#ikevam au


Ahhh it’s finally Vincent’s turn! Only 2 more instalments of the mini series left after this, are you guys excited for them? I certainly am~

- JJ x


I Give You My Breath, Vincent van Gogh

Princess MC grinned at herself in the mirror, admiring her pristine white wedding gown and the twinkle of the tiara resting atop her soft hair. Her hands were busy smoothing the long skirts of her dress when there came a gentle knock at the door and along with it, the rough voice of her soon-to-be brother in law, “MC, are you ready?” Prince Theo pushed open the door and his usually stern expression softed when his cool blue eyes found MC, “My broer certainly is lucky to be marrying you.” 

“Oh, Theo,” MC giggled before wandering over to her fiancé’s brother and carefully combing a lock of caramel brown hair that had fallen from his slicked back hairstyle back into place, “I’m honestly a little nervous. I’m glad you’ll be giving me away, though,” the princess smiled as she took Theo’s arm and nodded determinedly, “You know I never imagined that my wedding would be such a big event.”

“Royal weddings always attract the world’s attention. It’ll be the same when I get married, so you better get used to it.” 

The younger of the van Gogh brothers led MC towards the church, holding her arm securely in his own until the moment they reached Prince Vincent who stood at the altar, beaming from ear to ear when he saw his beloved. The blond prince took MC’s hands into his own, squeezing them lovingly when all he wanted to do was kiss her breathless and tell her how stunningly angelic she looked in her wedding dress. Vincent pulled the princess close, kissing her cheek chastely before uttering words only she could hear, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” 

The ceremony was traditional yet beautiful - and it spared no expense to be so - with all of the flourishes befitting of celebrating the royal couple. “I give you this ring,” the princess’ wedding ring twinkled in the summer sun which streamed into the cathedral but it was Vincent who captivated her, his soft lips kissing the delicate palm of her hand, “I give you my breath.” MC felt tears prick the corners of her eyes as he continued to speak, “And I give you my love. Princess, I swear to protect you, until death do us part.”

The officiant turned his softened eyes towards MC, “Princess MC, do you accept Prince Vincent’s vows and promise your life to him?”

“I do.”

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause when the newlyweds shared their first kiss as man and wife, slow and passionate yet still appropriate enough to share in the public eye: the more amorous moments were to come later. Hundreds of onlookers continued to support Vincent and MC when they boarded their white horse drawn carriage, looking like a couple in a perfect fairytale.

After the sun had set and the adoring crowds had returned home, so too did the royal couple return to their palace and they found themselves gazing out at their kingdom from their balcony, still wearing their wedding attire, each with a glass of champagne in hand. Vincent’s hand slipped around MC’s waist and he squeezed her side gently, pulling her closer to his body so they were comfortably huddled together. The prince’s china blue eyes watched the twinkling stars that hung above his kingdom with a smile bright enough that one would think it was daytime, his Dutch accent soft and brimming with affection when he broke the comfortable silence, “I am so lucky.” He placed his glass of champagne down on the little coffee table beside him. 

Princess MC tilted her head slightly, gazing up at her new husband and feeling her heart skip a beat at the sight of his impossibly tender expression, “How so, Vincent?”

Vincent turned his body so now he and his wife were chest to chest, his gentle hands running down the back of her silk gown and resting comfortably on her bottom, “I have you, liefje!” He was beaming from ear to ear and she blushed when he inched closer to kiss her lips briefly, “The most beautiful wife and the most beautiful land, what more could a man want?” The prince stepped back and offered his princess his hand, which she gladly took, “Would her highness join me in our wedding bed?” Despite the implications of the question, Vincent’s voice was soft and almost innocently hopeful, matching his striking cornflower blue eyes.

“I would,” the princess answered, allowing Vincent to lead her over to their bed and lay her down beneath him, “You know, I know a princess who has the most amazing husband in the world.” MC reached her delicate left hand up to caress Vincent’s cheek, her wedding ring cool against his flushed skin. The princess’ hands trailed downward to her prince’s collar and began to loosen his tie and unbutton his crisp white shirt, “He’s kind and he’s handsome and I hear that he is the loveliest man in the world.”

“Really, now?” One of Vincent’s hands - the one not holding him hovering above his beloved - took his wife’s hands and halted her movements, pinning them above her head with an unfamiliar air of dominance only she knew from him, “How bold of my wife to speak of another man, and in our wedding bed no less.” Prince Vincent smirked, baring his fangs only for a moment which had Princess MC gasping with anticipation. They both knew that they were playing, but that only added to the thrill of their first night together as man and wife, with Vincent’s voice a teasing whisper when he spoke against the soft skin of her neck, “I hope my princess is prepared to be loved so completely that no other man will ever cross her mind again. I vowed as much this afternoon, remember?” The heir to throne’s grip on his beloved’s wrists loosened and he brought her left hand up to his lips, kissing her wedding ring before his lips moved to brush against her knuckles tenderly, “You are my wife, mijn vrouw, and I give you my breath, my life, my all.”
