never seen anything like that in your life.

The once bright and bold sky now rained down drops of water on your face. You didn’t even notice you shifted to your human form—and a look at your hands covered in specks of droplets confirmed that.

“What poor timing.” The man next to you said, causing your eyes to glance at him. He looked solemnly to the monument, then to you, “Are you alright? Do you have an umbrella?”

“No, unfortunately. I didn’t expect it to rain…” your eyes linger to above his head, where a set of numbers and a small text was visible to you only. The death profile, as the others call. A set of information that shinigamis can see in most creatures, usually entailing their names, time of death, and cause of it.

It’s a cursing bit of information; always reminding you of what you are.

Out of nowhere, a thunder ripped through the clouds and hit directly on the small monument—a loud crackle following along. Your arm flew up to protect the man next to you by reflex, as your body stood there in momentary shock. You’ve seen death by  lightning, but that was unlikely to happen now.

You whipped your head towards the human next to you, who seems the slightest bit appalled, but stood his ground. A strange thing catches your attention…

His death date. It’s flickering—changing.

From a century where he was supposed to die…to the 15-16thcentury.

A date of death changing has been a rare thing that happens, however unlikely, but—it’s never jumped that far before! To the past, too?

Utter shock froze you in place as the numbers flicker back and forth, leading your attention away from everything else—him asking you if you were okay, and most importantly—

—the black ball that formed where the stone was.

“Watch ou—“ before you can warn the man, the image of him next to you twisted and distorted, slowly getting sucked in whatever it was.

And so were you.

Wait! He isn’t supposed to die yet—!

The world faded to black.





Ugh. . .my head…

Your vision fades in and out, clear then blurry, until you’re finally wide awake. The scenery around you changed drastically, what was first a small place in the city of Kyoto is now…a dark forest. You’ve seen this kind of environment before in your memories—you just don’t know how you got here.

The lab coat guy—!

You immediately stood up from the dirt beneath you, looking around and trying to sense his soul around you. Nothing. Pursing your lips in slight unease, you started making your way through the criminally underlighted woods.

You’ve roamed around in the forest before. Most of your time on this world, you didn’t settle in a house or anything, you preferred to just wander around like a lost ghost. You didn’t have a need for one—you don’t need shelter, not food, not clothes, nor drinks. You were a lost ghost.

The branches and rocks and whatever else you tripped on didn’t bother you. All you were focusing on is now just…walking. Without even a set destination. The only guidance you had was the occasional moonlight that peeked through the trees up above.

As minutes pass by, you start feeling a faint presence of human souls.

It’s distant, and not much from how weak it is, but I should go and see.

All other senses were rendered useless for now as you focused on the source of the souls, and slowly marched your way to it. It grew closer and closer, until you saw a faint light coming in the middle of the forest.

Two people, you now concluded. Your footsteps remained silent and your presence unknown as you creep near the light.

A fire was set in a small clearing, and you can now see the two people. A man with dark hair, dressed in monk’s clothes and a scar marking his face, with another feminime-looking boy, purple-haired in armor.

“Are you ready for this, Ranmaru?” The monk spoke in a low voice. “You’re about to kill the demon. Bring him down for good.”

Kill, huh. An assassination was about to commence.

“…Yes, Master Kennyo.” The boy—Ranmaru—spoke, wavering in unease but still tried to be certain.

‘Master Kennyo’ smiled; a bitter, unresting one, “Good. They’ve light the fire at Honno-ji, arrive there and kill him. I will follow shortly once the fire has spread,”


Clutching his sword until it shook in his hand, Ranmaru turned around and walked off from the clearing.

You overheard the conversation and calmly watched his figure fade away. It isn’t your place to intervene—not if this is fate, but even so—you’ll follow him. At least you can rest the soul of the victim.

In silent steps trailing him, you heard a last piece from Kennyo. “Finally, we’ll have our revenge…”




You took your time in following Ranmaru’s path. If whoever’s assassinated dies, it’s soul will still remain until they can go to the afterlife. Time stops for them as long as it takes to get their soul guided away from the living land. Is it immoral in a way? Perhaps.

Unless…you can stop them from getting killed. But often when you try to intervene, the death happens either way.

So what’s the point?

Nihilistic thoughts aside, you sensed more human souls coming your way; five, from what you can tell. But you paid no mind to that. Until it got nearer, and nearer, and nearer, and—

“Oof.” In your blank stated mind, you bumped into someone, causing them to huff in surprise. You yourself paused and looked—a brown haired man wearing red armor, “Hey, watch where you’re going—!”

His complaints died on his tongue as soon as he finally saw who he bumped into. His expression, from a slightly irritated frown, turned more into one of confusion, “Huh? Hey, what’s someone like you doing here in the woods? Nighttime, also? Such weird clothing, too…”

His spoken words made you raise an eyebrow, “Ignoring all that, I’m sorry for bumping into you. I just had some business is all.”

“In the dead of night? What are you, an…enchantress? Those stories of w-witches in the forest?” The man’s voice wavered more with each passing word. The quirk in your eyebrow deepens.

“I assure you, I’m not—“

“Yuki~! We leave you for a few seconds and you’ve already found yourself a partner?” A velvet and rich voice arose from behind the dark bushes and trees, all of them being pushed aside to reveal an auburn haired man, this one more built in his body.

The one you’ve been talking to—Yuki—blushed and shook his head vehemently, “Ugh, no! I’m not like you; we just bumped into each other is all. And I think it’s some kind of witch, too—”

The redhead man tutted at Yuki in a disapproving manner, “Now, now, Yuki. Have I not taught you how to talk properly in front of such a beauty all this time?” His attention turns to you, and in a second, his eyes lit in passion, “Forgive me for his prudeness, my goddess, dear Yuki needs a lot more lessons than I thought. However…if you want to be with a real man, I’m always up for service.”

“Will you stop flirting with everything you meet. It’s disgusting.”

Three more people emerge from the shadows, the small bits of moonlight pouring to their features. The one who spoke was a blond one, cladded in blue armor and with eyes that said he wanted to have nothing to do with any of this.

“But Kenshin, you can’t just turn away at such a beauty laid in front of your eyes.” The flirt replied to the cold comment with a smirk.

“Stop. Or I’ll kill you.”

The bickering of the two were left unnoticed as another man with dark blue hair stepped up, far closer than what you were expecting. His hand reaches and caresses lightly on your clothes, “I have never seen such a design or material like this before. How fascinating. Would you like to switch with one of my kimonos?”

“Yoshimoto, I’ve already claimed them! Don’t steal them right under my nose.” Flirt Man threw a light complaint, turning away from Kenshin for a moment.

“Art is to be appreciated by everyone, Shingen.” Yoshimoto simply responds, now tugging lightly at the sleeves of your shirt.

Okay, you’ll admit it. You’re slightly overwhelmed.

So far, you haven’t said anything, mainly because you don’t want to. It feels like anything you say won’t make the situation better anyway. But still…even in your long life, this is quite bizzare.

You observed each of them one by one. Then your eyes landed to the last one, the same brown haired man you saw earlier. Now, in…some sort of ninja attire. While you tilted your head in slight curiosity, you’re at least satisfied to see he was safe.

And his death date has changed, too…

Speaking of death, you’re finally reminded of following. . .who was it, Ranmaru? to an assassination.

Gently freeing yourself from Yoshimoto’s admiring touches to your clothes, you bowed slightly in front of them, “I appreciate meeting all of you, but I have to go.”

You don’t see Sasuke opening his mouth to say something, and neither do the others, as you walked off to the darkness.




You thought by losing your way from your unofficial guide, you wouldn’t find the destination. But luckily, even going in the same direction as he did led you to it. Honno-ji. This time, it’s in the midst of drowning in fire. You made your way through the front door and entered where the fire wouldn’t reach you—but it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

And in the middle of the room not yet entirely covered in flames, was who you assume the victim, sleeping. The cause of death, “died in an assassination while the building was set on fire”, said as much. Dressed in black armor, you could tell he was important, somehow. Not everyone can casually wear one, despite the past few people you’ve met been donning it.

The text displayed above the man’s head displayed the same old. Nobunaga Oda.

On the other side, you see a silhouette approaching steadily, sword in hand. Ranmaru, you guessed. You double checked yourself to make sure you weren’t visible to the human’s eye, and you were just fine with watching another death as you have—

Until, for the second time today, the death date for Nobunaga Oda flickered.

You froze as what was 21st of July, 1582, blinked into a later date. Much later.

What. . .?! That was the second time today—what am I supposed to—

Your chest felt heavy, and your hands trembled in uncertainty of what you should do. Do you save him? Watch him die? Would he even die at this moment? Or would it be later? You’ve never been in this position—the answer was always clear. And now you’re terrified.

Your body swayed back and forth violently, as two sides fought in your head of what to do. But time was running out—he’d be assassinated if you didn’t take this chance. And he’d die. That’s the same as you killing him, you thought, and you’ve sworn to never do such a thing.

From your disarrayed thoughts, your legs moved on their own and walked to him. You’re saving him, then.

Befitting the Gods - Kenshin X Reader X Sasuke [Deity!AU]

Hey everyone! This is my special series of a previous AU I had written, tailored to @delicateikemenmemes as the wheel winner as part of my 1000 followers event! I hope you enjoy this Sara, and Happy Lunar New Year to all those who celebrate!

There will be another chapter, focusing more on Sasuke after this, and then three chapter endings [one for Kenshin, one for Sasuke and one ending with both] coming soon. Asks are open for more content of my IkeSen Deity AU too! Note: Reader is often referred to a few names so be aware.

Also if someone notices the blatantly obvious Shuumatsu no Valkyrie reference, my kudos to you. Favourite character.

The gathering of the mighty deities of Sengoku. It was a renowned festival where the residents would celebrate and praise to all the deities of Sengoku for keeping the world alive.

As for the deities themselves, it was a whole week of meetings and discussions. The main event was deciding who would reign in the deities when Zerofuku, the Spirit of the Seven Lucks, fell into his million-year slumber when the stars would align. Zerofuku himself commanded the meeting as his time approached. As he fell asleep, Sasuke, the Messenger Deity, wrote his final command.

“I demand YN, Lady Death, Goddess Izanami, to monitor the deities in the million slumber,” Sasuke read to the deities gathered in the room. “Her aide shall be Nobunaga, the God of Chaos and Shingen, the God of Fire.

The deities muttered and mumbled amongst themselves. Motonari, the God of Water spoke his stand aloud. "Has Zerofuku gone mad? How can he choose Lady Death when all of us, including herself, agreed that she is not to be involved?”

“Stand down, Motonari,” Kennyo, the God of the Forests called out. His low, chilling voice quelled the irate of the other gods, some of the lower deities standing down.

You took a deep breath. You didn’t know what Zerofuku was thinking of, but it left a bad taste in your mouth that your previous opinion was ignored. “As Izanami, I choose to overrule the command. I believe I am not prepared to take on such a role,” You replied, noticing how the lower deities cowered at your voice. It was understandable. You were Lady Death after all… “Even if I was, I do not think I could execute it well. Masamune is a better option, as he already rules the skies that we gather in.”

“I do not think I am fit to be leader as well,” the man in question spoke up. “As the Sky God, I cannot manage the Heavens whilst I pull the sky. Therefore I must offer it to Ieyasu or Shingen as the leader.

The God of Medicine had his blonde hair stuck in the talismans he was writing, only to lift it upon the mention of his name. "As if I’d go with your suggestions, Masamune,” He huffed, setting down his brush. “I’d hate to look over Mitsunari, and Hideyoshi is his unofficial caretaker despite him having a similar job to you.”

Shingen, the God of Fire, laid back into his arm rest, a bowl of sweets near him. “I could possibly not bear the responsibility… My shrine is full of fair maidens who wish to be blessed by my hot bod-”

The deities didn’t bat an eye when Yukimura, the God of Beasts drew his Roaring Spear to smack Shingen up the head. The discussions continued, but the room was then divided in three. The first faction of those who believe Nobunaga, the God of Chaos should rule instead of you. The second consisted of those who believe in Kenshin as the God of War was known for living by the sword, worshipping the sword and dying by sword.

Not that he could die anyway…

The final of the deities rooted for Zerofuku’s original plan, believing it was the best of both sides, however others had ulterior motives for it, such as the God of the Water and Seas, Motonari.

“Why endorse in me, God of the Seas?” You asked plainly, going around the deities who supported you for their reasons. You hoped their reasonings would give you courage to say the least, or make up your mind…

The God of the Seas, whose skin always glistened with the seawater he ruled over, took another swig of his sake. “Frankly, I wouldn’t like to see Nobunaga or Kenshin win,” He said, leaning into you. “But I wouldn’t mind if you punished me, Lady Izanami~”

“Enough of that,” The God of Time and Wealth, Kichou snapped. “I think it’s clear enough that we don’t trust the other two as much we trust you, Lady Death.”

“I chose the one who’d least likely harm my forests,” Kennyo justified.

By Kichou and Kennyo’s statements, the room went in uproar over their sly insults. Some had called upon their familiars, while others resorted to their blades. You were sure that Zerofuku did not want to wake up to a destroyed heaven, so you were quick to pick up your scythe to silence the other deities.

“Stand down.”

Your chilling voice brought a deadly silence in the air. For as much bloodlust they carried, they were well aware of the rules to not make you angry, for the position you hold is of utmost importance.

The tanuki messenger god, Sasuke, is forever running around the plains of Japan, hidden from the sights of humans. As the watcher of the gods, he is not meant to say what his opinion is, only to convey those of others. It was a surprise to the other deities that it was the first time that he spoke an opinion of his own.

“I believe this is why Zerofuku chose you, Lady Death.”

You glanced around the room, seeing the gods in their place once more.

In your place, with your kimono folded underneath you, you raised your voice once more.

“I accept, on the condition a deity escorts me out of the Underworld.”


The God of War for once did not draw his sword at the gathering as he always did, instead finding himself staring at Lady YN, although he’s forbidden for ever calling her that. Their relationship was complicated, to say the least. Kenshin never once had any personal conflicts with the Deity of Death, however with their work, it was easy to see how they were connected yet so different.

In his hand, the bitter sake stilled as he reminisced about the time he saw Lady Death. Yet another demon rampaged against the humans, leading Kenshin to slay it in its wake. As the body of the demon laid dead at his feet, she appeared.

He knew she was a goddess, with the way she wielded her weapon and her otherworldly appearance. The hood of her haori hid most of her appearance, although it was unbeknownst to Kenshin if she could see him since it reached down to her chin. Across the battlefield from each other, with bodies of fallen warriors and demon spirits, yet he was only enchanted by her, and the way she swung her scythe.

The souls were dancing around her, both human and demon as they descended into the crack in the ground she came from. Not a glance was spared to him, but a glimmer faded from her. He did not dare to disturb Lady Death at her duties, only to observe her safety as she does her duty.

It was poetic in the way that his job was to send her passing of the souls through his blade, and she is the one to receive it. By Zerofuku’s decree, they are to never cross weapons as they share the connection of the souls. Lately, with the demons he’d slay, he’d present their bodies neatly not for out of their respect, but out of respect for you.

Several memories of his often gazing to you always left his heart beating, and it wasn’t the adrenaline that lit up his veins. At times, Kenshin tried to approach you gently, to let you know the deity behind the sword he lives by, and yet the missed opportunities pile up, with his and your duties busier but intertwining.

He often has no time to write, nor leave crafted gifts, hence the God of War began to leave the stray wild flowers in a bouquet on the noblest warrior’s body as for you to see when you collect the warrior’s soul.

Many a times the God of Poetry and Luck, Yoshimoto, would chide him in his dishonesty towards you. It was the very situation as Kenshin drinks his sake in peace in front of the God who was busying himself with his talismans. Kenshin himself seldom had many talismans to write, except to the ones of his shrine as his divine decree. Unlike the other deities, for being a superior deity of the council, he has the fewest shrines, only one to his name.

The Poetry deity sitting across from him had several, hence his brush was as quick as his tongue while he advises the fellow god. “You desire her so Kenshin, yet as the God of Conquest you have not lain a siege on her,” Yoshimoto joked, as Kenshin was always enthusiastic with his conquests.

“I’d regard you and Motonari swapped with the way you addressed Lady Izanami,” Kenshin glared at the God, who’s calligraphy never faltered despite the threatening tone of the War deity. “It is not rightful of me to demand such a thing, not with the burden Zerofuku placed on her.”

Another deity arrived to their conversation. One befitting Kenshin’s situation, none other the God of Emotions and Spirits, Ranmaru, who phased through the sliding doors instead of opening them. Ranmaru arrived at Yoshimoto’s call however, as a decree between the two gods had to be made of the connection between love and luck.

“As you are here Ranmaru, you are best to advise Kenshin upon the situation he’s in,” Yoshimoto quipped, dipping his brush in the ink once more.

The expressive deity jumped for joy at the suggestion, almost teasing the conquest deity. “I’d agree even if you offered nothing, Kenshin. You’ve been a deity I’d been dying to get my hands on!”

“We cannot die, Spirit God,” Kenshin corrected, confused as to what the god meant.

“You’re no fun,” Ranmaru pouted, his fingers going through Kenshin’s forehead as he ‘flicked’ his forehead. “The real issue is that you’re no where closer to her than you were thousands of years ago, Conquest God.”

Yoshimoto, who took a quick tea break, nearly coughed out his tea at Ranmaru’s brutal honesty. “I doubt the Medicine God could heal the emotional damage from that…”

Ranmaru went on anyway, his hands reaching for a peach slice at the tea table. “As someone who works closely with Lady YN, he could easily befriend her.”

Kenshin was silenced by Ranmaru’s truthful remarks. He hummed, taking another cup of sake down his throat, the burning feeling coming from the want to confession and not the alcohol.

“You could be her escort, Kenshin.”

He glanced up at the Fire God, who’s presence made the room’s temperature rise. His close relative Yoshimoto had invited him too, but from the smirk Shingen carried, Kenshin assumed that he’d been listening in long ago.

The Fire God reached for the sweet buns next to the peaches by the tea table. “You have an excuse, as Ranmaru said. You both are close with each other, and although Sasuke is the most favourable, the Messenger God as all gods can tire,” He went on, offering a plate of pickled plums to the War God.

Ranmaru chipped in once more, “And you may not know, but she might be willing to be close to you too…”

Kenshin huffed, despising the gods who meddled with his business, taking his sword out to polish it. Yet, he contemplates on the suggestion, writing his submission late into the night.

Before he sends the message by the heavenly winds, he went to the battlefield he and you last touched, gathering the remaining bunches of wild flowers to seal his holy decree of his request, to be an escort befitting of the Deity of Death.


Kenshin x MC

Prompt: playful kisses & hugging from behind

Has anybody ordered some sugar?

Content Warnings:none


“Oh, don’t be shy.”

Her laughter embraced him, raising with a flutter of a thousand wings and filling all corners of their bedroom, freed of any restraint or inhibitions. Had the circumstances been different, Kenshin would surely gladly welcome it – yet then… Then he turned around, hiding his face in the collar of his cape, dreadful sense of warmth washing over his cheeks reminding him of his sorry state. Her arms snuck around him from behind.
“You’re being too cute, I swear,” she teased again, smiling against the nape of his neck.
“You’re being cruel.”
“I know, but I can’t help it.”

Her lover straightening his back, she stepped aside, covering her lips with her hand as to prevent him from seeing her smile. Kenshin pouted, much to her delight.
“If you didn’t like it, you could have said so without laughing,” he grumbled, his gaze travelling to the pin in her hair. She shook her head.
“That’s not it!” she protested, reaching as to cup his face. She sighed, their eyes locking, her thumb stroking his cheek tenderly. She looked past him, almost bashfully so, the corners of her lips curling just a little bit, the very tips of her ears growing pink – although perhaps it was just the a trick of the light, reddish-purple clouds crowding the horizon as the sun said its goodbyes.
“I love it,” she finally let out, her voice but a whisper. “It’s only that you had the most surprised expression on your face, and I couldn’t help laughing.”
His fingers hooking below her chin, Kenshin guided her back to look at him, her eyes having grown mildly dark – although in the warm sense, joyful sparks emerging over the black pupils.
“It’s because I wasn’t expecting for it to suit you so well… It stunned me,” he hummed, brushing her bangs to the side, his lips pressing against her forehead.
“Stop, that’s too much – ”
He kissed the corner of her eye, her voice dying down for a moment.
“Kenshin –” she protested again – a peck to her nose.
“I –” Her brow.
“My heart may bur –” Her lips, all words left unspoken turning into an approving gasp.

Keep reading

Me be like:

It’s so sweet and just.. muah





THIS IS THE BEST I COULD DO BEFORE MY IPAD DIED I’m still out and I only worked on this whenever i could find a place to sit and draw

#ikemensengoku #ikesen #ikesenart #謙信誕生祭 #イケ戦FA

@cailanncome gets your hubs

Aw ❤️ thank you love~ he’s beautiful


Kenshin x MC

Word estimate: 1.2k

@cailann you, you… You enabler. Please take part of the blame.

Very short preview, as I opted to try something else this time around. Less plot.

Contents / Content Warnings: (slight) bondage, blindfold, creampie, overstimulation, [sweeter than tags make it seem]

A heard of muffled whimpers departed from her lips, her back arching as ecstasy lit her body ablaze, […]

Keep reading

i’m dead, i’m gone
“short drabble” she says
and then gifts me with one of the greatest Kenshin smuts ever
also enabler? i told you two sentences and sent some googly eyes ehehe

Kanetsugu Route


“As noted in our meeting last night, MC will be under the supervision of Kanetsugu from hereon.”

“Kanetsugu, give me a report on her behavior”



“She has not shown signs of wanting to commit suicide or escaping. In addition, the possibility of her leaking information to the outside is nonexistent.”

“She slept like a log last night, and I found her futon tightly wrapped around her like a caterpillar this morning.”



(Why did you have to report that specific detail!)


“Like a caterpillar? What kind of position is that? Show me.”


“Eh!? There’s no way I can demonstrate for you!”


“Kenshin, you shouldn’t ask a celestial maiden to do such things for you.”


“MC-san….you’re amazing”


“Wow, can you really afford to act so shamelessly even when you are being taken hostage, huh?”


“…Tch, Kanetsugu-san!”



(Ugh, I want him to confess to Kenshin that it is all lies but…)

(He is sitting down with a perfectly innocent expression on his face)

Until a slow smile starts creeping up just like a villain in a movie.

(Wait, is he taking revenge for what happened earlier!?)


Can I just say that Kanetsugu’s route is *Chef’s kiss*

Seriously, I knew we were off to a good start when they started off his route with both of them sleeping in the same room and them having to be together 24/7 for “supervision.”

Lmao, Kenshin like I don’t know who you are but I get irritated when I hear you say stupid sh*t so you must be family XD

Background: After the party, Keiji, MC and Kanetsugu met up in an alleyway under pseudonyms. Eventually, Kenshin and Sasuke showed up. MC was very apparent that she knew them previously and they all started a conversation on how they knew of each other. 

Sasuke: By the way MC, what is your relationship with Keiji?

MC: (I really want to explain the truth to Sasuke, but I can’t with Kenshin here.)

(I need to describe our relationship quickly, so they don’t get suspicious)

While MC was hesitating, Keiji spoke up. 

Keiji: “Me and MC are in love!”

MC: “Ehhh!?”

“Wha-What are you talking about!?

When I reacted so loudly, Keiji lightly tapped my back with a grin on his face. 

Keiji: “Don’t worry, its just a joke!”

“Unfortunately, Mai and I are just friends. She was nice enough to accompany me as my partner to the party.”

“Right, MC?”

MC: “Y-Yeah”


I had reservations about Keiji in the beginning, but I really warmed up to him. Even if he is mean, I can’t hate a guy who is so open about liking our MC. This is not the first time that he’s said that he likes her (´ω`*) (albeit indirectly). 

I really love this story, I’m so glad I got the bonus story from Kenshin’s B-Day Fest 2022. It’s so sweet and has a lot of things that I like when they include them in IkeSen

Y'all remember this scene from Shingen’s route?????



Thank you for the request @happylady215 Have a nice day as well

Pampering the Bunny Lord

“I-It’s better if you stay away for a while. Pardon me for my rudeness, Princess, but his condition right now is–”

Sasuke nodded to the vassal, understanding fully what he tried to convey to her. “You know that moment when someone get too worked up– as in the aftermath of a battle? So basically he can be dangerous right now.”

She smiled to his explanation, dismissing the vassal before turning to Sasuke, “It’s alright. I understand. Thank you, Sasuke.”

He gave a curt nod, showing a thumbs up to her. “I know you can solve that for us. You are our hero, MC. Now, excuse me as I shall ker-vanish myself.”

And poof! He goes.


Sliding the door open, she scanned the room before shutting it cautiously. “Kenshin..?”


There he is.

Sitting at one corner of their shared bedchamber, mismatched eyes gleaming as he wheeled his head to her. They exchanged a look with one another, and it was him that breaks the silence. “..Are you finished with your seamstress work?”


MC stayed at the same spot, now settling herself to sit down, making sure her vacant lap are visible to him. Kenshin has been eyeing it for sure; she knows that very well. Then, without further ado, she smiled as she pats her lap,

“Come here, Kenshin (❁´◡`❁).”


With that same frowning look on his face, he rose from where he were resting and lie his head on her lap swiftly. He circled his arms around her waist, burying his head into her stomach as he murmured, “…I’m tired.”

“Do you want me to rub anywhere that is sore?”

He shakes his head.

“Or do you want me to pat you to sleep?”


And she did. She slowly brush along his hair locks, caressing him lovingly, followed by a gentle pat on his shoulder.

“…I got injured too.”

“My, you do?”


“Where is it? Shall I kiss the boo boo to make it go away?”


She giggled. “Now, tell me. Where does this boo boo that hurts my Bunny Lord?”

He takes her hand in his, placing it on his chest. “..Here. I missed you so much.”

“Awww… Aren’t you the cutest one?” She booped his nose playfully, leaning forward to kiss his temple. “It’s only been 3 days since you punished those ronins in neighbouring town, and you missed me this bad already?”

“Mm.” His lips pursed into a pout, burying his head into her stomach once more.

‘Really now. If your vassals see you like this, they can’t believe this is the same God of War.’ She pressed her lips tight, deciding to keep such words to herself.

Of course, Kenshin is a fearful and a respectful Lord.

But he is still a child deep down, who wants to be pampered by his lover.


Crimson Thread

A red string of fate AU story featuring Kenshin. Written for my dear friend @scruffymctee on the occasion of her very merry birthday. Approx. 2500 words. TW for violence!

Kenshin settled into the soft leather seat of his private plane. He had a few hours before the meeting. Enough time to review his intel on this new customer. A small group that considered themselves freedom fighters - the rest of the world labeled them terrorists. Kenshin had long since dispensed with ethical worries. 

There would always be war. The ‘good’ was determined by the winner. If these men won their battles, Kenshin would be a hero. If they lost, a devil. He knew he was neither. He was a merchant and death was his trade. A capricious god who picked his side based on whether or not be believed the fight would be a good one. 

He yawned and rubbed his eyes, trying to focus on the blur of the dossier in his lap. 

“Perhaps you should get some rest, sir.” Sasuke, his personal assistant and body guard came up from the tail of the plane, pushing a cart of refreshments. Sake. Pickled plums. Crisps. A variety of Kenshin’s favorites. 

Sasuke poured Kenshin a drink and took the dossier.

“Fine. But wake me an hour before we land. I want the information to be fresh in my mind when we meet these ‘Sons’.” Kenshin gave his assistant a look, made more severe by his oddly colored eyes. One was as blue as winter ice, the other jade green. 

“Of course, sir.”

He pushed the cart back to its locked position and sat down in one of the chairs across from his boss. Sasuke had the dossier open in his lap, reading diligently.

Kenshin knew they both had practically memorized the details in it, but he felt an undercurrent of tension about this meeting. A foreboding that prickled his skin and left his gut feeling tight and cold. He wasn’t sure why. The Sons of Winter weren’t the worst group he’d dealt with. Not the largest, nor the most deadly. But they were unpredictable. Wildly violent in their cause. Perhaps they meant to double-cross him. 

If so, they would die. Kenshin didn’t just sell weapons. He knew every product he offered intimately. How to use it, how to store and transport it, the most effective tactics. He set a hand on his hidden holster. If they tried to cross him, they would meet Ichimonji. His custom .45, long barrelled, the grip made from carved rosewood, polished to a soft, satin patina. 

Another yawn cracked his jaw. 

Sasuke gave him a meaningful look from across the aisle. 

Kenshin didn’t deign to reply, but he did lower his seat back and close his eyes. Sleep took him swiftly. 

Acrid gunsmoke curls in the air. Groans. Bodies of dying men crumpled in the tall grass. A long blade dripping blood. Blood pounding in his ears. Thrill of victory. A woman crying. She kneels at his feet. Her eyes are gentle. Her touch, warm. He knows as is the way of dreams, that he must choose. He does not deserve the peace she is offering. Dream-Kenshin turns away. To battle. To endless war. Until death swallows the last of my light.

Sasuke shook his shoulder, and leapt back as Kenshin stabbed at him with a blade hidden in a false pen. He ed. “You almost had me, boss.”

“If that was enough to kill you, then you aren’t worth much as a bodyguard.” Kenshin wiped the sleep from his eyes. He felt slow, tired. As if the dream had not let him go. A sense of melancholy weighed heavy in his chest. “How long until we land?” 

“An hour, sir.” Sasuke handed him the dossier along with a tea and pastry.

Kenshin eyed the food. “What is this?”

“Breakfast, sir. You can’t live off sake.”

He grunted. His assistant was right, though he found it annoying. Kenshin ate while he read. Today he will meet Roberson, the Sons’ second in command. He will have three of his people with him. A woman they call An, and two men, Franco and Orson. An odd mix, hailing from different countries and regions. Varied backgrounds. Franco and Orson are well known, previously mercenaries. An was Chinese military. And Roberson cut his teeth on battle in South Africa. 

The next hour passed swiftly. The plane landed, and a car arrived and escorted them to the meeting place. A parking garage near an abandoned factory. Rusted steel support beams jut into the night sky like the bones of some ancient, dead thing. The ground is littered with trash and glistening shards of glass from smashed lamps. The only light is the distant moon and the headlights of their car.

Roberson stepped out from the shadows. He is dressed for business in modern tactical gear. Kevlar and leather. Like something from an action film, too over the top to be real. 

Franco and Orson followed, looking less comical in casual business wear, though the telltale bulge under their arm told Kenshin they were carrying as well. 

“Where is your fourth?” 

Roberson gestured to the high spaces. “She is watching.” His blue eyes narrowed as he examined Kenshin and Sasuke. “Where is your team?”

“This is my team.” Kenshin did not smile. “Have you provided the agreed upon proof of payment?”

“I sent your people the code just now.”

Sasuke confirmed with a nod. 

“Then we will send you the coordinates of the cache.” Kenshin noted the nervous tapping of Franco’s fingers. The tension in Orson’s shoulders. 

Roberson frowned. “I want some proof of the goods before I send a passcode.” 

“There are pictures in your confirmation.” Violence was only a heartbeat off. One wrong gesture, one slip of the tongue, and there will be blood.

“I need more than pictures.” Roberson’s words are almost a growl. There was some desperation here that the dossier did not hint at. 

Kenshin gestured to Sasuke. “We have a sample.” 

His assistant pulled a large case from the car. The metal locks jingled as he carried it from the trunk to set it down on the ground between them. 

Orson knelt down to open it while his companions watched the surroundings nervously. He swung the lid open, revealing the sleek lines of steel. A modern anti-tank weapon. Capable of mounted and hand-held fire. There is a general intake of breath.

Then the tension shattered at an unexpected sound. A soft yelp, the scrape of a shoe on concrete. A woman stumbled into the periphery of their gathering.

At first, Kenshin thought this must be An. But she wasn’t Chinese. And Roberson looked as surprised as he did at her entrance. 

The woman is not dressed for this kind of meeting. She looks as if she was going dancing. Her skirt is short, her heels long. The dress is sleeveless and low cut with a plunging back that comes nearly to her hip. The material clings to her curves as if painted on. Blue fabric, the color of winter ice. 

Sasuke grabbed her arm. “What are you doing here?”

“You know this girl?” Roberson’s tone is accusing.

“Never met her,” Kenshin said, though there is something about her that draws his eye. She was beautiful. Perhaps that was all it was. The shallow attraction of a man to a scantily dressed woman. 

“H-hello? Is this -” the woman fumbled in her clutch for her phone. “Ah, 22 banchi? The rave?” 

“28. You went too far.” Sasuke sighed. He knew as well as Kenshin did that they couldn’t let this girl go. She knew their faces and there was no way she missed the military grade weaponry on the ground in front of her.

“Were you spying on us, girl?” Roberson growled. “Who do you work for?”

She blinked at him. “Ummm, Neo-mod Designs? We make haute-couture clothes affordable.” She handed him a card. 

Sasuke looked at the card in the other man’s hands. “Tomoyo?”

“Yes.” She looked from one man to the other. “So, uh, I’ll just be going now. Nice to meet you! Call me if you need a-”

Roberson threw her on the ground and pulled a knife. “I can’t let you leave.”

Kenshin didn’t want this woman to die here tonight. She was an innocent. Hardly at fault for making a wrong turn. He’d stepped between Roberson and the girl before he even realized he was moving. “I’ll take her.”

“Is this a joke?” Roberson scowled. “Some kind of scam? Are you trying to double cross me?”

“It is not. I don’t double cross clients. Put up the weapon, transmit the funds, and leave.” Kenshin’s unsettling gaze fixed on Roberson. 

Orson and Franco were moving a breath later, drawing their weapons. 

Sasuke was in motion too, already gripping two, short steel batons. 

“Think we’ll just take the coordinates and kill the three of you,” Roberson growled. He darted forward, his blade flashing in the headlights. 

Kenshin slammed his attacker’s hand with the butt of his gun. “You’re a fool.” Behind him, the woman - Tomoyo - was up. He hoped to keep Roberson busy long enough for her to run. It would be easy enough to track her down later - with her business card if nothing else. But she didn’t run.

There was a grunt of pain from Franco as she slammed her purse into the side of his face. “Take that! How dare you sneak up on this guy, huh? What a creep!” She kicked him in the knee with her heel and there was an unpleasant crunch. 

“You are more … formidable than I expected.” Kenshin blocked another jab from Roberson.

She flashed him a quick smile, one that lit in the depths of her bright green eyes. “Thanks!” She swung her little purse at Franco again as the thug tried to stand up. “Where’d the other one go?”

Sasuke was entangled with Orson somewhere beyond the light of the headlamps, their position only given away by the occasional thwap of metal on flesh and grunts of pain.

“My assistant has him handled.” Kenshin cracked the grip against Roberson’s hand, trying to make him drop his knife. 

Roberson yelped but kept hold of his blade. “You’re - outmanned, Uesugi. Give up.”

“I think my odds are fine. But I have made one mistake.” He kicked Roberson back a few steps. “But don’t worry. It’s about to be resolved.” Kenshin flipped the safety off his gun. 

“An!” Roberson called into his earpiece.

Kenshin had nearly forgotten about the military woman. He followed the line of Roberson’s gaze toward the rusty metal spire. Saw a slight movement in the shadows there. 

Tomoyo looked the same direction, understanding there was danger, if not what specifically. 

“Sniper. Get down!” Kenshin tried to push her away.

She stumbled and swayed on her heels, gripping his arm. 

The distant rifle cracked as An fired off a shot.

Tomoyo shoved Kenshin as hard as she could. Her head turned slightly toward the sound.

Kenshin fell back. He hadn’t expected her to push him. He reached for the woman, fingers extended into the space between them. 940 feet per second, he thought, knowing he could not pull her down before the bullet hit.

Blood and bits of bone burst from her right side. 

Tomoyo looked down, her eyes wide. She was bleeding heavily from the wound. 

Roberson took advantage of Kenshin’s distraction to drive his knife into the arms dealer’s back.  

Kenshin shot him in the head without looking. As one might crush a pest. His mismatched gaze found Franco. Another bullet in the chamber.

The thug scrambled back, hands up. “J-just following orders. Please.”

“Run,” Kenshin hissed. He pushed himself to standing, ignoring the warm sheet of blood that coated his back. 

Tomoyo stumbled forward, trembling. “I’m bleeding.”

“Yes. You’ve been shot.” Kenshin took her by the shoulders. “Why didn’t you run? Why didn’t you get down when I told you too?” His throat felt hot and his tongue thick. 

She gave him a small smile. “I didn’t want them to shoot you either, idiot.” Her body slumped forward and she steadied herself against Kenshin’s chest.

“You fool. This wasn’t your fight.” He found his arms wrapping around her, pressing her to him. Her skin was cool against his. Her pulse weak. “Sasuke! We need medical evac! Now!”

“On it, boss!” Sasuke’s voice came from the dark and then the man himself limped into view. “Orson is unconscious. Leave him?”

“Leave him.” Kenshin confirmed. He lifted Tomoyo into his arms. “She’s bleeding heavily. We need to hurry.”

Sasuke opened the car door. “I’ve already arranged care. We just need to get her there.”

“A hospital?”

“No.” His assistant smiled. “One of our doctors.” He meant one of the underground clinics staffed by desperate med students and old veterans that lost their license to practice. 

Kenshin nodded and ducked into the car with his burden. It might have been smarter to let her die, but … she took a bullet for him. She defended him when she could have just run. He had to know why. 

“You’re injured.” Sasuke shut the door behind him and the car roared to life, the driver a silent witness to the whole mad scene.

“It isn’t serious.” He cradled the woman to his chest, watching her eyelids flutter. If he was honest, his wound pained him and he was beginning to feel light-headed. But he knew it wasn’t going to kill him before he could get stitched up. 

Kenshin brushed a lock of hair back from her face. “You are a fool.”

Her lips quirked into a smile. “No.” She raised a trembling hand into the air, grasping something lightly with her fingers.

Kenshin craned his neck to see what she held. At first, there was nothing. Then a flash of scarlet. A ribbon of crimson. Tied around her finger. And his. He startled back. There was no sense of the red thread on his hand. Instead, when he pulled away, he felt the tug in his heart. “Who are you,” he asked, his voice breaking on the words.

She opened her eyes, though her lids were heavy. “You know.”

And in that moment, he did. For a breath, he remembered everything. A thousand thousand lives, meeting her again and again. He’d killed her. She’d killed him. Watched him die with tears in her eyes. And Kenshin knew he had held her just like this before. So many times before. Clinging to her as her life-blood stained his hands, held her gaze as light left her eyes.

“I won’t lose you again,” he promised.

“Again?” Sasuke lifted an eyebrow, confused. 

Kenshin’s eyes stung with unshed tears as he looked up at his assistant. “This woman will not die tonight.” He felt her squeeze his hand. He looked down at her again, marveling that somehow, they’d found each other again. She found him. 

He leaned down to brush a kiss to her lips. And then, as quickly as that, the memories were gone. Only the feeling remained. The binding thread that ran from his heart to hers. “I will never let you go,” he promised. 

“You never do,” she smiled.


Author: @janumun​​
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character(s): Kenshin/Reader (Female MC)
Rating: E – Explicit

Warnings:NSFW content, jealousy, re-telling of canon events, denial of romantic feelings/conflicted emotions, oral and vaginal sex, spoilers for Kenshin’s main story (up till Chapter 10)

Prompt: “Mine”
Summary: A council is called, with the attendance of the Oda envoys, Mitsunari and Mitsuhide, to revise and recapitulate the terms of the Uesugi–Oda alliance. Kenshin soon discovers the relationship between the two men and their former ‘Chatelaine’ runs far deeper than one in between mere acquaintances. Glaring truths are about to be spoken and Kenshin learns once more: envy has always stood as his greatest weakness when it comes to her. 


The Main Hall of Kasugayama is alive once more— rowdier even, with the sounds of inebriated merry-making in the wake of a fairly tense Council earlier in the day. One with the attendance of the Oda entourage; a few among them friends she hadn’t seen in a long while. An opportunity for peaceful negotiations, one she had been happy to take advantage of.

She fidgets about in place, restless hands curled around her cup of liquor. Eyes alert and wandering, even as her mouth grazes the cusp of her drink in a show of sipping at the contents.

Kenshin’s eyes stray once more, surely by force of habit, to catch her impatience— odd eyes following her eager gaze as she sits by his side: a pretty ornament, formerly of the Oda, one he seized for himself in a battle not long ago. 

Kenshin frowns. That’s just what she was. A decorative commodity, a Princess of the Oda, Kenshin repeats the words over and over in his head, tossing and turning them about until they refuse to make sense. Unsuccessful efforts in deluding his own heart, a traitorous part of him whispers. He smothers it mercilessly.

She inclines her face towards him then, inquisitive eyes catching his gaze – the mild concern he captures in hersleaving him desiring. Her lips part on the sound of his name, surely in question before the Oda envoy named Ishida impertinently cuts into their space. Nodding amicably to Kenshin once, he turns to address her, “Here you are, princess. It is a relief to see you well.”

Unsavory. Poisonous. The sake burns tasteless down Kenshin’s throat to catch sight of the joy brimming within her gaze at the appearance of the other man who dares his hands forward to grasp hers within, smiling at her with no less amount of care and affection.

“You were just the person I was looking for, Mitsunari. Well, Mitsuhide too. But I must give you these before you depart tomorrow morning.” She hands him one of the furoshiki bundles she’d kept close by her side for the entirety of the evening.

“A gift for you.” Her smile widens at the pleased look that takes Ishida’s face when he unveils his present. “Writing implements! Thank you so very much. I can only hope the fabric we brought you earlier can offer you even a modicum of the joy I feel at your thoughtful gift.”

They speak of the affairs of Azuchi Castle and its town— two people close enough to share a laugh over a drink or two. The stark awareness of her comfort in Mitsunari’s presence scorches bitter ash across his tongue—a feeling he tries and throttles into submission. Failing efforts; until he feels the warmth of her hand across his where it rests clenched – he notices belatedly – on his knee. “Kenshin.”

Nothing sounds better than the syllables of his name on her tongue and he relishes the sound of it. “What is it?”

“I’d like to excuse myself for a while. Mitsunari tells me he hasn’t seen Mitsuhide in a while. I’d like to go search for him, give him his gift before he returns.” The effort it takes to slip his hand away from hers, to not hold on and tell her to stay, right by his side. The last of his iron-clad will hardening, crushing back base impulses before he does something he shall regret. Kenshin watches her leave in silence, the ice in his chest surfacing within odd eyes to leave them devoid of warmth as he swipes the last of his drink. Bidding Mitsunari a swift, curt farewell, Kenshin excuses himself for the night.


The air outside washes pleasant over her cheeks, flushed from sake and happiness as she finally spies the back of familiar robes; silver strands almost luminous under the moon. The man facing away from her as he speaks to one of the Oda retainers; low, indecipherable words exchanged in between the two— ones she fails to hear from where she stands. Hesitance and caution in her steps, she shuffles forward, silent so as not to disturb the men. However— 

Mitsuhide tips his head in her direction. “And what is our dear chatelaine doing out here all by herself? Tired of entertaining the Dragon, I presume?” Dismissing the man she believes is his subordinate, he turns to face her.

She shakes her head, venturing closer. “I was looking for you, Mitsuhide. Why’d you leave the feast midway?”

His gaze – just as discerning as she remembers it – sweeps across her and holds. “And what of you?”

“Irritatingly evasive as always, I see.” Her smiles; of amusement, she lifts the object she carries, up for inspection. “I wanted to hand over your gift.”

“A gift? For me?” Something akin to surprise flickers its way into his voice and she continues, pleased to have caught the man off-guard.

“Yes. I had gifts prepared for everyone at Azuchi once I learned you’d be visiting. I’ve left the rest in Mitsunari’s care and brought yours.”

Slender fingers reach for the offered box, a soft question spilling, as if an afterthought.  “I gather these gifts are your way of announcing your decision? You’ve decided to stick by the God of War.” A lull follows her nod, Mitsuhide choosing to work through the binds of his gift before he abruptly pauses, a smile stretching slow across his face at the revelation. “A salve for cuts,” he muses.

“I wasn’t in Azuchi for long but I did gather you dealt with… questioning our prisoners. I often noticed the nicks on your hands.” Mitsuhide continues to watch her, levity dancing across his features but she continues, unperturbed by that look. “Figured I’d take matters into my own hands and give you something for their well-being since it’s clear you care as much about your body as you do about taking proper meals.”

A soft, sudden sound slices through the quiet of the night; low and sonorous and she recognizes the quality of Mitsuhide’s laughter, broad shoulders shaking with mirth. “Seems as if a certain silly bird is far more aware of her surroundings than initially given credit for.”

She angles a critical glare at the offending man, half of a mind to smack the smile right off that irritating face of his before he stops, his ridiculing fit supposedly having subsided for the time being.

That penetrative gaze finds her once more and stays. Mitsuhide’s voice drops several octaves, softening in a manner she’s never heard from the man, as if in preparation of revealing a heavy secret. “I assume Azuchi will grieve the loss of its Chatelaine for a long time to come.”

She catches those barely tangible threads of mischief in his gaze… but his words, she accepts them for the sincerity she hears in them and smiles. “Thank you, Mitsuhide. For everything. Try not to make things hard on Hideyoshi, alright?”

“Why, you almost sound like the Mother himself, little one.” Tapered digits reach for her face then, as if he means to trace her features. She thinks she catches the streak of something within gold eyes, almost… almost— 

“Continue as you are and I shall cut you down where you stand, Kitsune.”

Concentration shattered, the scent of  cherry blossoms and sake assails her senses before she feels the drape of a familiar arm around her, possessive in its hold as Kenshin catches her back against his chest.

Angling an inquisitive glance his way, she’s rendered speechless at the barely trapped frost that seeks to skewer as if by sheer will, within eyes— sapphire and emerald, edged to a dagger’s point.

The two men continue to stare at each other and she almost holds her breath at the unusual tension that pulls taut within the air. Opening her mouth to intervene in whatever it is she finds herself caught in, before Mitsuhide’s silken tones slice through the tightening pressure. “Ah. I see how it is. How utterly lucky for you, little mouse. It seems as if your favor is returned.”

“And plenty.” He adds, a corner of his mouth pulling into an enigmatic smile to catch the crush of Kenshin’s jaw, the hand he spots trembling to pull his sword free at his hip. Mitsuhide retreats a few stops before inclining his head at Kenshin in farewell. “The hour grows late. We must depart for Azuchi at dawn’s first light, so if you shall excuse me now.”

Affording one last glance her way, Mitsuhide melds one with the shadows; footsteps fading fast into the distance before all that drapes them is heavy silence, settling pregnant with questions unspoken deep within her heart. The steady movements of his firm chest with each breath, deep and reassuring against her back, the rhythm of his heart – she notices belatedly – setting back into rest. And yet, he does not release his hold on her.

A sigh rasps past his lips, scorching hot against her ear lobe, from where his mouth rests close. Always.Close yet not quite touching.

Before she hears the low, sonorous echo of his voice forming words her befuddled mind struggles to string into coherency until it does— “What must I do to make you mine?”

—and blanks.

The tip of her tongue traces the edge of her lips, once, twice in an effort to return much needed moisture. This careful game they’d been playing for the entirety of her stay here, his eyes speaking clear and yet, his feelings still so obscure. His heart hidden from sight, tucked away close where she couldn’t reach, it hurt her every time to have the man she loved pull away from her as if her touch itself were poison or perhaps his.

Kenshin moves away, the warmth of him leaving her back to engulf her hand, far smaller in his grasp as he urges her to her feet. “Come. I shall walk you back to your chambers.”


The warmth of her touch slips away from his grasp; Kenshin turning back to return to his own quarters, far colder for her loss— before those delicate fingers find their way onto his haori. Frail. Breakable.Just as the rest of her. “Kenshin. Won’t you come inside? I have… gifts for you too.”

A foolish decision, his mind derides as he finds himself seated in the comfort of her chambers. A place he too, finds relief in, despite never having stepped through her doors before.

The colorful varied fall of fabric designated to a corner of her room. Books she’d borrowed, perhaps off Sasuke, shelved neatly in place. One of such tomes placed upon her writing desk alongside her sewing implements. Threaded needles spilling from an overturned canister as if their owner had only just left and meant to return soon.

The scent of her as she bustles about the room: the cherries she so loves, and crisp fabric— commingles with an essence that’s just her.

Kenshin finds himself inhaling, slow and deep, as if to savor the scent of her within his lungs— just as she seats herself in front of him. The objects of her quest in hand, she places in between them.

Lifting each curious gift in turn, she begins to speak. “A polish for your blades. I asked Shingen for advice and purchased the most appropriate amalgam for swords in town.”

Her hands flit towards the second canister. “This one’s tea. A herbal concoction to be exact. I’m almost certain I got the proportions right. This should help you sleep easier at night.” She speaks as if she knows of the demons that plague the object of his nightmares. Except that now… instead of a young princess he’d failed to save from the dark gallows once upon a time, the burbling ghosts of his mind reach to tear into her now.

She trails off, even as her fingers reach for the last offering. “And this is—”

“Pickled plums.” Kenshin finishes. A feeling, so intense it almost knocks the breath from his lungs, takes over and sinks as he takes silent stock of her ‘gifts’. Each crafted and procured with careful thought, her desires in doing so almost impossible to ignore.

“Yes,” she nods, face blooming into a smile. “I know you don’t fancy tea much so I’d hoped to balance that bitter gift out by this one. You’ll be able to enjoy your sake with your favorite snack for the next, good while.”

She lifts her face, hope seeping into wide eyes until all Kenshin sees is how it takes her features in entirety. A wish, surely, he is the wrong person to ask for its fulfillment.

“I know these aren’t much but…”

“No.” An obscure emotion had begun to gain meaning once more, ever since her arrival. His heart a thing she seemed to hack the vines off of. A cage that had held it protected for so long. Numbed.

Yet, slow but sure, the chaffs shedding off of the past… useless to leave him unrestrained, it terrifies Kenshin to feel the burgeoning of this nameless bloom he cannot control. Almost as frenzied as the desire to spill blood in battle.

Ire and darkness manifesting in the possession he desires to have of her: mind, body and soul— the Kitsune’s face flashes through his mind then. Deliberate words, his eyes as they had settled upon her and appraised, almost fond. Hands that had reached for her. Hands he’d wanted to slice through for daring to.

A lump makes itself known heavy within his throat. “You are…” Sapphire and emerald; glittering edges as he ventures closer, as if a beast prowling toward the prey. But she does not cower, fragile digits reaching to snag against his clothes just as his catch against her cheeks, palms cupping around to feel their warmth. A deliberate, careful sweep of his thumb across her cheekbone sends the dark fan of her lashes trembling before they fall to shroud her gaze from sight.

Uncertainty knocking distant within his ears, he coaxes her eyes back to his, the frown he feels budding in between his brows, settling chaotic and needy to have her answers. “Why? What is the reason for your kindness? Why do you… ” unsettle my heart as you do?

A hand comes up to splay across his own, emotions he dare not decipher in that gaze, spilling forth on a murmured sound. “You know why… don’t you?”

Consternation deepens its hold across his features before Kenshin rasps out what he knows. What he has known for so long. His surrender leaving him on a wretched breath before he tightens his hold on her. “Push me away, struggle and run away if you must… if you do not want me, tell me now. Or else…”

I would not be able to contain myself once I have you.

I would not be able to let you turn back into the arms of a man you truly desire.

I would ruin us both before I’d ever let go.

Stop me. Despise me.

Her breaths tremble against his lips, the heat of a fire he’s ventured too close to. The slightest of brushes against his mouth as she leans in, flooding open the violent barrage of emotions he can no longer throttle, open mouth and tongue crushing against hers to swallow her staggered moans. Clawing at his shoulders in a bid to pull him closer, her desperation spurs his own vehement desires.

Dragging open the collar of her kimono to trace the rapid flutter of her pulse against a hot tongue, Kenshin’s teeth easily close around the tendon he finds straining against her neck and her head lolls back further in a shuddering whimper to feel the force of his manic desire. Her voice leaving her on a strangled sound of his name, eager fingers thread through his hair to tug and draw him back toward her mouth, open and wanting, unbearably hot; fleshing searing against flesh— the taste of her against his tongue inundating his senses far heavier than any liquor. “I have known what I’ve wanted and for so long. And I… I am afraid.”

Her eyes – hazed over with the burden of her want, brimming along with the love he sees set alight in them – meet his and hold. Her hands, ever so tender, his salve to wounds she uncovers afresh to let him see where he hurt…. and wanted for her— she traces his features as if she finds it a wonder to be holding him as she is now and the thought sends a fresh barrage of needles stinging through his heart. “If I have you now, I won’t ever be able to let go. I’ll restrict you; shackle you down until you’re sick and weary of me. And yet… I cannot make myself let go.” Kenshin moves forward, laying a delicate kiss against her lips.

“Then don’t, Kenshin. I don’t want you to.” His lips trace her features, committing to memory as she speaks. “The man I love cherishes me. I’ve always seen him strive for my comfort and my happiness.” A kiss he places against her brow, subdued tremors taking him at the intensity of his emotions. “You are worth far more than you give yourself credit for. You won’t hurt me, Kenshin.”

“Foolish woman… you don’t know that. You can’t.” A weary smile breaks across his face but it hurts her… he sees how it causes her expression to crumple in on itself. Taking his hand within hers, she guides his palm to rest above her left breast, her heart fluttering rapid beneath the touch of his hand.

Desire so acute, it almost hurts to hold back at the exhorting look she fixes him with, asking him to fall, let go. “This is yours. If you do not trust in my words, let me be here to show you how you honor me. Let me love you Kenshin… please. Let us be in this together. Let me be your support.”

Her arms coming around his back to hold and draw close. Undoing the barely held cascade of hunger and desire: for her heart, her body, all of her in its entirety… until Kenshin’s pressing her back onto the floor, his own form overwhelming her smaller, trembling one. Her chest heaves with her breaths, heavy and rapid as she reaches to pull back the rest of her kimono, finally bared before him.

A dark, foreign growl leaves the confines of his chest as Kenshin drives her legs apart before settling himself at her entrance. “I love you. I want you. Tell me to leave you now if you do not wish for me to go further.” A broad, quick stroke of his tongue against her swollen clit sets her quivering, her thighs tightening their hold against his head.

I want you to go much, much further. I want you so much it hurts.”

The last of her words heard and acknowledged, Kenshin surrenders to the desire that rages and runs within his very marrow, for this woman as she twists beneath his grasp. Each shallow stroke of his tongue through her folds wrenching sounds from her he swears he shall never tire of. A kiss he places near the junction of her thighs before drawing flesh into his mouth to leave red blooming in its wake.

Her hips, as if of a mind of their own, lift and press against him, her moans and hands desperate as they work to drive him closer and Kenshin’s hands slip beneath her to anchor against his mouth, fingers pulsing into the flesh of her buttocks. Tongue slipping into her depths till she cries out with the intensity of the stimulation. 

Addiction rolls liquid heat in his veins to feel the clench of her deep within, gathering moisture onto an insatiable tongue. Drinking of her until she spills herself sweet against him.

Swiping a careful thumb against his lips before slipping the digit into his mouth, sucking, he gathers himself above her. The hard length of his cock dragging through her folds, coating himself in her essence before he presses in, groaning to feel the give of her wet flesh around him. Sinking deeper until she’s taken all of him up till the hilt. Kenshin reaches to find relief against her neck as he begins to move. Her fluttering walls; exquisite torture to leave him wanting to come undone in moments.  Just as she calls for him on withering cries he sends higher with each harsh swing of his hips against hers.

Over and over, until it feels his own body could mesh with hers, cock leaving the confines of her wet relief only to sink right back and it’s agony;Kenshin reaching to tug a pebbled nipple into his mouth, groaning as he worries gentle teeth against the puckered bed. Frenzied fingers reaching for the bead of pleasure at the apex of her thighs, pressing in to slide them down against the slick, gathering moisture, until he feels for the place he joins her in ecstacy.

Her insides clench around him to keep within her depths every time he withdraws and Kenshin moves to place his lips against her temple – a silent, whispered hope – trailing down toward her neck, lapping at the taste of the woman he knows he could never hope to have enough of.

For fear still held him captive within its jaws, his desire to protect her reigned stronger and as he feels the flood of her warmth, Kenshin, too, spills himself into her, binding her to him, repeating that thought over and over until one day he too finds it true:

She will not share the same fate as Isehime’s. I will protect her. She will not be Isehime.


Thank you all for supporting @dirtydoesgood​! 

I love their brotp way too much (๑꒦ິ ̼ ꒦ິ๑)!!

Sasuke, you can talk about how hauntingly handsome he is, his smooth blonde hair and his piercing heterochromatic eyes, or how strong and unbeatable he is or even how intelligent he is, also the way he majesticly fight with his sword and how brilliant he is when training his vassals, oh god and the amount of charisma, power and presence this man possesses… chill h0e(〃艸〃)
