#ikemen vampire fanfic


Ikévamp Headcanons: MC gets a serious injury doing chores

⚠️TW: mentions of blood and injuries

Le Comte:

- When refilling the freshly laundered towels in La Thermae, you underestimate just how slippery the floor is and take a fall, smacking your head hard on a corner

- It only takes a few moments for you to come to, but the incredible pain in your head stops you from sitting up, all you can do is clutch your head in dizzying agony and wait for someone to find you

- Comte gets a funny feeling and decides to go looking for you and panics when you don’t respond to him calling your name for that long. He’s beside himself with worry when he finally finds you on the floor with a bloody head, groaning

- “Chérie?! What’s happened here- Can you hear me?” He’s cradling your head in his lap and applying some pressure to your wound with his napkin. Thankfully the bump is bigger than the gash and you’re still conscious

- When the bleeding has seemingly stopped, he picks you up and hurries to get you to your room while calling for Sebastian to fetch a doctor. He’s gentle and careful as he lays you on your bed

- Comte will check on you all the time and asks the other residents to keep their eyes on you to make sure you’re feeling okay and you’re not working yourself hard

- He takes it upon himself to change your bandages and give your head a gentle kiss in apology for what happened to you even though you reassure him that it was just an accident


- You’re dusting the shelves in the library on ladder that stretches nearly to the ceiling when you lose your footing and end up hurtling towards the ground, landing with a sickening snap

- An ungodly scream escapes you as you see bone sticking out of your leg and the pain starts to flood in, blood staining your frock

- It doesn’t take long for Leonardo to burst through the double doors and run to your aid, followed by Le Comte, both of them fraught with worry

- “Cara mia?! What’s the- Oh no. I see, you had a little fall, yeah? Stay there, dolcezza-” He tries to calm you down while you cry, gently lifting you onto the nearby sofa as Comte props up a cushion for you to elevate your leg on

- “Scusa, let me just adjust your pillow. Can you take some deep breaths for me, cara mia? Brava, just like that. You’re doing great.”

- “Keep her calm and her leg high, Leonardo. Chérie I’ll be back with a doctor soon, please be still.” He leaves as quickly as he entered and now its just you and Leonardo, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you can to distract yourself from the pain

- He’s angry at himself for not telling you to be careful on the ladder and you can guarantee you won’t be allowed back up it any time soon

- Once you’re bandaged up and have a cast on, Leonardo doesn’t let your feet touch the ground once. You’re on bedrest for a while and in that time he reads to you and has the other residents visit you with various ways to keep you entertained

- If you need to leave for anything, he’s carrying you like a featherweight bride and checking on your leg all the time, he knows you’ll take a lot longer to heal than he would and he hates to see his little compagna in pain

- “Don’t forget to ask for help every now and then, yeah? I can only stand to see you hurt so many times before I roll you up in sheets and stick you in my room so you don’t get hurt again.”

- There is now a sign permanently stuck on the ladder that reads “No Lambs Allowed Beyond This Point”, courtesy of Leonardo


- You’re cleaning in the kitchen, standing on an old battered chair when one of the legs gives way and you tumble down, the counter top colliding with your ribcage as you let out a yelp of pain

- The injury feels severe as the slightest movement puts you in agony, and you call out for Arthur to help you. He’s there in moments, rushing to your side and helping you to sit up and spotting the broken chair

- “What happened, luv? Was it this blasted chair? I’ll smash this thing to splinters! Oh, sweetheart-” His past medical experience comes in handy with how to deal with the injury but you still need proper treatment, so he’s delicately and slowly carrying you to your room until another doctor can be called in

- He fetches as many pillows and cushions as he can, even pinching them from his own bed to build you a complete pillow fort so you don’t have to move a muscle, not that there’s room to move amongst your plush castle

- “Forget writing, my talents clearly lie in construction! Wouldn’t you say? Who needs Sherlock Holmes when I can *build* Sherlock *homes*?”

- “If it didn’t cause me physical pain I would throw every single one of these pillows at you, dork.” You groan, trying to suppress any laughter that might cause you pain again

- It takes a while for you to heal up completely but Arthur is there every step of the way helping you wash and dress and he’ll watch over you in the night so you don’t move around too much and hurt yourself more

- “No more standing on chairs now, alright? You had me worried sick, if anything’s going to stop you from walking I want it to be me~ Haha, I’m just playing, luv. But I’m serious about you being careful.”


- You’re pruning the tall hedges around the mansion when you try to reach just a little too high and the ladder slips from under you and you fall, hard

- Fortunately, Theo was just coming back home from a deal and saw you fall, and he’s already running to help you as fast as he physically can

- You’re on the ground in tears, clutching your limp and oddly angled wrist as Theo wraps an arm around you and takes hold of your injured wrist in his other hand

- “Your hurt your paw didn’t you, Hondje? Do me a favour and tell me how many clouds you see over there, okay?” He tries to keep you distracted while he scoops you up and takes you inside gruffly shouting for Arthur

- It takes a little while to get you fixed up but eventually your wrist is straightened and bandaged tightly and Theo is very strict about you resting it

- “What were you thinking, knabbeltje? Next time call your master when you need something up high, when I saw you fall, I was terrified.”

- He forbids you to do any chores no matter how much you insist you can do it one handed and every now and then he pulls you close and gives you little kisses on your wrist

- After that you find that your high up chores are all mysteriously done for you and Theo suspiciously denies all knowledge

Scumbling- Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader (Fluff)

Summary: When you express to Leonardo that you’re not a huge fan of your stretch marks, he shares his perspective on the matter.

“What’s the pout for, belleza?” Leonardo quirked an eyebrow as you examined yourself in the mirror, having recently taken a dip in La Thermae. You sheepishly hugged your towel tighter around yourself, shaking your head.

“Nothing, really. Just thinking.” Your eyes didn’t leave the mirror, like you were making eye contact with a girl who was equally unconvinced by ‘nothing’ as Leonardo was.

“You wanna tell me what you’re thinking now or do I have to get it out of you myself?” He dropped the book he was leafing through and sat forward.

“…Leonardo, I’m going to ask you something, and please be honest with me.” You turned back to face him as his face took on a serious expression.

“I’m listening.” His voice was low and you paused, before slightly lifting the towel to show the stretch marks that adorned your skin on your hips.

“These…I don’t like them at all. They make me feel…ugly. Leonardo, do you thi-” Big strong arms enveloped your frame as he appeared behind you in the mirror.

“Don’t even ask me if I think they’re ugly, cara mia.” Leonardo wrapped an arm around your waist and with his free hand took hold of the towel where your hand was.

“But I just-”

“You like paintings don’t you? And all the pretty techniques involved?” You nodded, now looking at his reflection before you instead of your own.

“Mhm. Have you ever heard of Scumbling? It’s a technique that’s been used for a while now. The strokes are layered in such a way that the colours of the painting look broken or speckled, like these…” His fingers traced lightly over your skin as you dropped your gaze.

“Someone up there spent a lot of time on my beautiful cara mia. Be it Venus or Apollo, someone seems to have perfected their scumbling to make these precious little strokes, hmm?” Not taking his eyes off of you, he cupped his hand over your hip and gave it a loving squeeze.

“I’m and old man, Y/N. I’ve been around for a long long time. I’ve seen more works of art than you can imagine, enough paintings to fill the Louvre a thousand times over. Do you want to know something, micetta?” His chin rested on your shoulder and he nudged your face forwards again.

“Of all of those artworks whipped up by geniuses and the like, I’ve never been more in love with any of them than the one I see in front of me. You see a flaw, I see details. And all of these details make up the only thing that’s ever truly taken my breath away.” Leonardo’s golden eyes were still piercing you with that knowing gaze. Not able to resist the smile that overcame you, you laid your head against his and finally glanced back up.

Your cheeks were warm by now as you let your hand rest on top of his, interlocking your fingers with his own.

“I never looked at it that way. When did you get so wise, huh?” You grinned at him as he gave you a squeeze.

“I’m not all that wise, but I know masterpiece when I see one. But don’t worry, I’m not going to let anyone stick you up on a wall in some stuffy old museum.” Leonardo chuckled.

“Well I appreciate that a lot, and I appreciate what you said. You know, about the…”

“Scumbling? Yeah, just don’t go showing these off to anyone else. If they see how beautiful this painting is they might try to steal it right from under my nose. Everything under this towel is mine alone, cara mia.” Your eyes widened as your cheeks grew hot again, his hand squeezing your hip. Leonardo shot you a wink in the mirror and you nodded quickly, earning you a kiss on the shoulder before he released you.

“Good girl. Now, let’s get something pretty on you and we’ll go get dinner, okay?” Your hand remained on your side for a moment even though his own was gone. Put it down to experience from his 'long long’ life, but Leonardo Da Vinci always found a way to change your perspective, to nurture the seeds of doubt in your mind into beautiful blooms. It might take a little while, but you were on your way to loving your scumbling as much as he did.



Fandom: Ikémen Vampire
Pairing: Implied!Undine!Arthur Conan Doyle x reader
Warnings: Mentions of reincarnation
Word Count:700+

Inspired by this lovely fanart @cheese-ception​​ made for me  And if you’ve been sleeping on it, shame on you because Arty looks amazing! 

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Venu, bby… (ಥ^ಥ)

this lil’ story is so sweet and filled with tenderness

I absolutely adore it ♡♡♡

and you as well!



♡ summary: an encounter in a seedy side-street brings a teacher doing his best at his job and a makeup artist with a (secret?) youtube side hustle together. mere chance meetings or the invisible string of fate working overtime—call it what you want, but either way they still ending up falling in love.

♡ word count: 8.6k words 

warnings: sexual harassment at the beginning / brief mention of skipping meals & implications of eating disorders / brief mentions of bullying & fat-shaming 

♡ other tags: modern AU / strangers to friends to lovers / fluff (LOTS OF IT) / humour / pining 

♡ notes: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly​​​ here’s your tag, as promised also since JP ikevamp twitter has announced that MC’s canon name is mitsuki after conducting a poll,that’s her name in this fic and future suitor x MC fics

AO3 link


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Omw! Ive said it once before and ill say it again! I freaken love academic/uni type aus gaaaaaaaaah. Just picturing napo as a teacher!❤️❤️❤️love love love this! cant wait to read part 2! These 2 just have great chemistry


Fandom: Ikémen Vampire
Pairing: Implied!Undine!Arthur Conan Doyle x reader
Warnings: Mentions of reincarnation
Word Count:700+

Inspired by this lovely fanart @cheese-ception​​ made for me  And if you’ve been sleeping on it, shame on you because Arty looks amazing! 


          Storytelling before bedtime had become a pleasant ritual for Arthur and you, and that night was his turn to tell you a story. So, nuzzling into his arm, you locked your expectant eyes on his bright, sapphire ones.
          “Say, Luv, have I ever told you about the undines?
          You shook your head. “What’s an undine?”
          “Undines are water nymphs. They are usually female, but once every blue moon, a male undine is born into the world.” Your lover could not hide the smile of delight that drew itself on his face upon noticing the spark of interest flashing in your charming eyes. “The story I’m about to tell you happens to be about a male undine who was born many a century ago. This lucky creature was the only male around a sea of cute, little female nymphs.” He saw you rolling your eyes which evoked a light chuckle from him. “This handsome undine was having the time of his life chasing after all those cute nymphs when he met a female human that would turn his world upside down.”
          “Oh, what was she like?”
          “She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on.”
          “More beautiful than the other nymphs?”
          “Indeed! She was lovely. However, what made him fall in love with her was her kind heart, contagious laughter, assertiveness, and that childlike curiosity that brought them together in the first place.”
          “She sounds really cool,” you mused aloud.
          “She was! She had him wrapped around her little finger. He wanted to be with her and show her how much he loved her. He was so head-over-heels in love with her that one day he himself became human.”
          “This is quite the romantic story. I like it.” Your lips quirked into a small smile as your weary eyes fluttered closed.
          “One would think so, Luv,” he said, lowering the tone of his dulcet voice. “However, undines are doomed to die if their partner is unfaithful to them. And he was very aware of that.”
          “Oh… did she—”
          He interrupted you. “No. Fortunately, she loved him just as much as he did. She even helped him overcome his silly insecurities.” He let out a dreamy sigh. “She was amazing for him.” He pressed a tender kiss atop your head. “And you know what? If their partner is loyal, undines make sure to give them everything. And so he did. The flame of his love was everlasting. His love was pure and intense. So intensely he loved her, that he never forgot her, not even after his death. That’s precisely how strongly undines love their partners.”
          “Aww, that’s so…” A yawn escaped your parted lips and you felt your lover pulling you closer to him as a soft giggle rang in your ears.
          “What’s more fascinating is that when undines reincarnate, they spend all their life looking for their partner —their one and only,” he whispered, staring fondly at you as he let his slender fingers ghost over one of your hands, toying with the wedding band around your ring finger. “When they find them, they do everything they can to woo them. And once they win their heart, they never let their partner go.” He wrapped both of his arms around you, holding you securely against him.
          You buried your face in his chest, taking in his comforting scent. “So, that means the woman forgot about him, right?” you mumbled, words coming out muffled.
          “Naturally. She was only human, after all.”
          “That’s kind of sad,” you snaked one arm around his lithe form, gently caressing the bare skin of his back with your thumb.
          A shiver ran down his spine and he let out a low hum. “Mhm. But that did not deter him from winning her heart again and again.”
          “Would you… woo me again if you were… an undine?” Sleep was slowly but steadily taking over your consciousness, yet you managed to hear his answer before you finally succumbed to it.
          “I already have, Luv.” He pulled up the blankets, ensuring to keep you warm as you slept in his arms. “Quite a few times,” he added in a hushed tone. “And I shall continue doing so, my sweet dove. Forevermore.”




If you want to get tagged next time I post a fic/hc for this fandom, let me know in the comments!

Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!

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[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Fic] The Emperor’s Little Cumslut (Napoleon x Reader){NSFW}

Ok so this is literally my second fic on this blog (from what I remember) and I felt super inspired to do this so I really hope you guys like it!Especially you, @delicateikemenmemes

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Enjoy! ^^

゜。*※О゚。※。*※О゚。※ ゜。*※О゚。※。*※О゚。※ ゜。*

The room felt like it was on fire as Napoleon leaned against the door with you on your knees in front of him, his glistening jade orbs gazing down at you through his damp bangs. You looked like a goddess; the way your skin shone in the light, your (hair color) locks being held back by the former emperor’s clenched hand as you bobbed your head up and down on his girthy shaft. But most of all, the pure determination in your eyes was in no way unnoticed, and Napoleon couldn’t help but shudder when they flitted up to meet his.

How did you two end up in this situation? Well, it all started when you two were in the kitchen cooking breakfast for yourselves. You had gotten up pretty late, which meant that breakfast time was long gone and neither of you felt like bothering Sebastian. So with Napoleon’s help, you decided to make waffles. However, neither of you had forgotten the ecstasy from the night before, and the same lust that you felt for eachother still surged through your veins like bolts of electricity. Both of you tried your absolute hardest to resist eachother’s tempting aura, but it was all in vain. Unable to hold back, you decided to take a little break from cooking and proceed to what you now refer to as “breakfast in the bedroom.”

“Hahh…merde…” your handsome lover gasped as his grip on your hair tightened. “You’re driving me crazy—!!”

If it weren’t for his rock hard cock in your mouth you would have been smiling from ear to ear. Despite how badly your jaw ached, you kept going, that same determination not leaving your (eye color) eyes.

To add to the stimulation, you brought your hand up to cup his scrotum and gently squeezed it in your palm while your mouth worked its wonders on his twitching shaft. The panting vampire’s gasps turned into soft moans and whines of pleasure, which only escalated when you used your free hand to lift your shirt revealing your supple breasts. You felt his hips twitch ever so slightly when you let go of his testicles, only to envelop the base of his cock between your breasts. This drove your lover wild and he soon began to thrust a bit harder into your mouth. Thanks to his keening your pace only quickened, and he gritted his teeth as his eyes rolled back into his head.

“Oh fuck… fuck!!! (Name)—!! I’m going to—”

Despite the attractive desperation of his voice, you were unable to focus on what he was saying as the brutal pace of his thrusts into your mouth only drove you further into lustful insanity. Your vision turned hazy while you unawarely released garbled noises of both shock and ineffable pleasure at the warmth of his cock hitting the back of your throat.

In a daze, you looked up to find him staring off into space with his lips parted, heaving air in and out of his lungs. Beads of sweat glistened on his face and trickled down his cheeks as he dug his fingernails into the door behind him. You were so sure that if he were to lose any ounce of his composure it would’ve shattered into smithereens.

Soon, to your sheer shock, he grabbed the back of your head with both hands and jutted his hips forward, releasing loud groans and growls with each plunge down your throat until…


It was only a matter of moments before you felt warmth on your tongue and saltiness hit your taste buds as he threw his head back, eyes clenched shut while your name left his lips like a cry to the heavens. His grip on your hair was brutal for a second before he finally let go of it, and his hand fell to his side while the other raked through sweaty locks of his own dark hair. Those cloudy eyes were back on your form and he smirked, licking his lips.

“Damn, nunuche~ Look at what you’ve done to me,” he whispered in that sexy accent of his, lifting your chin to get a better look at his cum dribbling down your face. You mirrored his hungry expression, but before you could utter a word, he leaned down so that his lips were only inches away from yours.

“Now it’s time for our dessert, my naughty little cumslut~”


Pairing: Vlad x Anya Nosferatu (OC)

I wrote this for the lovely @readerinsertfanfiction​ for my Ikemen Vampire Gift Exchange. I really had a lot of fun exploring a new character I haven’t written for, as well as your OC. I hope I was able to to justice to Anya and Vlad’s story <3

Summary: Vlad finally lets Anya back in after all their years apart, and vise versa.


Vlad stood at the top of the hill. Overhead, the sun was shining down brightly, heating the crown of his head and causing an almost discomfortable warmth to envelop his body. He threw his cloak to the ground, the deep red roses all bending slightly at the weight of the offending object.

He heard something quiet behind him. So quiet that a normal human wouldn’t have heard and if they did, they would assume it to be the wind rustling the tree branches.

“Anya,” Vlad’s voice was soft, almost a whisper, but she heard him loud and clear in the open space. She had followed him from the castle to the hill, aiming to stay hidden, but once he walked through the roses, she felt both him and the prickly flowers beaconing her. So she took a tentative step forward, and paused in her tracks as he turned and met her eyes with his own. “It’s been far too long.”

Run. Far away. Just like all those hundreds of years ago.

Distance yourself before anyone else gets hurt.

“You knew I was following you,” It wasn’t an accusation, but a statement. He knew, and she fell right into his trap.

This wasn’t like her. She was always careful, always kept her distance. Anya never stayed long enough to get caught.

Maybe she wanted to.

Keep reading

Good evening my ducklings! As you may know, I have been taking writing commissions lately (I still have 2 slots open if you’re interested - Just PM me!) and I had the absolute joy of writing for @catherinec35 and I thought I’d share it with y’all~  

I hope you enjoy it, I did have an absolute blast writing it ^^

Warning: Contains explicit content of a sexual nature. Do not read if you are under the age of 18 or if you could be uncomfortable with such content. (Minors DNI)

Tagging@scummy-writes and@crystal13unny because they asked to be tagged, if you ever wanted to be tagged in my works, please just let me know ^^

- JJ x


Theodorus van Gogh x Kathryn (OC) x Isaac Newton:

With every step she took, Kathryn turned heads at the lavish party she and her boyfriend Theodorus had been invited to. A far cry from her regular casual and comfortable attire, she was dolled up to the nines with absolutely no expense spared on Theo’s part to make his woman feel like a princess; A maroon velvet cocktail dress hugged her delectable figure, the off-the-shoulder straps framing her shoulders and collar bones so beautifully Theo swore she could be a painting. Kathryn’s hair, just a shade slightly more purple than her dress, was curled in neat ringlets and her face had been painted by a makeup artist - that Theo had insisted he hire for her - to highlight and accentuate her beautiful natural features. Although stunningly beautiful, the young lady felt a little out of place at such a fancy event without her lover to cling to as he was too busy speaking with clients. Her heart sank a measure when she reminisced on parties of the past in which Theo had drunk a little too much champagne and ended up escorting her to a quiet corner to lay his heart, and his body, bare to her.

Kathryn smiled smally as she sipped her champagne, more bubbles than flavour, hovering just behind her boyfriend who liaised with some fancy client in a suit who she didn’t particularly care to listen to, only drawn from her thoughts by Theo’s hushed voice in her ear, “Schatje, I’m a little busy,” cool Caribbean blue eyes flitted between his lover and the balcony, “Go and get some fresh air. You’ll have my attention in just a minute.”

“Okay,”she sighed a little dejectedly in response, her heels clicking against the fine marble floor until she reached the balcony, her heart dropping in her chest as she leant on the railing and gazed out at the perfect Parisian night sky. Kathryn clasped her delicate hands around her champagne flute, shifting her feet a little where she stood as the cool breeze hit the leg exposed by the high slit of her dress. The single blonde streak of the lady’s hair fell from its curl and in front of her face so it tickled her nose, making her chuckle pitifully at herself quietly.

“May I fix that for you, Miss?” A gentle, lilting voice almost sung by Kathryn’s ear. Turning around, she realised it was Arthur, her boyfriend’s best friend, who reached out a gloved hand to fix the stray hair that hung out of place, “There we go, luv.”

“Hey, Arthur,” her voice was confined to a small sigh, a mixture of sadness and relief, as she glanced up at her friend, “At least you’re here. Theo’s been too busy to even acknowledge me tonight.”

“Heartless bastard, leaving a beautiful woman lonely when she’s all dolled up for him,” he slipped off the black glove from his right hand and reached towards Kathryn, caressing the soft line of her jaw before leaning forward to whisper in her ear, “A foolish bastard too.” Kathryn tried to step back slightly from Arthur’s touch only to find herself backed against an ornate marble pillar, “Why don’t you let me entertain you tonight, my dove?”

“Hands off of her, Arthur,” Theo’s voice entered the space, commanding the air with his tone whilst the fine suit he wore was overshadowed by his scowl. The Dutchman reached out to grasp his girlfriend’s wrist, “Come on, hondje, let’s go-”

Smack.Her hand came down hard against his own wrist, making the art dealer pull back slightly in shock, his heart aching with a cocktail of anger, regret and jealousy as he observed the look of indignance that Kathryn wore. “Don’t pretend like you care all of a sudden Theo,” she spat, pushing past him to leave the party in a fit of rage and rushing out of his sight. Kathryn was still in tears when she reached the mansion, her chest tight and heart strings pulled to breaking when she pushed past Vincent in a flood of sorrow, like a moody cloud was hung above her head. Tears stained her reddened cheeks and the artist knew better than to pry so rather than console her himself, he rushed to find the only man that could.

“What do you want?” Isaac sighed tiredly, leaning against the doorframe as he observed Vincent’s anxiously shaken form through his glasses.

“Kathryn’s just come home and she looks very upset, I think she needs you.” Vincent smiled sympathetically at Isaac who nodded curtly and pulled his door closed behind him,

“Cheers,” he spoke quietly, pushing up his glasses before briskly walking through the halls towards his beloved’s room. Isaac’s throat felt tight and dry as he stood in front of Kathryn’s door, listening to her sniffle and sob, her sad little noises like a stab to his heart, “Kathryn?”He knocked on the door, opening it just a sliver to peek inside, “It’s Isaac, I’m coming in.” The second he was in the room, Isaac’s heart sank: Kathryn lay face down, her pretty face in her pillows which muffled her pained sobs. She should’ve felt like an angel in her stunning evening gown with her hair perfectly made up, not despairing as she was. “Oh, sweetheart.” The vampire sat down beside the young lady and stroked her hair, shooting her a small smile when she turned her face to look right at him, “Was the party really that bad?”

“T-Theo and I,” she sniffled, rolling over fully to tuck herself into Isaac’s warm embrace, comforted by his touch, “W-we had a fight.” Isaac tightened his arms around Kathryn, grateful to provide her some sense of safety and comfort when she nuzzled against his chest. She lifted her gaze to glance at Isaac, chuckling pitifully at herself before she spoke again, “Will you stay and cuddle me til I feel better?”

Isaac smiled sweetly at Kathryn, nodding in confirmation though, confusion plastered on his face when she removed herself from his embrace and wandered over to her vanity, “I can’t very well cuddle you if you’re all the way over there.” He watched his enchanting girlfriend slip out of her cocktail dress and wipe away her smudged makeup, admittedly making his trousers feel a little too tight around his crotch as he took in her lingerie-clad form. Kathryn’s flawless skin glowed in the faint moonlight, her smooth curves accentuated by a lacy crimson bra with a matching thong and garters, the colour reminding Isaac of the irresistible blood that pumped underneath her soft skin. “You wore those just for Theo?” He knew that his partners both had their nights alone together, much as he did with the both of them, but he couldn’t help the slight twinge of jealousy that stained his heart, “I do love him but by God he is an ass, and an idiot, leaving you on your lonesome when you look so ravishing.” Isaac stood up from his seat on the bed and crossed the room to Kathryn, taking a hold of her hips and pulling her flush against his own body, so close that she could feel the hardness laying in his trousers, “You’re irresistible.”

Feeling an unfamiliar rush of confidence fill her veins, Kathryn tangled her fingers in Isaac’s dusty pink hair and pulled at it, smirking at the needy whine that escaped his lips before whispering seductively in his ear, “Then don’t resist, Isaac. Take me.” 

Without a moment of hesitation, Isaac pushed his girlfriend to sit down on her vanity and crashed his lips against hers, snogging her messily as his yearning hands slid down her sides to grasp at her plush thighs and push them apart, grinding his clothed erection against her dampening slit. The couple were so preoccupied with each other’s burning desire that neither of them noticed the soft creak of the bedroom door opening or the entrance of their boyfriend until he spoke, “Well I did come to apologise but, seems like you’re busy, hondje.”

Kathryn gasped softly, her cheeks flushing peach with embarrassment as she locked eyes with Theodorus from across the room, though before the Dutchman could leave, Isaac turned to face him, his voice low and husky, “Why don’t you join in? I think our darling needs some extra attention tonight.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” The taller vampire shut the door behind himself and quickly stripped down to his boxers, leaving his clothes in a messy pile on the floor before kneeling on the bed and beckoning to his lovers who both obediently rid themselves of their clothes and joined him there. Isaac lay himself down and coaxed Kathryn to hover above his face, blush staining his cheeks pink at the sight of the glistening arousal covering her sex.

Kathryn felt a flame of shyness flicker in her belly when Isaac brought her down onto his mouth, whimpering delightfully when his tongue circled her clit. The Englishman himself groaned softly at the taste of her sweetness, capable hands grasping at her plush thighs which squeezed against his cheeks as smug pride swelled in his chest. Theodorus leant over Kathryn’s small frame, biting kisses down his girlfriend’s neck, the scrape of his fangs against her delicate skin fanning the flames of arousal in Kathryn’s core which only provided more slickness between her legs that Isaac greedily lapped up. She could hear Theo’s thick Dutch accent in her ear, praising her as she rolled her hips and ground down against Isaac’s mouth, “Good girl, Kathryn.” Her thighs tensed and squeezed around her British boyfriend’s head, bringing more heat to his cheeks and making his peony pink eyes roll back in pleasure when she came messily undone all over his tongue, her nectar dripping down his chin. The three moved seamlessly to a more comfortable position, with Theo holding himself above Kathryn and Isaac wandering toward the desk to clean his face.

“I n-need you in me,” Kathryn panted, the aftershock of her first orgasm hitting her body in waves as lust darkened her vision, her gaze trained onto Theo, “Please.”

“Don’t make her beg, Theo,” Isaac warned softly, wiping the slick that soaked his chin away with a pristine white handkerchief, “Not tonight.” The brilliant scientist smiled carefully as he strolled back over to the bed and sat beside his girlfriend’s head, reaching out to stroke her curled hair gently away from her flushed face, “My princess needs to be treated as such.” Kathryn blushed brightly at Isaac’s tender nickname for her, smiling almost smugly when Theo pressed an uncharacteristically soft kiss against her cheek.

“Oké, but after tonight,” Theo’s left index finger hooked underneath her choker and tugged at it a little roughly, his voice a low growl when he continued, “Master isn’t going to go easy on either of you.” He shot his icy blue gaze at his boyfriend who gulped in excited anticipation, Isaac’s mind replaying countless nights of Theo roughly using his tight hole and rewarding him with intoxicating blowjobs when he thought he couldn’t handle any more. Theo discarded his underwear and carefully lined his impressively hard cock up to Kathryn’s inviting little hole, slowly pushing himself inside and groaning deeply at the way she squeezed around his length, “Fuck, baby.” The Dutchman grinned down at his girlfriend whose small hands grasped onto his broad shoulders, her eyes already filled with stars even though he hadn’t even begun to fuck her yet, “Always so tight for me, aren’t you? ‘S like your pretty little pussy was made just for me.”

Theo thrust his hips forward, the drag of his thick cock against her silky wet walls slow, hard and deliberate, tearing a delightfully sweet moan from Kathryn’s throat which made both of her boyfriends grin slyly at each other, “Is that good, darling?” Isaac cooed into her ear, tangling his left hand in her now messy mauve hair and pulling sharply, “Tell Theo how good he makes you feel.”

“A-ah,”Kathryn whined with pleasure, her sounds mingling with Theodorus’ own sinful groans and the gentle shudders of Isaac who had begun to slowly stroke himself by her side, “You fuck me so good-” she gasped sharply when Theo’s cock slid further into her tight cunt, bruising her cervix as he began to thrust into her faster and harder than before. The lady couldn’t make any coherent thought or sentence as her lover repeatedly hit against her g-spot, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he began to feel his climax quickly approaching. Isaac snaked his left hand between their bodies to rub tight, mind-numbingly pleasurable circles into Kathryn’s clit, making her walls hug Theo’s dick even tighter as a second orgasm came flooding over her, her moans surely heard throughout the mansion. 

“Godverdomme,”Theo’s hips stuttered as he came, hot and sticky inside Kathryn’s walls. He panted, taking a moment to catch his breath before pulling out and turning his gaze over to Isaac whose cock was still in his hand, pumping it quickly to try and chase his own release. The younger vampire pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s nose, her piercing cold against his lips before he knelt himself down in front of Isaac and firmly grasped his erection, “I’ll finish you off.” Theo swiftly took Isaac in his mouth and hollowed his cheeks, only needing to suck on his cock a handful of times before the physicist moaned his name loudly and spilled his cum down his boyfriend’s throat. Both men, sweaty and spent, lay down in bed and wrapped their arms around Kathryn, with Isaac spooning her and Theo having tucked her head under his chin.

None of them could keep from smirking to themselves as they snuggled up together, the comfortable silence eventually being broken by Kathryn who sighed blissfully, “You boys are so good to me.” 

“You deserve it.” Isaac craned his head forward to kiss her jaw carefully while one of his hands drew soft circles against her thigh.

Theo agreed, his voice gruff and resigned, “You both deserve a lot more than me.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it, Theo.” Kathryn responded, sitting herself up and caressing the art dealer’s cheek, gazing down at him with a smile that could outshine the stars, “I love you, you big idiot.”

“As do I,” Isaac added, also having sat up, “We want you the way you are, even though you are often irrational, brash and thick.” The Englishman stood up and sauntered over to the wardrobe, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his naked body, “Come, let’s all go and have a bath.”

“Mhm, that’d be nice.” Kathryn nodded as she got up from the bed and joined Isaac who handed her a towel of her own.

“Ja, oké,” Theo’s small smile widened to a grin when his lovers threw a towel at him, the white cotton hitting him in the chest with a dull thud, “I can’t say no to you two, anyway.”

Hey there my little anon, thank you so much for this! We all know that I love our silly little poet

Hey there my little anon, thank you so much for this! We all know that I love our silly little poet man so I really enjoyed writing this even though it did take me so so long to get around to >2<

- JJ x


William Shakespeare:

MC felt hot tears fall onto their pink cheeks, their chest tight as they read the most beautiful words of love written in human history. They snuggled the warm blanket up over their own softly shaking shoulders as the prettily penned poetry they he read blurred a little from the tears in their eyes.

William poked his head around the corner from the kitchen to check on his beloved, his wine red hair tied back, long sleeves rolled up and an apron keeping his clothing clean. The playwright quirked a brow when he noticed MC shaking where they lay on the sofa, prompting him to drop the pan he was drying up and rush to their side. Will knelt by MC’s side, reaching his gentle hand to cradle their cheek and brush away their salty tears, “Lamb of mine, why dost thou weep so?” He craned his head forward and pressed kiss to each of MC’s cheeks, his lips brushing away his darling’s tears, “Alloweth me to steal thine tears away, mine turtledove. Pray tell,” Shakespeare attempted to peer at the book MC was reading, “Whose words stir thine beautiful heart?”

“Y-your’s, Will,” MC stuttered out, swallowing down another wave of tears, “Your w-writing is so passionate.” They handed the little book to their boyfriend whose handsome face lit up with recognition at the title written on the dark leather cover,

“Ah yes, Anthony and Cleopatra dost often waver the gentle of heart.” The poet smiled softly at MC before placing the old book down on the coffee table and pulling his love into his arms, “ ‘Tis alright, flower of mine. Still thine tears, now.” William’s hand was warm as it stroked MC’s back lovingly and the sweet scent of his perfume - summer roses and rich sage - comforting as it washed through their senses.

MC chuckled briefly, hiccupping a little as their tears started to dry upon their cheeks, “You’re wearing a new perfume. It’s nice.” They raised their gaze to see their lover’s mismatched gemstone eyes and their heart fluttered a little at the look of utter adoration and tenderness he bestowed upon them, “It suits you.”

Shakespeare let out his own short, warm laugh as he watched MC nuzzle their nose against his shirt collar, “Mine sweetness, thou art so very charming. Come,” he stood up and offered his darling his hand, “Let us take thine mind from sorrow. A romantic walk together shalt brighten thy mood.”

The couple had managed to stroll out to the outskirts of the city where they found a field of beautiful wild flowers: the perfect place to sit and watch the sun set together. All through the afternoon, Shakespeare had had his hand on MC, holding their hand, squeezing their waist or as he did now, stroking their hair carefully all to keep them safe. There was something so comforting about his warm touch, lithe hands that wrote the world into existence, capable of so much but primarily, loving his beloved to no end. And there they sat until stars freckled the sky with light and MC could giggled without a worry in the world and then, Shakespeare was content.

Post link

Hiya my luvs, I have some very exciting news: I am opening 4 custom writing commission slots~

Okie dokie so here are the guidelines:

  • I’ll write for any of the 12 og Ikemen Vampire characters.
  • I’ll write for OCs and I’m willing to write both sfw and nsfw content. 
  • 500 words = £5
  • 1000 - 1500 words = £10
  • 2000 - 2500 words = £15
  • Any higher word counts can be discussed!

Nsfw works will have an extra £2 charge attached (as I don’t write nsfw very often and they will take me extra time).

Please DM me for details and we can discuss some stuff! - You can check how many slots there are available up in my bio ^^

Thank you so much for your continuing support, especially during this tough and busy period of my life. Much love, y’all!

- JJ x

A little while ago I wrote a few drabbles of my one of my OCs Freda with her boyfriends Theo and Arthur; You can find that post here!  And so I decided to do this for all of my OCs, how exciting (❁´◡`❁) This one is Jane x Leonardo and y’all can find Jane’s character profile at this link~


Please note that drabble 3 contains some suggestive content but nothing explicit, please proceed with caution.

And you can find my OC Masterlist here!

- JJ x


Jane’s bright forest green eyes blinked a few times, taking in the space around for the first time with curiosity, “You library is magnificent, Monsieur,” she spoke softly, taking one small step further into the room. The former Queen smiled ever so slightly, her delicate little hands clutching at the green velvet skirts of her dress in anticipation, jumping a little in place when she saw a broad, olive skinned man curled up underneath the coffee table in the corner, “Monsieur, is that man alright?”

Le Comte chuckled warmly when his golden honey eyes found Jane’s concerned expression, resting his warm hand on her shoulder carefully, “Leonardo enjoys taking his siestas whenever the mood strikes him. He doesn’t seem to care where he falls asleep, ma chere.”

“I gather so,” the lady smiled carefully, her gaze finding Leonardo once again, her pale cheeks flushing pink when the man’s eyes opened and he smirked at her, “Oh! I apologise for staring, Sir.” Jane turned her gaze to the floor to hide her blush and curtsied to him as he began to stand up, “Jane Grey. Queen Jane. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you … Monsieur Leonardo?”

“Si,”his voice was smooth and confident, alluring in it’s huskiness, “Leonardo Da Vinci, signora,” he took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles affectionately, once again making the lady blush. Jane gasped softly as she heard his name. an excited twinkle bright in her wide India green eyes which made the Italian man’s thick brown eyebrows raise curiously, “Oh? Ya like that, Your Highness?”

“No non è quello,” she replied almost breathlessly, turning his hand over in her own to shake it excitedly, a grin spreading across her face, “È un piacere conoscerla Signor Da Vinci!“

Leonardo chuckled warmly, shaking Jane’s hand - which was tiny and pale in his own - in return, his eyebrows still raised as he glanced over at le Comte, “She speaks Italian?” He turned his attention back to Jane who had stopped shaking his hand but still held on to him, “Il piacere è tutto mio, cara mia.”


“Leonardo, I need your help!” Jane called from the mansion’s foyer, her arms full and her tiger red eyebrows turned downward with effort.

Leonardo walked briskly from the direction of the kitchen and picked up the pace when he saw Jane, rushing to her side and scooping up the large white and ginger cat from out of her arms, his amber eyes softening when Jane’s expression relaxed, “Cara mia, what is this?”

The lady let out a sigh of relief, now only holding one tiny white Persian kitten, and she smiled a little guiltily, “I saw them on the side of the road and - a-and they looked so helpless, I couldn’t leave them, Leonardo-” She held up the impossibly small kitten against her cheek, flashing her boyfriend her best pleading puppy eyes, “We can handle just two more!”

“You said the same when you brought our pup home, Jane, mi amore,” he smirked at her, his big warm hand already stroking the fat Norwegian forest cat in his arms. He sighed, giving in - though, he knew that Jane could convince him to do anything, he loved her that much - “We can keep them. Lumiere needs more cats to play with.” Leonardo wandered closer to Jane and reached out to the kitten she held, “Ciao, gattino,” he cooed down at the tiny cat, smiling fondly at it, “Have you named your new little friends, cara?”

“Mhm!”Jane nodded happily, gently stroking the back of the white cat’s head with the back of her index finger, “This is Lady Katherine - I think she looks like a little lady and that,” she cocked her head in the direction of the big fluff ball that her boyfriend held, “That gentleman is called Piero.” And with that, Jane and Leonardo now had taken in four strays between them: Lumiere, Lady Katherine and Piero, their band of troublemaking kitties and Edward, their loyal Great Dane who acted like a big grey lapdog.


“Mhm, principessa,” Leonardo hummed lowly, his saffron eyes fluttering shut as he pressed a kiss to Jane’s cheek and they lay in bed naked, cradling each other underneath soft cotton sheets, “I feel like we should stay like this forever.”

Jane smiled tiredly as she snuggled up to her boyfriend’s side, sore beyond compare but unbelievably happy when his arms tightened around her small frame. The lady felt the blush on her cheeks - that had been present throughout their entire evening - deepen as realisation dawned upon her, “G-goodness me … we just - Leonardo, do you realise? We just-”

“Made love?” He chuckled quietly, brushing Jane’s blushing left cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb, his brow quirking with curiosity when his gentle affection didn’t slow the racing of her pulse, “Somethin’ wrong, bellezza mia?”

The shy young lady shook her head smally, averting her big forest green eyes to look at anything else but her beloved’s inquisitive gaze, “But, we’re not married. Surely we shouldn’t have-” Jane was cut off by Leonardo’s mouth on her’s, his lips kissing away her worry slowly and carefully. When they parted, there remained a look of worry painted on her pretty face and that sinking dread in her heart.

“Do you regret it?”

Jane blinked, confused, “Whatever do you mean?”

Leonardo sat himself up and pulled his girlfriend up onto his lap, one of his large hands holding onto her slender waist and his other tenderly cradling her jaw. They held eye contact, the intimacy between gentle green and emboldened amber speaking volumes as their hearts beat as one, “Do you regret sleeping with me, Jane? Would you be happier if we waited until we got married?” Jane didn’t answer, stirring Leonardo to continue, a cheeky grin on his lips, “If so, I’d put a ring on your finger by morning.” 

“No,” the queen thought out loud, placing her hands on Leonardo’s cheeks and craning forward to give him a fleeting, butterfly light kiss. She felt the stormy seas in her heart settle and self-assuredness wash over her like fresh rain in the garden, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you,” Jane smiled softly at her boyfriend who squeezed her waist with both of his warm, capable hands and smirked at her, “And an experience so heavenly couldn’t be sin, of that I am sure.”


Jane giggled in the summer sun, gently holding onto her shopping basket as she spoke with her friend William Shakespeare. Her white summer dress seemed to gleam under the bright sun but even that looked grey compared to her radiant smile and anyone who saw her would surely say she was sweeter than the season’s finest fruits. Despite her joyful mood, Leonardo, her darling boyfriend, scowled when he spotted her from the other side of the town square conversing with such an unsavoury character as Shakespeare. The artist handed the now-fixed violin back to the little girl he’d been sat with and hurriedly strode towards his beloved Jane. The lady jumped a little when she felt a squeezing hand upon her side, but relaxed at the voice that followed, “Sorry to interrupt, but cara mia and I have plans now. Scusa, Will,” Leonardo almost growled the poet’s name before grasping his lady’s wrist and leading her towards a secluded alleyway.

“Leonardo?”Jane’s thin eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion when the couple stopped, with Leonardo having pinned her against a wall, “Leonardo what has gotten into you?” She put her hands up against his broad chest and pushed him back so she had room to properly observe his face, sighing when she recognised his darkened expression, “You don’t need to be jealous of him, cuore mio.” Jane gently cupped Leonardo’s cheeks with her delicate hands and she smiled sweetly when he nuzzled against her touch before burying his nose against her neck.

Leonardo sighed into her pale skin, leaving a few careful kisses on her neck before he raised his head, his expression a mixture of a wounded lion and a heartbroken schoolboy, “I know, Jane, mi amor.” The taller vampire smiled guiltily, standing back a little and anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, “Scusa. I just …” he looked away, Jane’s rich Spanish green proving too beautiful, too much for his heart to handle, “I want you all to myself. I don’t want that scarafaggio crawling in here.” Leonardo placed his warm left hand over Jane’s heart, smirking smally when her pulse beat faster underneath his touch.

The lady smiled softly, throwing her arms around her boyfriend’s waist and snuggling up against his toned body, “Il mio cuore è tutto tuo.”


Leonardo chuckled warmly as Jane’s hand brushed his own when they both reached for the orange paint, “What are you painting with that shade, la mia tigre?” He squeezed her hand softly before withdrawing to grab a jar of dark green paint instead.

“Hm, you’ll see,” the former queen grinned confidently at her lover, sending Cupid’s arrow straight through his chest and filling his heart with overwhelming warmth and affection. They both turned their attention back to their paintings, comfortable in the warm sunshine that streamed through the windows whilst the radio played quietly somewhere in the background. Leonardo noticed Jane occasionally peeking up from over her canvas and gazing at him before turning back to her painting. Likewise, the pureblood was doing the same thing. Without much warning, Piero, the couple’s fat ginger and white cat jumped from his seat on Leonardo’s lap and onto the floor, knocking over several jars of paint as he padded out of the room. “Oh dear,” Jane sighed, kneeling down to clean up the bright splotches on the floor.

“Let me help, cara mia,” as he reached for a rag to wipe the floor, Jane swiped her index finger across her boyfriend’s cheek, giggling when his eyes widened in shock at the cool feeling of paint on his face. Leonardo glanced at himself briefly in the mirror, frowning slightly when he noticed the bright blue splotch on his olive toned skin, “Hey, not fair.” The artist smirked to himself as he dipped his finger into the puddle of sky on the wooden floor and swiped it onto Jane’s button nose.

The pair of them laughed at each other, continuing to splat paint onto one another until they were breathless, grinning in each other’s arms until Jane spoke quietly, “I finished my painting.”

“Oh yeah?” Leonardo stood up and walked around her easel to view a beautiful portrait of himself with the fluffy Piero in his lap. There was a serene smile on his face which matched the one painted in acrylics which he turned towards his beloved, “ ‘s beautiful. You’re beautiful.” The pureblood reached out towards his own canvas and spun it around to show Jane a portrait of herself in vibrant pigments, “Ah but, this doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and placed a warm kiss to her lips, making the lady gasp softly.

Jane muttered against her boyfriend’s lips, “You’re beautiful too, Leo.” And with that, Leonardo picked Jane up and carried her bridal style to the baths to help wash all the paint off of her porcelain perfect skin.

Hello anon my friend, hope you’re having a wonderful day/night & also taking good care of yourse

Hello anon my friend, hope you’re having a wonderful day/night & also taking good care of yourself ^^ thank you for sending in this lovely request~

- JJ x


Vincent van Gogh:

“Oh, MC,” Vincent smiled at his lover softly, a curious glint in his china blue eyes as his thumb gently brushed at a fleck of bright orange paint on their soft cheek, “Have you been painting?”

“N-no,” they stammered in reply, avoiding their boyfriend’s angelic gaze, too anxious to tell him the truth in case he thought their art was unimpressive, “I was just, uh, cleaning Leonardo’s room.” MC chuckled nervously, “I guess some of his paint ended up on me.” They shrugged, internally relived when Vincent just smiled again and wiped away the pigment from their cheek with his  handkerchief,

“You’re so cute, liefje.” The artist leant down to kiss his darling’s cheek where the paint had been, his brow quirking when he felt the heat of their blush, “Are you sick, MC? You’re awfully warm.” MC shook their head a little but, it did nothing to quell Vincent’s worrisome heart, “Go and rest up, oke? And I’ll bring you some tea and a snack.” Before they could protest, the vampire was already rushing himself down the hall towards the kitchen.

The moment that their boyfriend was out of sight, MC ran back to their bedroom and began frantically trying to hide all of their art related things; Countless sketchbooks, their case full of fine paints and the beautiful canvas that they’d just finished, the paint on which was still wet. MC had managed to put away all of their supplies except for the canvas in their arms, their eyes flitting around the room desperately in search for a place to hide it when Vincent entered the room without so much as a knock at the door, “MC? I brought you some -” he paused, his bright blue eyes widened in shock at the sight of MC clasping onto their painting, frozen in the middle of the room, “Wat is dat?” Vincent placed the small tray he carried down and slowly walked over to MC, intrigued by the painting.

“Oh its, n-nothing special-”

“Nee, it’s amazing!” The vampire smiled softly at the composition of the painting: A bright, pretty colour palette of pinks, oranges and yellows pictured an unusual bedroom with brushstrokes which much resembled his own. Vincent reached out his index finger to carefully trace the lines of a rectangular object of some kind that hung on the room’s wall, intrigue and wonder plastered across his handsome features, “You’ve got a great eye for colour, MC. And look at these cute little brushstrokes! Oh, you painted a little cat here, too!” Vincent fawned over the painting like he were a little boy captivated with art for the very first time again, making MC blush a deep shade of pink from the apples of their cheeks all the way up to the tips of their ears, “You did this all by yourself, schatje?” 

They nodded a shyly, placing the piece upon the easel to gaze at it too, smiling softly at the image of the bedroom they kept back in their original time, “Yeah. It’s not a masterpiece like you make but, I guess it is kinda nice.”

“Are you kidding me? It’s incredible, liefje!” Vincent beamed at MC before wrapping his arms around their middle from behind, resting his chin atop their head, “Tell me everything about it.”

“You’re sure?”

The Dutchman grinned, moving his chin to rest on his love’s shoulder so they could both admire the artwork at the same level, “Of course I’m sure, MC. You have real talent, I want to hear what inspires my beautiful muse.”

Post link

Ahhh it’s finally Vincent’s turn! Only 2 more instalments of the mini series left after this, are you guys excited for them? I certainly am~

- JJ x


I Give You My Breath, Vincent van Gogh

Princess MC grinned at herself in the mirror, admiring her pristine white wedding gown and the twinkle of the tiara resting atop her soft hair. Her hands were busy smoothing the long skirts of her dress when there came a gentle knock at the door and along with it, the rough voice of her soon-to-be brother in law, “MC, are you ready?” Prince Theo pushed open the door and his usually stern expression softed when his cool blue eyes found MC, “My broer certainly is lucky to be marrying you.” 

“Oh, Theo,” MC giggled before wandering over to her fiancé’s brother and carefully combing a lock of caramel brown hair that had fallen from his slicked back hairstyle back into place, “I’m honestly a little nervous. I’m glad you’ll be giving me away, though,” the princess smiled as she took Theo’s arm and nodded determinedly, “You know I never imagined that my wedding would be such a big event.”

“Royal weddings always attract the world’s attention. It’ll be the same when I get married, so you better get used to it.” 

The younger of the van Gogh brothers led MC towards the church, holding her arm securely in his own until the moment they reached Prince Vincent who stood at the altar, beaming from ear to ear when he saw his beloved. The blond prince took MC’s hands into his own, squeezing them lovingly when all he wanted to do was kiss her breathless and tell her how stunningly angelic she looked in her wedding dress. Vincent pulled the princess close, kissing her cheek chastely before uttering words only she could hear, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” 

The ceremony was traditional yet beautiful - and it spared no expense to be so - with all of the flourishes befitting of celebrating the royal couple. “I give you this ring,” the princess’ wedding ring twinkled in the summer sun which streamed into the cathedral but it was Vincent who captivated her, his soft lips kissing the delicate palm of her hand, “I give you my breath.” MC felt tears prick the corners of her eyes as he continued to speak, “And I give you my love. Princess, I swear to protect you, until death do us part.”

The officiant turned his softened eyes towards MC, “Princess MC, do you accept Prince Vincent’s vows and promise your life to him?”

“I do.”

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause when the newlyweds shared their first kiss as man and wife, slow and passionate yet still appropriate enough to share in the public eye: the more amorous moments were to come later. Hundreds of onlookers continued to support Vincent and MC when they boarded their white horse drawn carriage, looking like a couple in a perfect fairytale.

After the sun had set and the adoring crowds had returned home, so too did the royal couple return to their palace and they found themselves gazing out at their kingdom from their balcony, still wearing their wedding attire, each with a glass of champagne in hand. Vincent’s hand slipped around MC’s waist and he squeezed her side gently, pulling her closer to his body so they were comfortably huddled together. The prince’s china blue eyes watched the twinkling stars that hung above his kingdom with a smile bright enough that one would think it was daytime, his Dutch accent soft and brimming with affection when he broke the comfortable silence, “I am so lucky.” He placed his glass of champagne down on the little coffee table beside him. 

Princess MC tilted her head slightly, gazing up at her new husband and feeling her heart skip a beat at the sight of his impossibly tender expression, “How so, Vincent?”

Vincent turned his body so now he and his wife were chest to chest, his gentle hands running down the back of her silk gown and resting comfortably on her bottom, “I have you, liefje!” He was beaming from ear to ear and she blushed when he inched closer to kiss her lips briefly, “The most beautiful wife and the most beautiful land, what more could a man want?” The prince stepped back and offered his princess his hand, which she gladly took, “Would her highness join me in our wedding bed?” Despite the implications of the question, Vincent’s voice was soft and almost innocently hopeful, matching his striking cornflower blue eyes.

“I would,” the princess answered, allowing Vincent to lead her over to their bed and lay her down beneath him, “You know, I know a princess who has the most amazing husband in the world.” MC reached her delicate left hand up to caress Vincent’s cheek, her wedding ring cool against his flushed skin. The princess’ hands trailed downward to her prince’s collar and began to loosen his tie and unbutton his crisp white shirt, “He’s kind and he’s handsome and I hear that he is the loveliest man in the world.”

“Really, now?” One of Vincent’s hands - the one not holding him hovering above his beloved - took his wife’s hands and halted her movements, pinning them above her head with an unfamiliar air of dominance only she knew from him, “How bold of my wife to speak of another man, and in our wedding bed no less.” Prince Vincent smirked, baring his fangs only for a moment which had Princess MC gasping with anticipation. They both knew that they were playing, but that only added to the thrill of their first night together as man and wife, with Vincent’s voice a teasing whisper when he spoke against the soft skin of her neck, “I hope my princess is prepared to be loved so completely that no other man will ever cross her mind again. I vowed as much this afternoon, remember?” The heir to throne’s grip on his beloved’s wrists loosened and he brought her left hand up to his lips, kissing her wedding ring before his lips moved to brush against her knuckles tenderly, “You are my wife, mijn vrouw, and I give you my breath, my life, my all.”

Okie it’s time for Dazai’s Royal Romance story! I know it has a been a long time coming (same with the last 3 too) but, like I said I have been taking my time with this mini series because of how big my work load at University is atm >2< Though, some exciting news - the opportunity to vote for my next mini series theme will be coming soon: keep your eyes peeled!

- JJ x


The King of Hearts, Dazai Osamu

There came a quiet, incessant tapping at the glass door leading out onto Queen MC’s balcony as the sunset painted the sky apricot and peach over her kingdom. The regal young woman wandered over to the glass and pushed open the door, stepping out onto the balcony, smiling sweetly at the sight of her husband in the garden below holding a handful of small pebbles. Dazai’s saffron eyes were brimming with affection as he noticed his wife and plopped down the stones he held onto the ground, “Good evening, your highness.” 

MC leant gently on the railing and gazed down at her husband like she were Juliet meeting with Romeo in the star-crossed night, “Good evening, my king.” The Queen quirked an eyebrow at Dazai, who she noticed had one hand hidden behind his back, “I see that you’re up to something again.”

The King’s smile widened into a grin but he shook his head, his inky plum hair falling from its manbun, “My wife doubts my intentions? Oh dear,” he produced an exquisite bouquet from behind his back and held it up towards her, “Then her majesty won’t care if I were to discard this bouquet, then.”

“No!”The young lady giggled behind her hand, a gentle heat coming to her cheeks when she took note of the bouquet’s composition - lilacs, white roses and yellow ranunculi, an exact copy of her wedding bouquet - “I’d very much like to accept your kind gift.”

Dazai grinned and shot a wink to his beautiful wife, “Then I’d suggest you come here and retrieve them.” And without another word, the king scurried off further into the garden and out of sight, successfully piquing MC’s curiosity and drawing her out of the palace. The queen delicately held up the skirts of her floral summer dress as she rushed down the steps and weaved through the rows of flower and vegetable patches. MC was delightfully out of breath when she reached the secluded rose garden where she found her husband Dazai who was grinning playfully, his daffodil yellow eyes bright as though the stars themselves twinkled in them, “My lady.” The roses surrounding them were in perfect bloom and somewhere in the near distance, an orchestra of delicate strings played, the music seeming to place stars in the evening sky. Dazai had arranged candles around the small grassy area and he bowed, offering his wife his hand, “May I have this dance, your highness?”

“Of course, your majesty,” MC replied, her heart aflutter when she placed her palm in Dazai’s and he swept her body close to his own, gently swaying them to the beautiful music which hung in the air, making the atmosphere impossibly romantic. And they danced like it were their first, reminiscing of the night they met: A pleasantly warm July like this one, dressed to the nines at one of Prince Sebastian’s lavish parties, hand in hand, nose to nose as violins accompanied their blossoming love. The queen stepped a little closer to her husband, resting her cheek against his shoulder and letting out a delighted sigh when she felt his arms tighten around her waist. Dazai craned his head forward slightly to kiss MC’s hair, smiling carefully when she raised her head to gaze at his handsome face, “What’s with the romantic antics? It isn’t like you to be so ardent.”

“You question the crown?” The king smirked slyly but his words carried no ill will, he was merely teasing his beloved, “Can the king not treat his queen by giving her an evening of bliss when she’s looked so blue lately?”


MC’s protest was short-lived as Dazai kissed her lips sweetly, stealing away her worries and her breath with one careful brush of his lips against her’s after another, his large hands trailing up her back until they held onto her slender shoulders. Their kiss was passionate and hot yet still romantic and chaste, for the most part. The proud moon had risen above them, illuminating the royal couple in the rose garden like they were Orlando and Rosalind, players in the most tender of love stories who deserved to be placed on stage for the world to see. By the time they had parted, Dazai and MC could only giggle at each other like two teenagers in love, both of their faces flushed pink with warmth as the orchestra continued to play their symphonies, “I’m glad to see her majesty smiling again. Finally sunshine has returned to the kingdom.”

Queen MC smirked a little, eying King Dazai with curiosity and suspicion, “Are you going to do this every time I’m feeling a little under the weather, then?”

Dazai carded his fingers through his wife’s silken hair and leant forward to kiss her cheek lovingly, “If that is what will make you smile, then I will do this every hour of every day for you.”

“And what about your duties, your majesty? Surely the kingdom needs you to take care of them too?”

“And leave the sun to grow cold and lonely? What man would be so cruel?”

Wow good evening everybody, would you believe that #ShookspeareRoyalRomance is finally back?! I took a long break from this mini series over the last 2(ish) month but, we’re in the home stretch now ^^ With only 4 more suitors left after this upload! I hope you guys are as excited for this as I am - and it also means that there will be my 5th mini series coming soon, too~ 

- JJ x


Another Suitor,Sebastian

Princess MC giggled and fanned her face as Prince Napoleon took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles carefully, while Prince Sebastian scowled quietly to himself in the corner. Sebastian didn’t much care for court parties, especially not ones where he knew his former lover and best friend would be in attendance together but, his grey eyes watched on nonetheless, jealousy painted across his face like the blush on MC’s own cheeks. He sighed, his eyebrows pointed downward when his loyal friend and cousin Prince Dazai approached him, “Sebas? You look unsettled.”

“You would too if you could see what I’m seeing,” the younger prince grumbled before taking a long sip of his red wine, still staring at MC whilst his heart beat painfully and she laughed unaware of his yearning, “Dazai, what should I do?” Sebastian asked but when he turned around to meet his cousin’s gaze, the older man was nowhere to be seen - like he’d vanished into thin air. He lifted his gaze back to watch the ballroom where on the other side of the hall, the prince saw his eccentric cousin speaking to Princess MC and taking her arm in his own and leading her out of sight. It was then that Sebastian noticed a small note that had been placed in his lap - in Dazai’s handwriting, of course - it simply read, “Rose garden,” and before he knew it, Sebastian’s legs were carrying him in the direction of the gardens.

Prince Sebastian stepped out in the rose garden and the cold air seemed to warm instantly when he saw MC: She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in her champagne pink evening gown, her hair styled down and her lips lightly rouged. Princess MC stood up and closed the gap between herself and Sebastian, offering him her hand to kiss before curtsying politely to greet him, “Good evening, Prince Sebastian.”

“A pleasure to see you again, Princess MC,” he replied a little awkwardly as he bowed lowly to her, meeting her eyes with his own steely grey pair when he stood back up, “You look ravishing tonight.”

“You say that to all the noble ladies, I’m sure,” the princess rolled her twinkling eyes.

“No, your majesty.” Sebastian knelt before her and held onto both of her hands carefully, gazing up at the young woman hopefully. He confessed, “I have never met a more beautiful, kind and clever woman in my life. Princess, my heart belongs to you and you alone, I assure you.”

“How bold of you, Sir,” MC smiled softly but before long, her expression saddened into something solemn and resigned, and she sighed, drawing her hands away from the prince who wore his heart on his sleeve, “Your highness, I am to be wed to his grace Prince Napoleon. As much as I love you,” the princess’ eyes filled with tears which Sebastian quickly stood up to wipe away with his handkerchief, “We’re not children anymore. Sebas, politics determines I must marry him.”

“Of course I mean no ill to Prince Napoleon but,” Sebastian felt his heart brimming with determination as he took MC’s waist into his gloved hands and squeezed her sides carefully, just as he used to do when the pair were happy together - before Napoleon came into the picture - “But tell me, Princess, what can I say to convince you that you are making a mistake with him? What can I offer you for you to take me back?” The prince brought his left hand up to his one true love’s cheek and cradled it gently, gazing into her eyes and hoping she could see the sea of love which flowed within him for her. 

“Walk with me?” MC’s voice was quiet, unsure as she asked.

“To the ends of the earth if you wished me to,” he took her hand and squeezed reassuringly before he led her deeper into the gardens, passing pristine roses and perfect chrysanthemums as they walked. The couple walked in silence, the sounds of the party long forgotten when they stopped beside a small patch of white lilies,

“You kept them?” The princess knelt down to touch the flowers’ petals delicately, her eyes slightly widened at the sight of her flower, the symbol on her personal crest. She laughed a little self-deprecatingly, “I thought you would’ve had them dug out and replaced.”

“And take you from my garden? My lady,” Sebastian offered MC his hand but the princess stumbled over her high heels, falling forward and on top of Sebastian who landed on his back in the grass with a soft thud. The prince grinned up at MC who was straddling his waist, letting one of his hands linger on her side and the other reach up to caress her hair, “My lady the day I lose sight of you is the day I cease to see anything. You are my entire world.” 

Princess MC gasped softly, blushing at Prince Sebastian’s admission as she felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes again, “I’ve been so blind,” she whimpered, lowering her torso to hug her former lover tightly; a hug that was returned without hesitation. “I- I,” the young lady was crying against Sebastian’s fine suit now, her breath ragged and her heart beating hard in her chest, “I’ve loved you all this t-time, Sebas.”

“And I’ve waited for you, Princess,” his hand stroked her smooth hair, his steady pulse skipping like skimming stones across a lake when MC pulled back to press a kiss to his yearning lips. Sebastian reciprocated her kiss, his slate grey eyes closing before as he continued to kiss her as he’d been longing to over the agonisingly long year that she had been seeing her other suitor, his hands now both cradling her face. The young man broke away from his ladylove’s lips, smiling at her with all of his natural charm, “Stay with me, MC. Don’t return to France on that man’s arm with his ring on your finger. Instead,” Sebastian rolled the pair of them over so he now hovered above his beloved, pulling a simple golden ring adorned with a single sapphire from his breast pocket, “Please accept this.”

“My ring …” the princess gasped in awe, nodding carefully and breaking out into the brightest of smiles when the prince slid the ring onto her left ring finger, “You kept it with you?”

“As I said,” Prince Sebastian grinned, kissing the ring in its rightful place on MC’s hand before placing another kiss onto her lips, “I’ve been waiting for you to return to my arms.”

Ballerina Girl (Theo x Freda)

Hewwo my lil duckies! So I’ve written an Arthur x Freda piece, some drabbles for them + Theo in their poly relationship and a few other little things for the three of them (coming soon!) so, I thought I’d write a lil Theo x Freda thing because i love them so much ^^ I hope y’all enjoy it~ (❁´◡`❁)

- JJ x


Theodorus van Gogh:

Theo wasn’t entirely sure of what but, something felt off: He never usually tossed and turned in his sleep, his mind restless even though his body was relaxed in his warm bed. Caribbean blue eyes shot open, wide as he assessed the empty right side of the bed where his girlfriend should have been - Freda was nowhere to be seen - and Theo, a usually calm and rational man, began to panic slightly. The art dealer’s strong, muscular legs carried him out of bed and around the mansion, checking every room and asking each resident he bumped into, not that there were many awake at such a ridiculous hour, until he came up the ground floor hallway where he noticed the soft glow of candlelight coming from the ballroom. Quietly, Theo approached the ballroom and stood in the doorway, captivated by what he saw; Freda, in her powder blue nightdress which reached just below her knees was elegantly dancing around the hall without a care in the world. She was graceful, a far cry from the clumsy woman who rushed around the mansion on the day to day and her hair which was the colour of hot coffee on a cold day seemed to float in the air when she effortlessly pirouetted, the blocks of her pointe shoes making the faintest of sounds against the marble floors. Theo knew that Freda was the apple of his eye, but in that moment, he finally realised that he’d never lay his eyes on a painting more beautiful than her.

Freda’s Gainesboro grey eyes widened with shock when she turned to see her boyfriend and her pale porcelain cheeks burned with the pinkish heat of embarrassment at being watched. The lady stilled in place, playing with the ruffled cuff of her long sleeve nervously, unable to meet Theo’s observant gaze. The Dutch man approached his woman, large hands reaching out to catch her waist in his grasp and pull her close, “The bed is cold without you,” he mumbled as their eyes met.

“I’m sorry, Theo,” Freda sighed, smiling guiltily up at Theo who stood almost a foot taller than her and leaning into his embrace, her hands finding his broad shoulders, “I couldn’t sleep. Ballet helps calm down my anxiety.” She admitted earnestly and rested her head against her lover’s chest, her racing heart beginning to settle as she listened to his steady, constant pulse.

“It’s okay,” he replied, smiling softly and squeezing Freda’s sides lovingly. Theo grinned and stepped back slightly, just far enough to offer Freda his large left hand; a hand, the lady thought looked like it were sculpted in fine marble by Michelangelo himself and fit for a Greek god. Freda could see Theo’s fangs glinting in the candlelight as he smirked at her, “May I have this dance?”

“You don’t even need to ask,” the housemaid responded, placing her dainty hand in Theo’s much larger palm and stepping closer to him once again, allowing him to take her up into a waltz hold and slowly lead her around the dancefloor. There was no need for an audience or a stage as the couple danced: all they needed was the gently flickering candles, the soft twinkling of the piano from just down the corridor and each other. For as much as he was usually brash and rough around the edges, Theo danced like a gentleman, his hands on her body attentive and gentle like she were Water Lily Pond, a masterpiece to be cradled and treated with the greatest of care. There was no semblance of a tease on his lips as Theo sighed blissfully when Freda rested her cheek upon his shoulder to which the lady grinned, her eyes fluttering shut, “Sometimes I forget that you’re such a gentleman, teddy bear.”

“Oi,” the vampire felt his heart stutter at his girlfriend’s nickname for him and a blush creep onto his handsome face, grumbling lowly, “If you’re not careful I’ll show you how ungentlemanly I can be.” Theo’s cerulean blue eyes held a challenge when Freda gazed up at him, her own eyes brimming with an unfamiliar confidence which made his heart stir with emotion once again.

Standing up on the toes of her pointe shoes to gain a few inches of height, Freda whispered into Theo’s ear, her breath cool on his skin like the metal ear cuff that he wore, “Is that a promise?” The Dutch man abruptly let go of the Danish woman’s waist only to pick her up with ease and sling her over his shoulder, carrying her towards the hallway, which had the lady squealing with delight, “Oh no, have I pushed one too many buttons, baby?” She teased.

“Mhm,”Theo hummed curtly in response, striding through the mansion like his life depended on it with his girlfriend in a firm fireman’s hold and a light scowl on his lips, “You’ll see when we get back to bed, hondje.” 



♡ summary: an encounter in a seedy side-street brings a teacher doing his best at his job and a makeup artist with a (secret?) youtube side hustle together. mere chance meetings or the invisible string of fate working overtime—call it what you want, but either way they still ending up falling in love.

♡ word count: 8.6k words 

warnings: sexual harassment at the beginning / brief mention of skipping meals & implications of eating disorders / brief mentions of bullying & fat-shaming 

♡ other tags: modern AU / strangers to friends to lovers / fluff (LOTS OF IT) / humour / pining 

♡ notes: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly​​​ here’s your tag, as promised also since JP ikevamp twitter has announced that MC’s canon name is mitsuki after conducting a poll,that’s her name in this fic and future suitor x MC fics

AO3 link


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Metheoretically running to this fic:

This is so cute I love the little Italian lessons! I wholesomely accept this into my headcanon and I also love your interpretation of it! I’m also glad that this could be brought to further justice since I had major writer’s block.
My part in this is my IkeVamp YouTuber!MC piece!
Wife also thoroughly read through it and in her words ‘Sara-chan writes Napoleon-kun in always a charming way.’
Please note to others that this might be an occasion I reblog here since it’s a special case ‍♂️